Dr. Gerald Pollack, Ph.D. Teaches Water Education For Immunity On Sharon Kleyne Hour VoiceAmerica

Sharon Kleyne, Founder of Bio Logic Aqua® Research

Sharon Kleyne, Founder of Bio Logic Aqua® Research

Air Date: 20 April 2020

Guest: Dr. Gerald Pollack, University of Washington Professor of Bioengineering, Founder & Editor of scientific journal WATER, author of The Fourth Phase of Water:Beyond Solid, Liquid & Vapor (https://www.amazon.com/Fourth-Phase-Water-Beyond-Liquid-ebook/dp/B00N2ASKF2)



During the virus pandemic, Bio Logic Aqua® Research Water Life Science® will be providing regular updates at http://www.sharonkleynehour.com/Coronavirus.php


Dr. Gerald Pollack, Ph.D. and Bio Logic Aqua® Research Water Life Science® founder and director of research Sharon Kleyne agree that common sense and a new behavior for healthy immunity are necessary as we move through this challenging time of Coronavirus and beyond it.

“I like common sense,” says Klyene. “That’s what we need to learn. Together, we need to learn about immunity protection from bacteria and viruses. With COVID-19, we learning that we need to help others learn better health habits. Take personal responsibility,” adds Kleyne, for saving other peoples’ lives and your own.”

Dr. Pollack teaches that his “general passion is uncovering scientific truth—how the world works. During his first two decades, Pollack studied muscle contraction. As a result, he learned that “there was more to water than what most people thought.” Pollack, who praises the wisdom of the ancients and time-honored practices such as Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine, says that we are mostly believers. “We try to fit information into a pre-existing model rather than observing and figuring out what is happening,” Pollack cautions.

Global Health Olympics™ lifestyle founder Kleyne agrees. “Discovery is like a hike,” says Kleyne. “You keep exploring and you keep learning.” Kleyne observes a behavioral change coming, a change in which researchers and others in medicine become more focused on finding cures rather than treating symptoms.

Building on the work of the late Gilbert Ling and others, Pollack and his colleagues discovered an Exclusion Zone in cells, an EZ where water free of particles carries a negative charge (most water carries a neutral charge). Just outside the EZ is water carrying a positive charge. “Our bodies are like a battery,” says Pollack, who reveals that this heavier, structured water in our cells is actually the water that runs our bodies.

As the late, Nobel Laureate who first isolated Vitamin C, Albert Szent-Gyorgi, once said, “Like is water dancing to the tune of solids”.

Kleyne reports, “Water is the foundation for a healthy immune system and we need to drink at least eight-to-ten glasses of clean water every day to flush toxins from the body and maintain healthy immunity.”

While we do that, Kleyne also reminds us to be grateful for first responders, clerks, farmers, truckers, medical personnel, sanitation engineers, scientists, researchers, planners and others who are helping so many people during this worldwide health and immunity crisis.

“And always remember,” says Kleyne, “to hold a child’s heart in your hands.”


You can listen to Sharon Kleyne’s internationally syndicated The Power of Water® & Your Health sponsored by Nature’s Tears® EyeMist® on VoiceAmerica with Program Director Rose Hong of Global Dragon TV featuring Dr. Gerald Pollack, Ph.D., discoverer of the fourth phase of water and Global Health Olympics™ Water Life Science® founder and evaporative dry eye researcher Sharon Kleyne as they discuss nutrition, water, pandemics, viruses, infectious disease, proactive care, education and evaporation, follow this link:



You can also tune in to recent talk radio shows with Kleyne featuring Pam Bonney (https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/122945/how-to-protect-our-frontline-healthcare-professionals), Kevin Kearns (https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/122821/how-to-keep-kids-strong-and-healthy-to-fight-coronavirus) and Rodrigo L. Romulo, M.D. (https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/122421/encore-infectious-disease-101-the-fundamentals-of-controlling-and-fighting-infectious-disease).


If you would like to watch a brief, entertaining educational film that demonstrates the application of the new Dry Eye Solution® technology Nature’s Tears® EyeMist®, sponsor of Sharon Kleyne’s talk radio program, go here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0gOr8TB45U

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