Housecall Medical Care May be the Best Choice for People with Medical Issues During a Stay-at-Home Order, says Dr. Michael Farzam

Dr Michael Farzam of House Call Doctor Los Angeles

While there are no easy answers at this moment for COVID-19 survivors, a house call doctor can help patients suffering from any condition who may prefer to remain at home for many good reasons.

An April 6 article on Kaiser Health News reports on the predicament that many people who have recovered from COVID-19 now face. Survivors have to cope with real or perceived stigmas based on the idea that they may still be contagious – which at present cannot be completely disproven and which can then be internalized as guilt when out in public carrying out basic errands like grocery runs even if it’s clear they pose no greater threat than others. Dr. Michael Farzam of House Call Doctor Los Angeles says that, while there are no easy answers at this moment for COVID-19 survivors, a house call doctor can help patients suffering from any condition who may prefer to remain at home for many good reasons.

Dr. Farzam notes that the unfortunate truth is that it may be weeks or months, if not longer, for more definitive practices to be put in place to ease coronavirus survivors’ minds. However, the doctor also notes that patients can be assured that they still have options for treatment, whether it’s for concerns about the virus or any other medical matter. Doctors on-call who make home visits offer the flexibility of meeting in any location appropriate to medical examination—within the guidelines of a stay-at-home order, if applicable—but without sacrificing quality medical services. He continues, many of the treatments and techniques offered by clinics and hospitals are still available on a mobile platform. In fact, patients can receive much more personalized care than they might elsewhere, he adds.

Noting that emergency rooms and hospital medical personnel are generally only able to spend a maximum of 20 minutes per patient, Dr. Farzam says that he is generally able to spend 45 minutes with his patients. That extra time gives him and his patients a chance to get into the nitty-gritty of their medical issues and sometimes leads to a more accurate diagnosis. Dr. Farzam also adds that, unlike a hospital or clinic, patients don’t have to stay in a waiting room with other ill individuals for what can sometimes be hours if they receive a visit from a house call doctor instead. This dramatically cuts down on the chances of being exposed to additional pathogens, especially at a time when a patient might be most vulnerable. Dr. Farzam concludes that while the times may be more challenging than usual for people who ill, patients still have many, many options for medical care

Readers can learn more about Dr. Farzam and House Call Doctor Los Angeles by calling (310) 849-7991 or by visiting

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