Four Canada Finalists Named in IsaBody Challenge Will Compete for CA$10,000

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We’re proud to recognize these finalists’ commitment to transforming their minds and bodies so they can live healthier lives. They’re setting a fantastic example for others as they pair our outstanding nutrition solutions with a positive mindset and discipline. – Travis Ogden, Isagenix CEO

Isagenix International, a global health and wellness company providing nutrition and lifestyle solutions, has announced its third and final round of Canada finalists for its annual total-body transformation program, the IsaBody Challenge®. This Judging Period’s finalists are John Birr of Markdale, Ontario; Taiya Farrell of Winnipeg, Manitoba; Véronique Collin of Orleans, Ontario; and James Pearce of Calgary, Alberta.

These four individuals were selected from thousands of people across Canada who completed the IsaBody Challenge during the most recent Judging Period. Each finalist has won CA$3,000 and the chance to compete with seven other finalists for the grand prize of CA$10,000. Finalists will also receive a CA$200 product coupon, a photo shoot, an all-expenses-paid trip to the IsaBody® Escape for themselves and a guest, and other prizes to recognize their achievements.

“We’re proud to recognize these finalists’ commitment to transforming their minds and bodies so they can live healthier lives,” said Travis Ogden, chief executive officer of Isagenix. “They’re setting a fantastic example for others as they pair our outstanding nutrition solutions with a positive mindset and discipline. We congratulate them as they continue on this path to enhanced wellness.”

Isagenix will announce the grand prize winner Feb. 29 at its Canada Celebration 2020 event in Montreal, Quebec. All 11 finalists will have the opportunity to walk the stage in front of thousands of event attendees. The IsaBody Challenge and Canada Celebration are both hosted by Isagenix.

Meet the Finalists

John Birr, Ontario

Age: 49

Total Challenges Completed: 14

Total Weight Loss Over Completed Challenges: 32 pounds*

Before starting his IsaBody journey, John thought having a beer belly and feeling tired was just a part of getting older, but that all changed with this Challenge. While John had been a dedicated product user and gym goer through his first three Challenges, losing his best friend to a massive heart attack at the age of 42 caused John’s journey to take a turn as he struggled to get through the loss. He eventually found his way back to his health and fitness journey and created a healthier lifestyle. Now a fit grandfather, John truly believes he deserves to feel this good every single day.

Taiya Farrell, Manitoba

Age: 38

Total Challenges Completed: 5

Total Weight Loss Over Completed Challenges: 130 pounds*

When Taiya was 9 years old, her sister was diagnosed with an illness that completely changed her family’s life. Taiya began overeating and gaining weight to win her mom’s attention, and food became her addiction for many years. After getting married and having her own family, she struggled with her weight. Eventually, Taiya was the heaviest she’d ever been and couldn’t care for her family the way she wanted to. She signed up for her first IsaBody Challenge and decided failure was not an option. She has now completed five Challenges, losing 130 pounds total*, and is a proud member of the Isagenix 100-Pound Club.

Véronique Collin, Ontario

Age: 24

Total Challenges Completed: 7

Total Weight Loss During Completed Challenges: 0 pounds

Véronique hasn’t lost or gained any weight, but she has remained consistent, and that’s why the IsaBody program is so important to her. For her, the Challenge is a no-brainer when it comes to choosing the solution that will help her maintain her healthy lifestyle through her busy life. Véronique is happy to have a community that shares her passion for health, fitness, and helping others. She doesn’t know what she would do without the Isagenix products and says they inspire her to be a better version of herself.

James Pearce, Alberta

Age: 56

Total Challenges Completed: 9

Total Weight Loss Over Completed Challenges: 5 pounds*

Before Isagenix, James would wake up tired, fuel his day with coffee and carbs, snack after work until dinner, and fall asleep on the couch, only to struggle to sleep through the night. He wasn’t happy, but he thought his life was normal. Since starting Isagenix and embracing the company’s products and community, he has become physically fit and has more energy than ever before. James now wakes up at 5 a.m. well rested and ready to hit the gym. He has transformed his body and regained his zest for life.

To read more about the finalists and see their before and progress photos, visit the Isagenix blog. To learn more about Isagenix, visit the Newsroom, like the company on Facebook, and follow it on Twitter and Instagram.

*Weight loss, muscle gain, lifestyle, and other results depicted here reflect exceptional individual experiences of Isagenix customers and should not be construed as typical or average. Results vary with individual effort, body composition, eating patterns, time, exercise, and other factors, such as genetic and physiological makeup. A two-phase 2016 study published by researchers at Skidmore College showed an average weight loss of 24 pounds after 12 weeks. The study evaluated the use of Isagenix products in men and women for weight loss followed by weight maintenance. During the weight maintenance phase, the subjects who continued the calorie-controlled program using Isagenix products better maintained their weight loss in comparison to those who transitioned to a traditional diet after 52 weeks.

About the IsaBody Challenge

The IsaBody Challenge is a 16-week contest that rewards participants for their total-body and life transformations. Participants are judged on their before and progress photos as well as their personal essays describing their journeys. The contest looks for the most inspirational and motivational stories about how participants have made healthy body and life transformations. The IsaBody Challenge is open to all Isagenix customers and members over the age of 18 in the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Ireland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, and South Korea. For more information, visit the IsaBody Challenge.

About Isagenix International

Established in 2002, Isagenix provides systems for weight loss, performance, vitality and well-being, personal care and beauty, and financial wellness. With more than 400,000 customers worldwide and more than 100 products, packs, and systems globally, the company is committed to supporting healthy change in its customers’ and independent distributors’ lives. Isagenix shares its products and solutions through a network of independent distributors in 14 markets: the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Ireland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, and South Korea. Isagenix is a privately owned company with headquarters in Gilbert, Arizona. For more information, visit

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