Douglas George’s newly released “God’s Love” is a heartfelt collection of spiritual songs written to inspire and encourage

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“God’s Love”: a delightful collection of empowering songs. “God’s Love” is the creation of published author Douglas George, a dedicated family man who seeks to encourage others in their faith.

George shares, “We as Christians must consider it an honor and a privilege to be a part of God’s family and to have God’s love.

“Love is essential to the nature of God. Those who have become partakers of the new nature are the people of God. They alone increasingly reflect the Holy and loving character of God and love others. The transformed hearts of Christians respond to the call of God to love one another.

“Christians understand that the loving of God involves the guiding rod and staff by the chief shepherd, Jesus.

“Only those who are truly Christ like will be held until the end, for they have true faith in him. Times of doubt may come, and the storms of life may assail them; but if we belong to Christ, we are held by him and will belong to him always. Such biblical truth should cause Christians to draw near humbly to the throne of God to know and grow in the love of God.

“God’s love serves as a constant reminder that God is always watching, ready to help you in any way you need or even just want. God’s love ranges from his fierce protection of these followers to the promise that his love will never falter no matter what.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Douglas George’s new book is an excellent resource for music directors and music ministry leaders.

George shares in hopes of spreading awareness of God’s love and providing a welcoming message to those looking to deepen their faith.

Consumers can purchase “God’s Love” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “God’s Love,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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