Front line/essential workers inspire BC artist Nikita Graham’s collaboration designed to raise funds for a trio of charities

I’ll Be Your Hero Album Art credit: Erich Saide

“Front-line healthcare/essential workers and marginalized communities are why I wrote the song. To pay tribute to them, and to help generate funds for essential services.”

Featured in I’LL BE YOUR HERO’s video are images of front line and essential workers who are the underlying drive behind the project. “They are why I wrote the song,” said Graham. “To pay tribute to them, and to help generate funds for essential services.”

During the COVID-19 crisis, she reached out to some of BC’s top musicians and the result is a harmonized message reminding front line and essential workers that there are millions of people standing behind them. Supporting Graham on I’LL BE YOUR HERO are musicians Dave Genn (54-40), Clay Hill (Trooper), Tim Neuhaus (Ear Art Music Studios), Mike Schell (Uptown Hornz), and Mark Larmand (The Cadillac Kings). Backup vocals are Sami Ghawi (Fusion Presents) and BC artists Chris Goodchild and Marji Graham. The single was produced by a team including Mark Larmand, Ethan Ellis (Master Class Entertainment) and Daren Denker (Dynalectric Orchestra). Although the project was extremely difficult to record and produce remotely during quarantine, the musicians and producers came together to deliver a powerful performance.

Charities supported by the project include: Doctors Without Borders, HelpAge Canada’s COVID-19 Emergency Appeal, and Honouring Indigenous Peoples’ COVID-19 Relief Fund.

“We’re supporting the international and exhaustive effort of Doctors Without Borders because the entire world has been affected by this pandemic,” Graham said. “As for HelpAge Canada, seniors are the demographic hit hardest by COVID-19.” Regarding supporting an Aboriginal charity, she says, “Being of both European and Aboriginal decent, I wanted to support things close to my heart”.

Here’s how to view I’LL BE YOUR HERO and support the fundraising project:

I’LL BE YOUR HERO can be viewed on YouTube here.

The song is also available on all major streaming platforms, including Spotify, Apple Music and Google Play Music.


Supported Charities:

Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières Canada (MSF)

MSF is the world’s leading independent humanitarian medical relief organization, providing crucial medical care to people affected by war, civil strife, epidemics, natural disasters and social marginalization. MSF strives to respond rapidly and effectively to public health emergencies with complete independence from political, economic or religious powers.

HelpAge Canada

HelpAge Canada’s mission is to work in partnership with others to improve and maintain the quality of life of vulnerable older persons and their communities in Canada and around the world. HelpAge Canada is the only Canadian organization exclusively dedicated to helping older persons both in Canada and in the developing world. For more than 40 years, they have helped seniors overcome poverty, defend their rights, challenge discrimination, and live lives of dignit. As a founding member of HelpAge International, they are part of a global network of organizations helping thousands of people every day in more than 80 countries.

Honouring Indigenous Peoples

Honouring Indigenous Peoples’ mission is to catalyze societal change by inspiring Indigenous & Non-Indigenous relationship building, strengthening community well-being and advancing the next generation of leaders. Our vision is that all Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Peoples work together, interconnected and interdependent, for the benefit of future generations.     

About Nikita Graham

Nikita Graham is the complete package. Whether in the studio putting the final touches on her latest single, performing to an electrified dance floor, designing digital content or organizing a massive event, Nikita always pulls it all off with style and passion. Since the age of 2, Nikita has been the consummate entertainer, and she lives to bring people together.

These days you can find Nikita gigging as the lead singer of several bands, including Prestley, The Rhythm Method, the Live Ones, and Nikita’s Reason.

Nikita’s natural talent and work ethic allow no limits on her creativity and she is currently working with world-renowned artists on writing new material & recording singles. Between her many talents and projects, Nikita is one to watch…from every angle.

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