Enrich Biosystems Joins Cell Manufacturing Research Initiative to Further Advance Cell Therapy Discovery

Early-stage biotech working to revolutionize cell therapy discovery with its cutting-edge microfluidics-free technology

BRANFORD, Conn., Aug. 14, 2023 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — Enrich Biosystems, a pioneering early-stage biotech company developing a unique microfluidics-free cell analysis and isolation technology, today announced it has joined the National Science Foundation (NSF) Engineering Research Center for Cell Manufacturing Technologies (CMaT). CMaT is a consortium of universities, companies, and clinical collaborators brought together to develop transformative tools and technologies for the consistent, scalable, and low-cost production of high-quality living therapeutic cells. Launched in 2017 with investment from NSF, the Center aims to revolutionize the treatment of cancer, heart disease, neurological disorders, and other chronic diseases by enabling the broad use of potentially curative therapies utilizing living cells.

Enrich Biosystems has revolutionized cancer cell therapy discovery with its cutting-edge microfluidics-free technology. Enrich technology simplifies the process of cell co-culturing and kinetics profiling to conduct guided capturing based on cell behaviors and functions. Its commercial system, TROVO, uses dissolvable microwells and visual enrichment strategies on a highly integrated high-throughput platform, allowing for fast in vitro development of the “in vivo best” construct with unparalleled efficiency. TROVO tremendously impacts cell therapy research by significantly reducing process time and cost.

“We are pleased to welcome Enrich Biosystems as a CMaT industry member to our initiative,” said Johnna Temenoff, Director of CMaT and the Carol Ann and David D. Flanagan Professor in the Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering at Georgia Tech and Emory University. “By partnering with the Enrich team, we aim to improve the current processes of discovery and manufacturing for critical cell therapies. As a result, patients requiring cell therapy could receive them faster. We are excited about the potential future clinical impact of this work.”

“The Enrich team is thrilled and proud to join the CMaT community,” said Dong Wang, CEO at Enrich Biosystems. “It is great to receive recognition for our technology’s ability to standardize cell discovery and manufacturing QC processes, including pooled cytotoxicity and persistence screening, potency measurement, and functional percentage monitoring. TROVO’s unmatched technical features make it a game-changer for the cutting-edge discovery of cell therapy.”

Beyond Georgia Tech, CMaT includes major university partners – the University of Georgia, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus – as well as affiliate partners such as the University of Pennsylvania, Emory University, University of Oregon, and the Morgridge Institute for Research. Additional international academic partners from Canada, Ireland, and Japan, as well as industry and the U.S. national laboratories, are critical collaborators.

Additional information about the company and the TROVO platform can be found at http://www.enrichbiosystems.com.

About Enrich Biosystems:
Enrich Biosystems Inc., located in Branford, CT, is an early-stage biotech that excels in developing and commercializing a unique microfluidics-free cell analysis and isolation technology. This revolutionary cell technology facilitates a seamless workflow of cell coculturing, kinetics profiling, and guided capturing based on cell behaviors and functions. Enrich partners with leading research institutions and cell therapy developers to create critical applications for its platform, including T-cell, NK cell, and stem cell discovery, as well as sample processing and patient cell line development.

Media Contact

Kevin Leary, Enrich Biosystems, (203) 433 4739, [email protected]

SOURCE Enrich Biosystems

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