COPPERLINE MASKS Ramps Up Production as COVID-19 Positivity Rates Surge

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These findings are paramount when it comes to protecting yourself and others. A mask such as COPPERLINE, with copper woven into it, reduces the infectivity of the virus. This is additional protection that we can all use.

Data recently released from researchers at the Mayo Clinic has made the strongest case yet for the use of masks. They found the most important measure for reducing the risk of exposure to COVID-19 is to wear a mask. Americans now appear to be listening. The most recent study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that mask wearing is the only reported mitigation behavior that has increased over time by Americans of all ages. This is good news as COVID-19 rates are expected to surge again after millions traveled over the Thanksgiving weekend.

“While Americans are anxiously awaiting the roll out of effective vaccines, we recognize that masks are here to stay for some time. The evidence shows the easiest way for each of us to limit exposure and spread of the Coronavirus is to wear a mask,” said Tammy Krings, owner of COPPERLINE MASKS US. “And a COPPERLINE MASK provides additional protection you won’t find anywhere else.”

Copper is widely recognized as a metallic antimicrobial agent. A very fine copper thread is knitted into COPPERLINE MASKS, not sprayed on copper like other masks. Accredited laboratory testing measured the neutralization capacity and reusability of masks infused with copper against regular masks without copper when exposed to the COVID-19 virus (SARS-CoV2). Dr. John Hwa LEE, DVM, PhD, Professor and Dean at Jeonbuk National University in South Korea led the study and found what scientists already suspected, that copper destroys pathogens faster and better than any other material tested. In turn, Coronavirus dies faster on copper than most other surfaces, thus essentially preventing the virus from replicating. The study and its findings can be accessed at

“These findings are paramount when it comes to protecting yourself and others,” Dr. Lee explained. A mask such as COPPERLINE, with copper woven into it, reduces the infectivity of the virus. This is additional protection that we can all use.”

The findings are further bolstered by a recent study from the New England Journal of Medicine that found the COVID-19 virus died within hours when placed on a copper service. The COPPERLINE MASK is comprised of three layers; a striped face-contact layer, an inner net coiled layer and an outer layer, the first two of which are infused with ionized copper yarn at a density of 22%.

Copperline, Inc., headquartered in New Albany, Ohio, serves as Copperline’s official distributor for the Americas and offers a dedicated website for individual or bulk orders. The COPPERLINE MASK is available in four sizes (XS, S, M and L) and in nine colors. The XS is perfect for children, providing full coverage for their tiny faces.

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