HANDL New York Will Launch New “Stick” Line At CES 2020

HANDL New York – HANDL Stick

“Your phone now feels like a natural extension of your hand,” says famed New York artist, Allen Hirsch, the brand’s founder/inventor.

1.5 Billion smartphones have been sold worldwide since the first appeared in 2007 and still no one has created an ideal system to use virtually any phone with maximum ease and versatility- until now. HandL “Stick” will be launching at CES 2020 with Argento SC in the South Hall at Booth #31134.

Far outperforming the competition, HANDL patented elastic and brace technology allows you to “unhold your phone,” giving you increased usability in a completely natural and stress free way. It allows you to use even larger devices easily with just one hand and converts fully to a portrait and landscape stand. HANDL phone cases have previously been favored by top athletes and celebrities, including Jamie Foxx who hosted last year’s HandL party at CES.

HandL Sticks fit on almost any device in 40 stunning new designs, starting at just $9.99. You must see this elegant new product that promises to be seen as the next-generation phone accessory innovation by industry experts and one of the hottest new consumer products for 2020.

“Your phone now feels like a natural extension of your hand,” says famed New York artist, Allen Hirsch, the brand’s founder/inventor.

Brad Satz, Co-CEO of HANDL New York will be available during CES for advance product reviews and one-on-one briefings with select media and Mr. Hirsch will be at the booth and available for interviews by appointment.

To schedule an interview and be among the first to see the HANDL Stick please contact Ashley Jacobs at Ashley@teamchicexecs.com/(419)304-8254.

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