Family Caregiver Virtual Symposium Set for Oct. 13, 2022

“As caregivers turn the focus of their lives to tending to their loved ones, they become frustrated as they often are met with resistance,” said Macie P. Smith, Ed.D

Duet is hosting a Fall Family Caregiver Virtual Symposium on October 13, 2022 from 9-11:30 MST. Dr. Aaron Blight, an international speaker and consultant on caregiving, aging, and healthcare and Dr. Macie P. Smith, an award-winning educator, author, writer and television personality will be presenting. This virtual event is open to anyone and free to register for family caregivers, $15 for professionals. Acadia is the event Silver Sponsor, along with AARP Arizona and CopperPoint Insurance Companies as Copper Sponsors. Jayme West, KTAR will moderate the event.

Aaron Blight, Ed.D will be presenting on “When Caregiving Calls”

Caregivers are usually so busy with the tasks of caregiving that they rarely reflect upon the significance of their activities, including how caring changes their identity: their view of self, their relationships with others, and their place in society. This thoughtful and inspiring presentation draws upon research to explain caregiving as a phenomenon of social science. Knowledge gained from the discussion will offer caregivers a framework for:

1. Processing their experiences

2. Developing the resilience needed to continue supporting their loved ones.

Macie P. Smith, Ed.D will discuss “When Your Loved One Resists: Dealing with Difficult People”

As caregivers turn the focus of their lives to tending to their loved ones, they become frustrated as they often are met with resistance. The goal of this presentation is for participants to be afforded the following benefits:

  • Participants will better understand the meaning of resistance.
  • Participants will understand the reasons behind resistance.
  • Participants will identify strategies to address resistance.

To register, visit:

About Duet: Partners In Health & Aging: Duet is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote health and well-being through vitally needed services to homebound adults, family caregivers, faith communities, and grandfamilies. Duet’s free-of-charge services are available in the greater Phoenix area. To volunteer, donate or ask for help, go to or call (602) 274-5022. # # #

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