Digital Mortgages Made Simple: eOriginal Announces ClosingCenter

eOriginal Inc, the digital lending technology pioneer, continues its digital mortgage industry momentum with the launch of ClosingCenter. Designed to deliver a simple and intuitive closing experience for lenders, borrowers and settlement agents, the cloud-based solution has the potential to ignite digital adoption across the mortgage industry.

“ClosingCenter was designed to deliver the closing experience the mortgage market is demanding. We’ve made it simple to use and scalable to grow transaction volumes over time, and it’s built on our open platform to integrate with doc prep providers and other solution extensions,” says Simon Moir, Chief Product Officer at eOriginal.

Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation is the first customer to go live on ClosingCenter, along with their document preparation partner, DocsDirect. “Feedback from our Settlement Agents has been extremely positive,” says Teri Pansing, VP of Corporate Closing at Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation. At Fairway, the consumer experience is paramount, and our settlement agent community is a critical channel to ensuring that experience is positive both now, and well into the future.” By enabling them with technology that is simple to use (no training required) and aligned to their existing processes and partners, we can truly eliminate any existing roadblocks to supporting digital mortgages.”

“We’re excited about the potential ClosingCenter can bring to our title operations and the overall real estate industry,” says Don Casey, President & CEO of Title Resource Group. “Not all stakeholders in the process are at the same place in their journey towards digital adoption, and by partnering with eOriginal on a unified solution that supports both the closing of digital documents coupled with the digital management of wet-signed documents, this will be a catalyst towards greater overall digital adoption. I see this as a large step forward for the industry, and I’m glad we are a part of it.”

eOriginal’s mission is to ensure that lending is frictionless, secure and trusted from the borrower to the secondary market. “With the launch of ClosingCenter, we’re not only bringing to market an improved borrower experience, but by enabling the trusted execution of eNotes in the capital markets, we are fostering liquidity in the digital mortgage ecosystem. This is an opportunity and responsibility we take very seriously,” says Brian Madocks, CEO of eOriginal.

About eOriginal

eOriginal guarantees trusted transactions of digital financial assets for all parties from the borrower to the secondary market. We do this by creating a ‘digital original’ document with all the legal and enforcement rights of a paper contract combined with the capital and operational efficiency of digitization. Our proven network provides certainty in how these digital assets are created and maintained, delivering the confidence, visibility and compliance lenders and buyers need. As a pioneer in the space, major financial institutions, leading law firms and credit ratings agencies have validated and rely on eOriginal as a trusted partner for digital lending transformation and management. For more information, visit

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