Having the ability to perform relatively invasive treatments with little to no discomfort or complications is THE difference maker. My patients have experienced amazing clinical outcomes for their post-acne scars and are a walking testimonial for these treatments.
August 10, 2020
Toxicological Pathology journal has published a peer reviewed article featuring Viora’s SVC™ Technology; available within the V-FR handpiece accessible on the V-Series Platform line.
Given information on energy-based dermatological surgical devices and fractional radiofrequency (RF) devices is limited; researchers: Yuval Ramot , Guy Klaiman, Michal Steiner, Yossi Lavie, Inna Belenky, and Abraham Nyska aimed to evaluate reactions and performance of Viora’s novel fractional RF device in a GLP-compliant study.
Viora’s SVC™ Technology proved safety and efficacy standards exceeded scientific expectation. In summary:
- There were no microscopic or macroscopic local adverse effects in all power settings.
- There was time-related progressive healing, reaching complete macroscopic and microscopic healing by 7 days post treatment.
- There was a power-related progressive increase in the incidence of ablation and coagulative necrosis of the dermis from low to high power setting
- The efficacy of the device for different skin condition can be translated to the settings required for each skin condition.
Histological section taken from high power and Deep program showing a well-circumscribed epidermal ablation with coagulative necrosis in the underlying superficial dermis: Figure 9 taken 30 minutes following treatment. Figure 10 taken on day 1 post-treatment. Figure 11 taken on day 3 post-treatment. Figure 12 taken on day 7 post-treatment.
Dr. Inna Belenky, VP of Marketing & Clinical Affairs says, “I have personally witnessed what a second-generation Fractional RF technology can do for a practice. Not only for the physicians, but ultimately, our patients as well. Having the ability to perform relatively invasive treatments with little to no discomfort or complications is THE difference maker. My patients have experienced amazing clinical outcomes for their post-acne scars and are a walking testimonial for these treatments.”
For more information on this study, please visit:
About the V-FR Handpiece:
The Viora V-FR handpiece is available with all V-Series platforms.
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