October 04, 2019
“Master’s Chef”: a masterful tale allowing the readers to know deeper how God and Jesus Christ is devoted and dedicated to love every person in the world. “Master’s Chef” is the creation of published author Jack Prince, a writer who was born with a writing and reading disability, but God took all the excuses away. With technology today, he can write to his heart’s content. Throughout his life, he was influenced by many different cultures, so everyone will see in a lot of his stories and writing his enjoyment and love of those cultures as well as his own.
Prince writes, “Join us, in the first story of this series of discovering a brand-new way of learning about God and Jesus’s dedication, devotion, love, mercy, and grace throughout our lives as the characters learn hard life lessons and learning to weather the storm in their lives and finding out what their true purpose and destiny in Christ, discovering in your own life that everything they have gone through, God will use it for their good and that the Holy Spirit will be there to guide you and Jesus will always be there with you and has already prepared a way out of every storm, every trial and tribulation, and mistakes you have made in your lives.”
Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Prince’s new book shares a remarkable lesson to the readers enabling them to see the grace and genuine love of God amid the storms in life.
This book aims to give hope to the readers and allows them to see God through the presence of the Holy Spirit who guides everyone to the right way out of every tribulation in life.
View a synopsis of “Master’s Chef” on YouTube.
Consumers can purchase “Master’s Chef” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.
For additional information or inquiries about “Master’s Chef”, contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.
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