Israeli Rabbi, Eliezer Berland Releases Universal Prayer to Stop Global Coronavirus Pandemic

On Thursday, February 6th Rabbi Eliezer Berland spoke of the seriousness of the rapidly spreading Coronavirus, saying, “There’s a Terrible Decree of World Destruction by the Coronavirus.” Rabbi Berland, aged 82, who is known to have written prayers that have worked miracles, went on to write a prayer for the nations of the world to recite to be saved from the Coronavirus.

The prayer is available in Chinese, Arabic, Greek, Hebrew, English, and other languages. Below is the prayer, new language translations will be posted frequently at this link –

PLEASE NOTE: the following prayer is said in the hopes that any sick will get better.


Master of Universe, who can do anything!

Cure me and the whole world of the Coronavirus, because redemption is near.

And through this reveal to us the 50th gate of holiness, the secret of the ibbur, and may we begin from this day onward to be strong in keeping interpersonal commandments (i.e. being kind to others).

And by virtue of this may we witness miracles and wonders the likes of which haven’t been since the creation of the world. And may there be sweetening of judgments for the entire world, to all mankind, men women and children.

Please God! Please cure Coronavirus all over the world, as it says about Miriam the prophetess, “Lord, please, cure her, please.”

Please God! Who can do anything! Send a complete healing to the entire world! To all men, women, children, boys and girls, to all humanity wherever they may be, and to all the animals, birds, and creatures. All should be cured from this disease in the blink of an eye, and no trace of the disease should remain.

And all will merit fear of Heaven and fear of God, O Merciful and Compassionate Father.

Please God, please do with us miracles and wonders as you did with our forefathers by the exodus from Egypt. And now, take us and the entire world out from this disease, release us and save us from the Coronavirus that wants to eliminate all mortals.

We now regret all the sins that we did, and we honestly ask for forgiveness. And in the merit of our repentance, this cursed disease, that does not miss men, women, boys, girls, and animals, will be eliminated.

Please God, as quick as the illness came it will go away and disappear immediately, in the blink of an eye, and by this the soul of Messiah Ben David will be revealed.

Please God, grant us the merit to be included in the level of the saints and pure ones, and bless anew all the fruit and vegetation, that all will be healed in the blink of an eye, and we will see Messiah Ben David face to face.

Please God, who acts with greatness beyond comprehension, and does wonders without number. Please now perform also with us miracles and wonders beyond comprehension and let no trace of this cursed disease remain. And may the entire world be cured in the blink of an eye.

Because Hashem did all this in order for us to repent, it is all in order for us to direct our hearts to our Father in Heaven, and by that He will send blessings and success to all of our handiwork.

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