Jane Ann Crenshaw’s newly released “2nd Sunday Morning Glory” is an inspiring account that makes the readers realize the worth of life

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“2nd Sunday Morning Glory”: a heart-touching account that sheds a gleaming light on the readers, allowing them to be enlightened that suicide is not a solution to whatever problems they face in life. “2nd Sunday Morning Glory” is the creation of published author Jane Ann Crenshaw, a woman who exhibits her love for the Lord in everything she does. She is a person of courage, understanding, and faith. She has also been a student of life, listening to the rhythm of the world and family.

Crenshaw writes, “In the absence of the preacher, Jim the elder was called to visit a woman who had lost her husband. She was desolate and was threatening to commit suicide. Jim was called by the mother of a child who attended the Sunday school. I went with him that morning. As we drove to this home, Jim was at a loss as to what he could do or say. This was something out of his realm of expertise. We had prayed before we left the house, but Jim was anxious. God was putting this woman’s life in his hands. I picked up the Bible from the console and said, ‘Maybe I can find a verse that will help you.’ I opened the Bible randomly, and a verse jumped right out at me. I read it to him, ‘For the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour, what you ought to say.’ (Luke 12:12, NIV). As we pulled up in front of her house, Jim said, ‘Mark that page.’

“We quietly walked into this home. Jim was directed to the woman in need. He talked with her, prayed with her, and read the scriptures of comfort and encouragement. He was with her for a long time. When the situation became calm, we took our leave, and the woman who contemplated suicide continued to live. We never heard if she made a place for the Lord in her life, but we knew that He had taken up permanent residence in ours. We felt it. We saw it. We were lifted by His might and encouraged to keep on keeping on. God is real!”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Jane Ann Crenshaw’s new book shares a wonderful reading experience to the readers as the author lays down all her experiences from the ups and downs of her life.

With this book, Crenshaw aims to give the readers a hope to hold in life so they may be able to realize the beauty of life and see it the next day in glory.

View a synopsis of “2nd Sunday Morning Glory” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “2nd Sunday Morning Glory” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at Amazon.com, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “2nd Sunday Morning Glory,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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