Fluorosis Risk Should Not Discourage Fluoride Intake, says A-Z Dental Care

Dr. Mirhamid Salek of A-Z Dental Care.

The trick to proper fluoride intake is the same as with any other substance the body takes in: common sense.

A February 18 article on UPI reports on a study that found that excessive exposure to fluoride can damage tooth enamel in some cases; especially if over-exposure occurs in childhood. The article points out that normal exposure to fluoride, such as the amount that one might get from brushing their teeth, is known to be beneficial as it mineralizes food particles and other contaminants making them easier to remove. However, if an individual were to consume truly excessive amounts of fluoride over time, the build-up of the chemical can disrupt tooth enamel’s ability to store calcium, making the person’s teeth vulnerable to decay and other problems. West Covina based dental center A-Z Dental Care says that adult patients and parents with children do not need to be alarmed by the study, noting that they simply should follow the recommendations of health organizations and dentists and know that very bad cases of fluorosis are very rare. The solution is simple, says the dental office. Parents need to make sure that children especially are not using too much toothpaste for their smaller size and, logically enough, do not swallow toothpaste or dental rinses. (Obviously, the same goes for grownups.)

A-Z Dental Care says that the trick to proper fluoride intake is the same as with any other substance the body takes in: common sense. The dental center explains that ingesting too much of anything can be harmful. It is even possible to drink too much water. “Too much of a good thing” really can be bad. Of course, too much fluoride from water can be problematic but that is not likely in the United States since the amount of fluoridation is highly regulated. Good judgment is the key and parents should make sure children are not doing anything that might risk excess fluoride consumption, such as failing to spit out toothpaste after brushing. At the same time, parents should not become unduly concerned as bad fluorosis cases are rare.

A-Z Dental Care says that if anyone feels that something is wrong with their teeth, they should certainly visit their dentist to make sure everything is as it should be. The center contends that while fluorosis is unlikely to start in adulthood, there exists a large list of other potential ailments that could be at play if patients notice anything amiss, so it is smart to see a dentist.

A-Z Dental Care notes that many dental ailments are readably treatable if the patient visits a good family dentist at the first sign of pain, discomfort, bleeding gums, persistent bad breath (halitosis) and other danger signs. On the other hand, the center adds, ailments that have been given time to develop are far more likely to not only cause serious damage to one’s teeth and always cost significantly more to address than preventive measures like regular checkups and cleanings.

Interested readers can learn more about A-Z Dental Care by calling (626) 314-6908 or by visiting the office’s website at https://www.atozdentalcare.com/.

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