Intrinsic ID Announces Speaking Appearances by Co-founders Pim Tuyls and Geert-Jan Schrijen

Intrinsic ID

In upcoming appearances, CEO Pim Tuyls and CTO Geert-Jan Schrijen will speak at conferences in the United States, China and Europe.

Intrinsic ID, the world’s leading provider of digital authentication technology for Internet of Things security, today announced upcoming speaking appearances by Chief Executive Officer Pim Tuyls and Chief Technology Officer Geert-Jan Schrijen. The company’s co-founders will speak at conferences in the United States, China and Europe.

International System-on-Chip Conference

WHAT: Tuyls will deliver the presentation “Eyes Wide Shut: Is Today’s Silicon Secure?” and appear on a panel entitled “Is Blockchain of Things IoT 2.0? Could Blockchain of Things be the Security solution that the industry has been looking for?”

WHEN: Oct. 17, 2019 – Presentation at 3:10 p.m. PDT and panel at 4:40 p.m. PDT

WHERE: University of California, Irvine – Calit2

Fashion Tech Conference 2.0

WHAT: Tuyls will appear on a panel entitled “What’s next for Retail? Transparency and Privacy.”

WHEN: Oct. 24, 2019, 6 p.m. PDT

WHERE: Target Open House, 115 4th Street, San Francisco


WHAT: Tuyls will present “In a world full of attacks, secure your devices and systems with SRAM PUF”

WHEN: Oct. 30, 2019, 2:30 p.m. China Standard Time

WHERE: Shanghai, China

Blockchain Technology Summit

WHAT: Tuyls will appear on a panel entitled “Blockchain Security – Seven Years, 72 Breaches. Is Blockchain Secure?”

WHEN: Nov. 6, 2019, 3:30 p.m. PDT

WHERE: University of California, Irvine – Calit2

IoT Security Foundation Conference

WHAT: Schrijen will present “How to transform a tiny medical device into a secure one in easy steps”

WHEN: Nov. 26, 2019

WHERE: ILEC Conference Centre, London, England


Pim Tuyls is CEO of Intrinsic ID, a company specializing in IoT security technology. He initiated the original work on Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) that forms the basis of Intrinsic ID’s silicon fingerprinting technology while at Philips Research, where Tuyls was Principal Scientist and managed the cryptography cluster. In 2008 he founded Intrinsic ID and has headed the company since 2010. He holds a Ph.D. in mathematical physics from Leuven University, holds more than 50 patents and is widely recognized for his work in the field of SRAM PUFs and security for embedded applications. He has written significantly in the field of security, including his co-written book Security with Noisy Data, a survey into the theory and practice of new technologies in the field of security based on noisy data, which describes applications in the fields of biometrics, secure key storage and anti-counterfeiting.

Geert-Jan Schrijen received his Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Twente in December 2000 on the topic of “active noise cancellation with multiple loudspeakers.” In April 2001 he joined the security group of Philips Research in Eindhoven where he worked on digital rights management, low-power authentication protocols, private biometrics and Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs). Work on the latter topic resulted in the spin-off of Intrinsic ID in October 2008. As a senior algorithm designer within Intrinsic ID, Geert-Jan focused on the development of signal processing algorithms and security architectures for embedded systems using PUF technology. In 2011 Geert-Jan became responsible for all development and engineering work at Intrinsic ID in his role of VP Engineering. In August 2016 he was appointed CTO of the company.

About Intrinsic ID

Intrinsic ID is the world’s leading digital authentication company, providing the Internet of Things with hardware-based root-of-trust security via unclonable identities for any IoT-connected device. Based on Intrinsic ID’s patented SRAM PUF technology, the company’s security solutions can be implemented in hardware or software. Intrinsic ID security, which can be deployed at any stage of a product’s lifecycle, is used to validate payment systems, secure connectivity, authenticate sensors, and protect sensitive government and military systems. Intrinsic ID technology has been deployed in more than 150 million devices. Award recognition includes the Cyber Defense Magazine InfoSec Award, the IoT Breakthrough Award, the IoT Security Excellence Award, the Frost & Sullivan Technology Leadership Award and the EU Innovation Radar Prize. Intrinsic ID security has been proven in millions of devices certified by Common Criteria, EMVCo, Visa and multiple governments. Intrinsic ID’s mission: Authenticate EverythingTM. Visit Intrinsic ID online at

Intrinsic ID and the Intrinsic ID logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intrinsic ID, B.V., and are protected by trademark laws of the United States and other jurisdictions. All other product and company names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

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