From Genesis to Revelation” shares a compelling discussion that digs deep on Jesus’s Second Coming in this world

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“It Is Done: Earthquakes: From Genesis to Revelation”: an important read that carries knowledge and understanding of the Lord’s Second Coming to a world that is in chaos because of man’s own actions. “It Is Done: Earthquakes: From Genesis to Revelation” is the creation of published author Richard Modee, a writer who holds a bachelor’s degree in architecture and a master’s degree in landscape architecture. He worked for the USDA Forest Service for almost three decades as an architect, landscape architect, long-range land and resources officer and environmental coordinator. A born-again Christian, he served on the church board and went on missions.

Modee shares, “The Second Coming of Jesus Christ will be announced by the most unimaginably powerful earthquake never known by man, splitting the Mount of Olives in two, and changing the earth worldwide. There are at least seventeen earthquakes revealed in the Bible, nine of them in the New Testament. Every earthquake reveals God’s presence and His power. Some reveal God’s warning and wrath against sin. God placed every earthquake fault on the earth at the creation, and He knows where they are, when He will release them, for whatever purpose He chooses.

“The Bible describes five distinct conditions of the earth. First it was formless, lifeless, and enshrouded in darkness. After the six days of creation, the earth was transformed into the second condition: pristine, free of sin, beautiful, and peaceful for man. The sinful third condition occurred when satan entered the garden, introduced sin, and began to assault man. God cleansed the earth once again with the Great Flood, but man quickly reintroduced sin into the world, creating the fourth condition we are living in today. It is a world that is in serious moral decline due to greed, pride, immorality, disobedience, love for each other gone cold, and the increasing rejection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

“God will finally change this fourth condition with devastating events during the seven years of tribulation, releasing four worldwide earthquakes and finally, an unimaginable final earthquake to purge the earth of sin and create the peaceful, sin-free, and pristine fifth condition for 1,000 years. The earthly kingdom and the heavenly kingdom will become one, and Jesus will reign until the final judgement of sinners. God will bring the New Jerusalem down from heaven where we will be in the presence of God and Jesus for all eternity.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Richard Modee’s new book is an illuminating manuscript that will allow readers to understand God’s plan and purpose for a world that is in a devastating moral decline.

View a synopsis of “It Is Done: Earthquakes: From Genesis to Revelation” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “It Is Done: Earthquakes: From Genesis to Revelation” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “It Is Done: Earthquakes: From Genesis to Revelation,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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