Experienced Conservatorship Attorney Susan Geffen recently held her “Raising UP Your Parents and YOU” Seminar to Help Clarify Care for Aging Adults and Conservatorships

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“I am so thrilled that the seminar could help those dealing with important issues related to conservatorships and aging. Many of the attendees left the event with valuable information that can help them make the best decisions for their loved ones,” says Susan B. Geffen.

Susan B. Geffen is an accomplished elder law attorney, former law professor, gerontologist, author and sought-after speaker with a passion for advocating for the elderly and their families for over 30 years. Over the past year and a half, it has been challenging dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. Adult children with elderly parents have been especially hard hit struggling to protect their aging parents from the coronavirus while trying to manage all of the other physical and mental health issues. The seminar on November 20th addressed many of these current problems and focused on one of Susan’s most popular seminar topics, conservatorships. Establishing a conservatorship is common for elderly people who have Alzheimer’s or dementia, but it can also be for children on the verge of adulthood who suffer from developmental delays as a result of autism, downs syndrome or other disabilities that cause cognitive challenge and whose parents can no longer care for them legally without a court order. As in previous seminars, Ms. Geffen also covered a variety of topics that are part of the continuum of aging, including the importance of living trusts and how to choose the correct living environment. Susan Geffen’s many informational events have been attended by over 30,000 adult children, professionals and the elderly throughout her professional career.

“I am so thrilled that the seminar could help those dealing with important issues related to conservatorships and aging. Many of the attendees left the event with valuable information that can help them make the best decisions for their loved ones,” says Susan B. Geffen

More about Attorney Susan B. Geffen:

Attorney Susan Geffen’s areas of practice are conservatorships, estate planning-living trusts, wills, trust litigation and probate. Susan B. Geffen is a former elder law professor and one of a handful of attorneys who possess a master’s degree in Gerontology. Ever a relentless advocate for aging with dignity, she spent two years authoring the popular non-fiction book about nursing homes and how to avoid them, “Take That Nursing Home and Shove It!” Susan Geffen has offices located throughout Los Angeles and Orange County. To schedule a consultation or for more information please visit http://www.susanbgeffenlaw.com or call 310-406-0608.

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