Jessica Horton Pickard’s newly released “Mindy’s Light” is an inspiring story of a young girl who loves Jesus the most

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“Mindy’s Light”: a brimful storybook that allows the readers to know more about Christ and His deeds as the Messiah who saved the world from sins. “Mindy’s Light” is the creation of published author Jessica Horton Pickard, a writer who has a strong faith and connection to God.

Pickard writes, “Mindy’s Light illustrates the gift of salvation. For Mindy, summer meant mud puddles, berry picking, and running barefoot. She loved her family and the adventures she shared with them. But she loved Jesus more. Even though Mindy knew of the love of Jesus, she had not yet received her little light. Throughout the summer, Mindy kept having these tugs on her heart. With each tug, Mindy asked her daddy more and more questions. ‘What is a sin?’ ‘Why do you get baptized?’ and ‘What does being baptized mean?’ Mindy’s daddy answers her questions with scripture. More importantly, Mindy’s daddy shows her in the Bible what it means to ask Jesus in her heart. But it can only be when her heart is ready.

“Mindy’s sweet journey to salvation is a story that not only demonstrates receiving the light of Jesus but also portrays how we should pray for our children.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Pickard’s new book touches and opens the hearts of the readers allowing them to accept the Only Begotten Son of the Lord and urges them to love Jesus the way Mindy loves Him.

With this purpose, the author aims to encourage the readers to open their hearts, accept, and welcome Jesus in their lives.

View a synopsis of “Mindy’s Light” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Mindy’s Light” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Mindy’s Light,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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