Falls are the leading cause of injury-related death among adults aged 65 and older

Restoring Functional Gait -  A physical therapy continuing education course

Restoring Functional Gait – A physical therapy continuing education course

Utilizing appropriate manual techniques for gait facilitation can minimize faulty mechanics and optimize biomechanically correct motion.

Falls are the leading cause of injury-related death among adults aged 65 and older, which increased approximately 30% over the last ten years. Motor Control, Motor Learning, and Gait Recovery require the synergy between balance, coordination, range of motion, and strength. The rising number of deaths from falls among older adults can be addressed by a fall risk assessment and intervening with the proper rehabilitation strategy based on understanding the gait issue’s root cause.

Restoring Functional Gait, a new physical therapy continuing education course, addresses the key to identifying deficits that contribute to abnormal gait patterns and how to build each system appropriately. This course details a systematic approach that will enhance a physical therapist’s differential diagnosis skills when assessing gait patterns and develop comprehensive rehabilitation programs designed to improve functional gait at home and in the community.

The Healthclick e-learning management system presents this material using high-quality multi-angle video content of real patient case studies. The therapist can pause and resume video content, supplemented by transcription and key points highlighted in the accompanying text-based information.

Healthclick’s physical therapy online continuing education course, Restoring Functional Gait, will help the therapist understand the fundamentals of gait, assess gait patterns, and then develop the most appropriate treatment strategy. This course is available in Healthclick’s online course subscription.

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