Frederick F. Haussman Jr.’s newly released “Seventh Messenger” is a jarring revelation of the imminent end of times that will herald the return of Christ

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“Seventh Messenger”: a sagacious account of attestations from the Holy Bible that unveil the pending return of the Savior to redeem and condemn those who believe in him. “Seventh Messenger” is the creation of published author Frederick F. Haussman Jr.

Haussman Jr. shares, “Every good story has a climax, but a fantastic story has an unforgettable climax. This book is a true story of my life.

“So when the earth does shake more, then it is likely it will be because of a solar flare from a supernova, and its impact is coming our way or it could be the Lord’s just heating the earth’s core.

“This will bring about the Antichrist because the world will be hurting and will need a savior.

“All I know for sure is what the Holy Spirit has told me that the seven thunders will utter their voices. They have already sounded, but because of this book, the whole world will know for sure the truth. Chapter 10 of Revelation is revealed. We are closer to the second coming of Christ, so you need to get your name written in the Lamb’s book of life, only by believing in Yasha, the Messiah.

“I do not know the year the earth will shake, but it’s going to happen. The season is near. Please believe me, for I’m only the messenger. It does not bother me if you do not believe. You’re only hurting yourself. I have sounded the warning. Your blood is not on my hands. For the Father does love you, so turn to him and save your soul.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Frederick F. Haussman Jr.’s new book emphasizes vigilance in faith to assure salvation from the final destruction of the world that reproves the unbelieving.

Inspired by the divine, this book desires people to be reminded of God’s gracious yet just omnipotence for all creation.

View the synopsis of “Seventh Messenger” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Seventh Messenger” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Seventh Messenger,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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