Datascan Helps Independent Pharmacies Compete on the Open Market

Datascan Pharmacy Solutions

Datascan Pharmacy Software

Getting your Pharmacy start-up off on the right foot is key to your success. Let our software help guide you to a smooth and profitable grand opening

Since 1981, Datascan has been providing advanced technology through their affordable pharmacy software solutions to independent retail pharmacies, doctors dispensaries, long term care management companies, as well as hospital / out-patient care pharmacies across the USA. Datascan’s software is designed to streamline pharmacy workflow while building profits, efficiency, and patient adherence. Many of Datascan’s clients report a 10-20% rise in profits following the software’s implementation.

Datascan’s pharmacy software products are backed by a customer support system that’s unmatched in the industry. Its customer service calls are often answered within 60 seconds – the fastest recorded response time in the industry.

Customer service efforts are so personalized that the majority of Datascan’s client feedback and ideas are worked into the software. More than 50% of client suggestions have been written into the software over time, ensuring that the client needs are met, even in the face of a constantly changing market.

Datascan was one of the first Windows-based pharmacy management systems on the market. They were also the first to offer a point of sale (POS) system made specifically for pharmacy – one of the first to offer a medication synchronization program built directly into the software and the first company to build a pharmacy delivery system on the Android market so that iPads were no longer a required business expense.

Datascan has consistently been ahead of the competition with first to market features, achieving a loyal customer base – 45% have been Datascan clients for more than 20 years.

Pharmacy software helps independent dispensaries reduce staff time through automation features – which when utilized to their full extent, can help to increase profits, reduce staffing needs, and lower operating costs.

Datascan’s pharmacy software offers the simplest way for an independent pharmacy to modernize their business and keep ahead of chain stores. Datascan has proven that providing high quality, quick response service gives them a competitive edge and a successful business model. Datascan gives their clients the ability to provide the same quality service to their customers ensuring customer retention and a name their patients are proud to recommend.

About Datascan:

For almost 40 years, family-owned Datascan has been the pioneer of the pharmacy software industry. Our client-focused features are designed to tackle DIR fees, increase profits, and build customer retention. Datascan supports the evolution of the pharmacy industry and as your needs change we are ahead of the competition with first to market features built in house, directly into your pharmacy software system.



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