Heart to Heart Hospice Celebrates Thanksgiving

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“Spending one’s final months at home takes on special meaning this time of year.”

As American families gather to celebrate Thanksgiving this year, many will do so knowing it may be the last such holiday for one of their loved ones. For those with a life-limiting illness, hospice care can provide comfort on many levels, while allowing them to be home for the holiday season.

Spending their final months at home takes on special meaning this time of year. During National Hospice and Palliative Care Month in November, Heart to Heart Hospice joins the nationwide effort to increase awareness and understanding of end-of-life care, and the many benefits hospice offers.

Hospice is a philosophy of compassionate care. When medicine cannot provide a cure, hospice redefines hope in terms of a patient’s quality of life. It is designed to help patients remain in the place they call home, while keeping them comfortable and as free from pain as possible.

The experienced professionals at Heart to Heart Hospice understand the physical and emotional challenges that come with end-of-life care and are specially trained to address them. Through a team-oriented approach, they care for the whole person, meeting each patient’s individual needs.

Because every family situation is unique, Heart to Heart tailors their care plan to support the caregivers, providing guidance and encouragement to help make the time together as peaceful as possible.

Thanksgiving is a time for families to relive positive memories and create new ones. Being able to do that together at home is truly a reason for giving thanks.

In that spirit, Heart to Heart Hospice Foundation was formed to honor those nearing their journey’s end through greater care and education, with a commitment to celebrating life. The Foundation is unique in that it serves not only hospice patients and their families, but the community at large through end-of-life support and education.

A dedicated group of employees, volunteers and generous donors help change lives through four unique programs: Patient and Family Need, Veteran’s Care, Education and Scholarship, and Alzheimer’s Support.

About Heart to Heart Hospice

Heart to Heart Hospice, founded in 2003, is one of the largest private providers of hospice care in the United States. Headquartered in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, Heart to Heart provides a broad range of hospice services to patients with life-limiting illnesses across 37 locations in Texas, Michigan and Indiana. At Heart to Heart, we understand both the physical and emotional challenges for our patients and their loved ones and our care team is committed to providing them with what they need most: comfort, support and dignity. Learn more about Heart to Heart Hospice.

About Heart to Heart Hospice Foundation

Funded primarily through generous donations from families and friends of Heart to Heart Hospice patients, the Heart to Heart Hospice Foundation is a 501(c) (3) non-profit public charity that provides financial support for patients nearing end-of-life, their families, and the greater community through various charitable programs. Each program includes financial support for critical unmet needs, as well as much-needed education for the under-utilized and often misinterpreted field of hospice and palliative care. Learn more about Heart to Heart Hospice Foundation.

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