Jennifer K. Piatt’s newly released “Happy Birthday, Daddy!” is a heartfelt perspective of a child who deals with the loss of a loved one

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“Happy Birthday, Daddy!”: a heartwarming story about a curious child’s wandering thoughts about heaven and what happens after death. “Happy Birthday, Daddy!” is the creation of published author Jennifer K. Piatt, a pastor in the United Methodist Church. She enjoys ministry with her husband David, who is an elder in the UMC.

Piatt shares, “When one whom you love dies, the day of their birth and the day of their death will never be the same. Happy Birthday, Daddy! asks the questions that we all want to ask, but seldom voice aloud. How do I celebrate my daddy’s birthday? What is he doing today? Is this day special in heaven? Who is he with? Is he aware of others in heaven? Does he know what I am thinking and doing to celebrate him today? There are many things we cannot know about heaven until we are there and it can be comforting to use our imaginations until we know for sure.

“Questions are healthy and we need to look for answers. When answers are not to be found, it is ok to dream and consider possible answers, while leaving the final details up to God. God has given us vivid imaginations to help us through those times of unanswered questions and Happy Birthday, Daddy! helps us to use this wonderful gift from God.

“This book is for anyone whose loved one is in heaven. No matter how long they have been there, no matter the circumstances of their arrival, no matter your age or relationship, the pain and loss are real. Every year, there are two days which leave you in a feeling of nostalgia and a shadow of melancholy. The birthday of the one you love and the day they died are forever changed once the one you love is no longer living here on earth.

“I pray that you have a relationship with Jesus and will be reunited with your loved ones someday. Until then, I pray that you will celebrate the day they were born into this life and also celebrate the day they were born into heaven.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Jennifer K. Piatt’s new book is a simple yet profound read, especially for those who have loved ones that are already in God’s arms. This is a reminder that one’s own pains are valid because they lost someone they love; and another thing is true, and that is that they are safe in His heaven.

View a synopsis of “Happy Birthday, Daddy!” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Happy Birthday, Daddy!” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Happy Birthday, Daddy!,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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