Futurist Betting On Anti-Aging Stem Cells Pens “New Breed of Homo Sapiens”

Anti-aging therapies are a new emerging era of science that seem to benefit society using the power of stem cells, cytokines, and growth, regenerative, and life-extending factors. Regenerative therapies and exogenous stem cell transplantation into damaged tissues will also improve the wear and tear of aging.

New Breed of Homo Sapiens paves the way for revolutionary stem cell treatments that could vastly improve health in the twilight years. The contemporary series of books could be the key to understanding how the aging process works.

The multifaceted award-winning and internationally known author, Lou Baron is able to address one of the first questions individuals contemplating stem cell therapy for aging may have, “Could stem cells be the Holy Grail of medicine?”

Lourdes takes the battle against aging to of all places; stem cell therapy, with the expectation that scientists will master the technique of using stem cells to retard the aging process.

Researchers hope the results will lead to new, ‘personalized medicine’ approaches to the unfolding of slowing the aging process.

As humans, we persist in being baffled by the steady aging of our bodies, which sometimes seems to occur at a faster rate than we might expect. Consequently, we often do our best to try to stall or cheat the process, using a wide range of remedies, from improving our diets to undergoing plastic surgery.

Today, researchers are looking into how stem cells found in a region of our brain called the hypothalamus might play a key role in how swiftly we age. Dr. Dongsheng Cai, from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, in New York City, New York, alongside a team of specialists, have found that adding fresh stem cells to the hypothalamus might be the way to go if we want to delay old age.

Ground breaking studies like these have already shown that the hypothalamus does in fact play a crucial role in controlling aging. Stem cells in the brain determine how quickly our bodies debilitate, researchers have noted. But, by introducing fresh stem cells, part of the aging process could be slowed down or reversed.

New Breed of Homo Sapiens outlines a range of topics that analyze and expound on human aging and the various disorders associated with the natural biological process. While dealing with an immensely scientific subject, Lou Baron, leaves the beaten path and instead addresses her readers in clear, in-depth and easy to follow directive.

“I want my readers to fully understand and grasp the importance of this medical breakthrough,” she said. “We are talking about the future generations and the new breed of humans, and I want to bring the knowledge to the public’s door step,” she added.

Lou Baron, at 72 years young, is a sprightly, vivacious woman, defying her age – she credits stem cells. “I am living proof that stem cell based therapy really works.” Elucidating how this was the spark that brought about the idea to write, New Breed of Homo Sapiens.

“Stem cells will reverse aging and improve the quality of life for many, but it is not a ticket to immortality,” Baron noted.

The Feeling Good At Any Age crooner, reinvented by the experience that delivers the kind of energy and fearlessness that made her successful as a singer, to an entirely different issue, with huge effect. “Stem cells hold enormous promise, the potential to overcome age related deterioration of the body in regenerative medicine is astounding, something we must pursue,” the author said in a recent interview.

Baron has studied tirelessly to research and promote advances in stem cell research. “We need to do more,” she said. “Let’s continue to take risks. Let’s tackle the issues. In ways our music and film communities can do it better than anyone else. There is no challenge, artistic or otherwise, that we can’t meet,” she added.

Baron provides hope, inspiration and unclouded steps on confronting the aging process. Her greatest role may be as champion for baby boomers – an advocate of stem cell therapy.

As reported in Nature:

New research reveals how increasing brain stiffness as we age causes brain stem cell dysfunction, and demonstrates new ways to reverse older stem cells to a younger, healthier state.

The results have far-reaching implications for how we understand the aging process, and how we might develop much-needed treatments for age related brain diseases.

As our bodies age, muscles and joints can become stiff, making everyday movements more difficult. This study shows the same is true in our brains, and that age-related brain stiffening has a significant impact on the function of brain stem cells.

A multi-disciplinary research team, based at the Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute (University of Cambridge), studied young and old rat brains to understand the impact of age-related brain stiffening on the function of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs).

These cells are a type of brain stem cell important for maintaining normal brain function, and for the regeneration of myelin — the fatty sheath that surrounds our nerves, which is damaged in multiple sclerosis (MS). The effects of age on these cells contributes to MS, but their function also declines with age in healthy people.

To determine whether the loss of function in aged OPCs was reversible, the researchers transplanted older OPCs from aged rats into the soft, spongy brains of younger animals. Remarkably, the older brain cells were rejuvenated, and began to behave like the younger, more vigorous cells.

Could stem cell based therapies be the answer to unleashing the New Breed of Homo Sapiens?

Discover the answers in this exciting treatise, set for release, the spring of 2020.

Excerpts from New Breed of Homo Sapiens.

Stem Cells Determine Man’s Biological Age

Aging is a biological process that affects all living organisms. However, while the questions of why and how we age have baffled scientists for decades, the field of aging and longevity research have stayed in the back-burner for many years until not too long ago when it attracted the attention of some of the world’s most serious scientists. Today, medicines and therapies aimed at slowing down the process of aging and targeting age-related diseases are being developed, with some already launched in clinical trials in humans.

Aging is associated with the decline of all the physical and biological processes and functions over time. With the aim of slowing down the aging process, scientists have turned to studying stem cells for their regenerative abilities. However, while stem cells over potential solutions to retard or reverse the aging process, they also appear to be either the cause or part of the problem that cause aging. Stem cells, which are essential parts of the body’s repair system due to their ability to differentiate into many other cell types, lose their regenerative potency as our body ages. Additionally, their self-renewing ability triggers mutations that affect every cell in the body. And once these mutations accumulate they can lead to disease.

With money and investments continuously pouring in, the field of stem cell biology is still developing. However, focus has veered away from what scientists thought was stem cells greatest promise: that their ability to grow replacement organs and tissues that are damaged due to diseases or injuries. Today focused has shifted dramatically and researchers are now harnessing stem cells for their potentially powerful uses in modeling disease for drug discovery as well as in targeting treatment for personalized medicine. Using easily accessible cells – such as skin or blood – from the sick, researchers are reprogramming them into the affected tissue types and using them as models to study the disease and test interventions on major disorders, including heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer, as well as rare conditions such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

In addition, knowledge of stem cell biology is continuously evolving. Previous understanding was that once embryonic stem cells has differentiated into stem cells for muscle, skin, blood, and other tissue, those stem cells maintain their flexibility to further develop into various cells within the tissue, when required. Recent works, however, indicate that this ability may be more limited, with different stem cells possessing different capabilities, and or their capabilities diminished with age. If this were the case, then this would probably explain why aging varies from person to person. But the science of stem cell research is evolving, disease profiles are changing, and the tools of knowledge of physicians are readily at their disposal, more powerful and targeted. It would not be a far-fetched idea that one day the full potential of stem cell science will transform our biological landscape and the way humans develop and grow old.

Anti Aging and Stem Cells

A little over two decades ago, Dr. Michael West, stumbled upon a major scientific breakthrough when his lab scientists successfully isolated the active component for the gene that confers immortality to cells: the telomerase. Fast forward to today, when a new field has emerged: the science of longevity and healthspan, when people can live longer, free of age related diseases. Backed with substantial investments from some of the world’s largest companies, numerous pre-clinical researchers are developing and various clinical trials are underway, with the aim of developing therapeutics to target human aging and age related disorders.

While the biggest challenge for the field is the complexity of the aging process, scientists are making great progress in the context of individual aspects of aging with some of the most promising areas of research and discoveries in aging, which we are highlighting below:

Pluripotent stem cells have paved the way to manufacture young cells and tissue of any kind. Twenty years after the isolation of the first human embryonic stem cells, there is an explosion of research and applications all aimed at making different cell types of the human body.

Early human development could be the key that will unlock the mystery of aging. Cells possesses not only the ability to replicate, but to regenerate. There are animals in nature whose regenerative ability is never turned off — like the flatworm, which can grow back it’s head if it gets cut off, and it doesn’t show signs of aging either. Discovering and undertstanding how the cells regeneration ability gets turned on or off may unlock this mystery.

Companies are pouring in their resources into anti-aging research. Major companies are investing heavily in anti-aging research with the aim of devising interventions to slow down the aging process. Some of these companies are AgeX, a subsidiary of BioTime, Calico, AbbVie Inc., Unity Biotechnology, Samumed, Human Longevity Inc., RestorBio, Rejuvenate Bio, and Juvenescence, among others.

The majority of clinical applications will not be happening soon. However, despite the mad rush to develop potentially beneficial interventions, majority of these applications will require years of clinical trials before they can be made available to the populace.

There are very few medical interventions that are proven to slow the aging proves today. Because there is a huge marketplace out there, there are companies with claims of stem cell products that will extend your life. However, it is important to understand that they are likely not based on pluripotent stem cell technology or are products which are not approved by the FDA.

Ethical issues still hound this new science. Could genetic engineering be used one day to program longer lifespans by modifying or reprogramming human embryos? Despite advances in technology, people should take note that there remain major ethical issues regarding interventions aimed to prolong life. Dr. Michael West said that while it is entirely possible to engineer babies, but when you make modifications, it is an experiment, and you put a human life at risk.

Interventions in human aging face major cultural challenge. While aging affects all people of all races, we humans have adapted to the fact that death is part and the end of life, which people generally see as inevitable. This precept is anchored on different belief systems based on one’s culture and traditions.

Healthy children born today could enjoy a lifespan never before seen in human history. It is highly possible that in the foreseeable future, people will live up to at least 150 years of age. And as more advances and powerful therapies are designed and developed, the prospect of people enjoying longer and healthier lifespan is highly possible.

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