Grow Closer to God by Reading Robert McArthur’s One-Year Daily Devotional, Prayers After God’s Own Heart

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“I made the decision to publish this devotional as an encouragement to others to join me on their own personal journey into intimate relationship with God…There are great benefits to praying prayers that are drawn from the Word of God, because His Word is His will for your life.”

Prayers After God’s Own Heart is a compilation of daily devotionals written by Robert McArthur after committing himself to writing prayers based on God’s Word. The author asks readers to read every biblical passage and personal reflection out loud, this process said to be more effective in helping people focus on each message and allot a few moments of silence to listen to Him. When people develop these good habits, they can build and maintain a more intimate relationship with the Almighty.

In his reflections, the author seeks protection from the evil influences of the enemy so that nothing can get in between him and God’s truth. He acknowledges that the flesh is weak even if the spirit is strong and willing, and he prays for strength against overwhelming odds that may otherwise leave room for doubting His love. This way, everyone has the opportunity to rise above their sins and change for the better, which is what the Lord intends for all His children.

“I made the decision to publish this devotional as an encouragement to others to join me on their own personal journey into intimate relationship with God.” Robert McArthur also explains that, even though each person has a unique experience in relating with the Lord, it does not at all diminish his or her potential to love Him more deeply. “I trust that you will discover that there are great benefits to praying prayers that are drawn from the Word of God, because His Word is His will for your life, just as much as it is for mine.”

Robert McArthur’s daily devotional does not require a person to be well-versed in the Scripture to be able to understand its words. Instead, it welcomes even the undevout members of society and encourages them to take it one step at a time to learn more about God’s Word. He urges people to open their hearts and minds so they can hear the Lord speaking to them. The author also says to look beyond the humdrum of everyday problems, appreciate the beauty of the world He created, and do everything to protect and preserve it as God has tasked mankind to do.

According to the devotional, when a person’s heart is full of love for God and absolutely surrender to His Will, there will be no room for envy, hate, or any form of evil to take root. This way, everyone can follow the example of Christ and be more like Him, which proves the ultimate triumph of good over evil on the day of Christ’s return.

“Remind me that good will always win over evil in the end, and help me to rest in the wonderful hope that if I remain surrendered to Your will, You will set all things right—every hurt, every offense, every injustice—according to the perfect timing of the working of Your plan, in order that You will receive the most glory.”

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