Clinerion adds Patient Network Explorer coverage to four new hospitals in Brazil, bringing the total to 17 hospitals and over 7 million patients

The four newest Brazilian hospitals to join the global community of partner hospitals on Clinerion’s Patient Network Explorer platform are:

  • Hospital São Lucas – PUCRS, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul
  • Hospital Martagão Gesteira, Salvador, Bahia
  • Hospital Ana Nery, Salvador, Bahia
  • Centro Regional Integrado de Oncologia (CRIO), Fortaleza, Ceará

They are projected to go online in Patient Network Explorer by the end of May, 2021.

The hospital network in Brazil comprises hospitals of varied sizes, locations and specializations.

Through Patient Network Explorer, patients in Brazil are visible to international clinical trials sponsors, increasing the likelihood of their hospital being selected as a trial site and their being accepted to join trials of next generation treatments. Joining the Patient Network Explorer platform brings physicians and researchers at partner hospitals additional opportunities to offer innovative medical care to patients.

Clinerion matches academic and sponsored trials with clinical trial sites on the Patient Network Explorer platform, according to electronic health records (EHRs) at the sites. The system supports the search and re-identification of candidates for clinical trial recruitment by querying the EHRs in hospital information systems, i.e. demographics, medications, diagnoses, laboratory test results and procedures, without compromising patient privacy. Clinerion’s global patient network currently covers 35 million patients in hospitals in 17 countries around the world, including major clusters in Turkey, Poland and Brazil. Access to this real-world data supports site selection and recruitment for randomized clinical trials (RCTs), and the generation of real-world evidence.

“We are committed to putting the patient first in drug development and we are able to bring patients in Brazil expanded opportunities for treatment due to our strong and rapidly growing footprint in the country, which creates a critical mass of patients for sponsored and academic trials,” says Barış Erdoğan, CEO of Clinerion. “We thank iHealth Group for their continued support for the Clinerion Community of hospitals in Brazil .”

iHealth Group supports the expansion of Clinerion’s coverage in Brazil and the fulfilment of Clinerion’s services inside the country. “It is estimated that Brazil currently has the potential to move to the 10th in the world ranking of clinical research, which would bring benefits to more than 55 thousand patients. We are very motivated to be able to bring this innovation system from the Swiss company Clinerion to clinical research in Brazil and aware that we still have a lot of work ahead of us,” says Leonardo Nunes Alegre, COO of iHealth.

Details of the four new hospitals:

  • Hospital São Lucas – PUCRS: A general hospital, funded through philanthropy, where more than 18 thousand people circulate per day, PUCRS has 580 operational beds, 94 ICU beds, 111 consulting rooms, 18 operating rooms, 2,010 medical staff and 80 clinics in the Clinical Center.
  • Martagão Gesteira Hospital: The largest exclusively pediatric hospital in the North and Northeast of Brazil, a center of reference for the service of diverse pediatric specialties, with respected professionals at the head. There are 220 beds and about 30 specialties. They perform 500,000 free consultations per year for highly complex treatments such as neurosurgery, cardiology and oncology.
  • Ana Nery Hospital: Center of reference for the treatment of patients with diseases in the areas of cardiology, nephrology, vascular surgery and transplants. All procedures performed at the Ana Nery Hospital are exclusively funded by SUS, being a publicly managed hospital, strengthened by the agreement between the Secretary of Health of the State of Bahia (Sesab) and the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), through its Foundation Support for Research and Extension (FAPEX).
  • CRIO (Integrated Regional Oncology Center): Considered one of the largest and best equipped cancer treatment centers in the state of Ceará. Qualified by the Ministry of Health as a Unit of High Complexity in Oncology – Unacon. It provides an outpatient clinic for clinical consultations and prevention, a radiotherapy service, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, imaging, hospital beds, surgical interventions and ICUs for patients under private health plans and those coming from the Unified Health System – SUS.

The full list of hospitals in Brazil on the Patient Network Explorer platform is:

  • Hospital Português da Bahia, Salvador, Bahia
  • Hospital Martagão Gesteira, Salvador, Bahia
  • Hospital Ana Nery, Salvador, Bahia
  • Centro Regional Integrado de Oncologia (CRIO), Fortaleza, Ceará
  • Hospital Felicio Rocho, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais
  • Hospital Angelina Caron, Campina Grande do Sul, Paraná
  • Hospital Erasto Gaertner, Curitiba, Paraná
  • Hospital São Vicente de Paulo, Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul
  • Santa Casa de Misericordia de Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul
  • Hospital Ernesto Dornelles, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul
  • Hospital São Lucas – PUCRS, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul
  • Hospital Regional do Oeste, Chapeco, Santa Catarina
  • Hospital PUC-Campinas, Campinas, São Paulo
  • Hospital Amaral Carvalho, Jaú, São Paulo
  • Centro Médico Ribeirão Shopping, Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo
  • Instituto do Câncer Dr. Arnaldo, São Paulo, São Paulo
  • A.C. Camargo Cancer Center, São Paulo, São Paulo

About Clinerion

Clinerion accelerates clinical research and medical access to treatments for patients. We generate real-world data from our global network of partner hospitals for Real World Evidence analyses. Clinerion’s Patient Network Explorer radically improves the efficiency and effectiveness of clinical trial recruitment by offering data-driven protocol optimization, site feasibility evaluation and real-time patient search and identification to match patients to treatments.

Clinerion facilitates the participation of partner hospitals in leading-edge, industry-sponsored trials and time savings in patient recruitment. Researchers gain access to real-time, longitudinal patient data from electronic health records for analysis. We enable pharmaceutical companies, CROs and SMOs to shorten patient recruitment and save costs by streamlining operations and leveraging strategic intelligence. Clinerion’s Patient Network Explorer also provides a platform for integration of diverse patient data sources into real-world data ecosystems. Clinerion’s proprietary technologies comply with international patient privacy and data security regulations. Clinerion is a global data technology service company headquartered in Switzerland.

Clinerion website:

Clinerion’s Patient Network Explorer:

For more information, please contact:

Le Vin Chin

Director, Head of Marketing & Communications

Clinerion Ltd

Elisabethenanlage 11, 4051 Basel, Switzerland

Tel.: +41 61 865 60 54

About iHealth Group

The iHealth Group has a multidisciplinary team focused on serving the health informatics industry. Our team has extensive experience in this topic, leading the process of computerization of more than 30 Brazilian hospitals. Digital health transformation will enable us to improve communication with our patients, optimize our queues, improve the safety of our processes, expand our planning capacity, reduce costs, eliminate waste and, especially, do evidence-based management. However, we must understand that it is not the technology, but strategic management that will guide us correctly to the computerization of our health processes. IT cannot be a strategic goal, but an instrument to achieve a goal.

iHealth Group website:

For more information, please contact:

Leonardo Nunes Alegre

iHealth Group

Tel.: +55 51 9 9192-9222

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