Cynthia Egbujo’s newly released “Playing the Tribal Card” is a scholarly book that explains cultural diversity in context with the biblical teachings.

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“Playing the Tribal Card”: a compelling tome that shows the many types of culture and tradition that interpret the message of Jesus Christ, resulting in separation from the desired oneness in faith. “Playing the Tribal Card” is the creation of published author Cynthia Egbujo, a forerunner of the Spirit of Life and Power Ministry in Roanoke, Virginia.

Egbujo shares, “Over the course of human existence, various cultures, traditions, and languages arose from the building of the Tower of Babel as described in the book of Genesis chapter 11. The diversity of cultures and traditions in the world today have made people serve God through the eyes of man and not the way God wants to be truly honored.

“This book cuts across many religious differences in the service of God, resulting from different cultures and practices of men, cutting across countries like Nigeria, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The world, although global, is also a small village and moving from one nation to another can either change the thinking of man through the acquisition of new knowledge or the dethronement of the knowledge already resident in man.

“A general picture of this book shows how cultural groups started and how traditions of men end up creeping into the church of Christ and dethrone the true laws of God and end up satisfying the sinful nature of men who are not watchful.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Cynthia Egbujo’s new book imparts the weight of unity in the name of Christ to effectively battle against diversity that the material world seeks.

This book also emphasizes that Christians must strive to uphold their spiritual integrity despite the disparity in culture and norm.

View the synopsis of “Playing the Tribal Card” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Playing the Tribal Card” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Playing the Tribal Card,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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