Cure Quest Novel Debuts as New Adult Podcast

“The Boy from Yesterday”

“People today ought to be grateful that diseases that would have killed their loved ones in the past are curable today with modern medicine.” — K.B. Howard, author

Author K. B. Howard has announced the launch of his debut New Adult genre novel, “The Boy from Yesterday,” as a podcast show. Following the trend of more authors issuing their novels as free podcast downloads, with chapters as episodes, Howard adds his title to the growing genre of New Adult fiction, which focuses on slightly older characters than Young Adult, often college-age or young professionals.

“The Boy from Yesterday” is the story of Tom Flannery, 20, a farm boy in New England in 1890, who time-travels with the help of a mystical heirloom to the present day in search of modern medical help for a sick friend, Sam Beckins. In the present day, Tom meets a young university student and falls in love with her. Later, we learn that Tom’s mission to bring back the medicine and save his friend in the past has more urgency, lest the future be changed forever.

Howard got the story idea, in part, from the controversy over the anti-vaxxer movement. Commenting to a friend one day in exasperation, Howard said, “People today ought to be grateful that diseases that would have killed their loved ones in the past are curable today with modern medicine,” a reference to Howard’s own 30 years of successfully living with HIV, through various anti-retroviral medicines.

“K.B. Howard” is the pen name of Ken Howard, LCSW, a licensed psychotherapist in Los Angeles, with a long history of expertise in HIV mental health and social services. He is also the founder of, a group practice providing therapy and coaching services to gay male individuals and couples.

Howard is the author of another podcast show, “Gay Therapy LA with Ken Howard, LCSW,” based on his 28 years in psychotherapy practice, and has written two previous books,“Self-Empowerment: Have the Life You Want!” and “Positive Outlook: Collected Essays on Successfully Living with HIV Today,” both available in various formats on A Facebook page for the novel is here.

Howard is launching “The Boy from Yesterday” podcast novel with its prologue and four chapters, with subsequent episodes/chapters to be released approximately weekly. The direct link to subscribe is:


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