Jennifer Cowan’s newly released “The Perfect Christmas Gift” is a heart-warming story of a young boy who learns the true meaning of Christmas

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The creation of published author Jennifer Cowan, “The Perfect Christmas Gift” tells a story of love that began with the birth of a special baby boy who would one day give up everything to save mankind.

Cowan writes, “It is Christmas Eve and Gabriel is eagerly awaiting the excitement morning will bring. He falls asleep dreaming about the presents he will find under the tree but awakes in the middle of the night to discover something even more exciting. An angel has come to take him on a very special journey back through time back to the night of the very first Christmas 2,000 years ago.”

While on this journey, Gabriel not only witnesses the birth of Jesus but the most important moment in history 33 years later. It is then that every single question Gabriel has ever had about the importance of Christmas is answered and he learns why Jesus truly was God’s perfect Christmas gift to the world.

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Cowan’s new book is a wholesome tale that not only tells the story of Christmas but explains how much God loves each and every one of us.

Cowan says her goal with this book was simple: “I wanted to tell a story that would help children understand that Christmas is about so much more than the birth of a baby in a manger. It’s about God’s perfect plan of redemption for a broken world — a plan that proves how much He loves each and every one of them.”

View a synopsis of “The Perfect Christmas Gift” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “The Perfect Christmas Gift” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Perfect Christmas Gift”, contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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