Kyle Kingsbury’s Top 10 Biohacking Tips on the Shamangelic Healing Podcast

Kyle Kingsbury

Human optimization is about living each day a little bit better than the last

Certified High Performance Coach and founder of Shamangelic Healing, Anahata Ananda, invited Kyle Kingsbury, world renowned retired mix martial artist and current Human Optimization Director at Onnit to share his top 10 biohacking tips for health and fitness on Episode 22 of the Shamangelic Healing Podcast. Biohacking is described as the practice of changing the body’s physiology through self-experimental techniques and practices for the purpose of increased emotional balance, energy and physical enhancement. With so many people focusing on healthy ways to sustain feeling at their best, the broad scope of the term includes a focus on everything from sleep, nutrition, exercise to meditation and emotional well-being.

Kingsbury has been a pioneer in field of human optimization with years of implementing, ongoing experimentation and successes with a variety of physical, mental, spiritual and emotional states to increase a sense of rounded well-being. ”Human optimization is about living each day a little bit better than the last,” shares Kingsbury. He shares tips from high-tech methodologies to simple, everyday changes people can implement immediately. The foundation he builds everything off of and his number one tip of for mental clarity, energy, body repair, and rejuvenation focuses on quality of sleep. Sleeping in complete darkness with a cool room temperature are two things which can assist the body in releasing sleep-inducing melatonin. Practices as simple as turning off stimulating devices such as tv, cell phones and computers a few hours before going to bed can significantly affect the ease of falling asleep and quality of rest one receives throughout the night. Refraining from caffeinated foods and beverages can assist as well.

Kingsbury’s second main focus is on breathing techniques. Oxygenating the body and brain is a key element for physical function. “There are a million different ways we can breathe yet so many people are breathing in a way that put them into a state of fight or flight,” emphasizes Kingsbury. Fully expanding the lungs with a technique called “belly breathing” is a way to counteract this and increase the oxygen flow throughout the body. He encourages using the breath to calm the mind, access the parasympathetic nervous system, clear thoughts, deepen sleep, release heavy emotions, balance the brain and activate altered states of consciousness. Through Anahata’s signature Shamangelic Breathwork Ceremony clients can experience this state of being for cathartic release, emotional reset and physical rejuvenation.

Further tips he includes revolve around being in alignment to the natural world. Sun-gazing, revitalization in nature through simple walks and connection to the earth have been shown to restorative effects on the physical body. Kingsbury shares that movement on a daily basis is a key component to assisting the body to keep in an optimal state of being. Anahata offers Vortex Land Journeys for those visiting Sedona with a desire to experience a connection to the land and its healing properties. Varying the intensity of what the physical body is subject to is also a key factor. Exposure to hot and cold temperature extremes such as ice baths and saunas are is addressed as are various methods for calming the mind and nervous system. Anahata and Kingsbury even dive into the importance of play and recreation for creative stimulation, happiness and rounded well-being.

Kyle Kingsbury is a retired mixed martial artist who fought in the UFC for 6 years. He is currently the Director of Human Optimization at Onnit and the host of the Kyle Kingsbury podcast- a top 100 podcast in health and wellness. Kyle’s focus is on the optimization of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of life.

Anahata blends the compassion and tenderness of an Angel and the wisdom and strength of a Shaman to guide profound journeys of core healing and spiritual awakening. As a Certified High-Performance Coach, Shamanic Healer and Soul Guide, Anahata has guided thousands of individuals across the globe through core life shifts, helping them to turn their life around and create the life of their dreams. She is the host of the internationally acclaimed Shamangelic Healing Podcast which is designed as a platform for sharing deep authentic conversations about REAL LIFE issues. She offers deep healing through in-person sessions in Sedona, Arizona and supportive online courses for self-paced, at home learning.

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