David Kennedy’s newly released “Counting Sheep” is an imaginative story about a man’s faith in God that brings blessings in his life

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“Counting Sheep”: a vibrant narrative that tells of a man’s prayerful countenance and conviction in God that lightens his everyday burdens and graces him with comfort. “Counting Sheep” is the creation of published author David Kennedy, an alumnus of the Certificates Program at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Kennedy shares, “Meet Uncle Champ. Many people may consider his situation to be uncomfortable. However, Uncle Champ knows that to put faith in God, all things become worthwhile. He finds happiness by counting his blessings instead of his troubles. Uncle Champ shows that his faith in God helps him tolerate his troubles and focus on his blessings.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, David Kennedy’s new book is a perspicacious reminder of God’s benevolence for those who ask Him through contemplation and prayer.

Follow the awe-inspiring everyday journey of Uncle Champ and his realization of the Lord’s graciousness that ultimately drives the discomforts in his life.

View the synopsis of “Counting Sheep” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Counting Sheep” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at Amazon.com, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Counting Sheep,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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