Darion Ferrell’s new book “The Prophecy of the Majestic” is a heroic tale of a young man who discovers his newfound superhuman powers.

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Darion Ferrell, a dedicated author from Akron, Ohio, has completed his new book “The Prophecy of the Majestic”: a riveting story about a young lad’s awakening of mystical powers that pave a path for him to learn his true purpose of permanently changing the world’s reality.

Author Ferrell shows the importance of bravery and faith in achieving impossible things and triumphing over tribulations in one’s path: “In a world where mythology becomes reality, a young man seeks to learn his true place in the world. Having God-given strengths and abilities, he slowly discovers he is someone of renown who is coveted by many. He embarks on a journey that in the end will send the state of the globe on a path of no return.”

Published by New York City–based Page Publishing, Darion Ferrell’s well-conceived tale follows a young man’s supernatural journey that is fraught with challenges which amplify his God-given powers at the world’s expense.

Readers who wish to experience this awe-inspiring work can purchase “The Prophecy of the Majestic” at bookstores everywhere or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or media inquiries, contact Page Publishing at 866-315-2708.

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