ClearHealth Quality Institute Launches Accreditation for Telemedicine Outcomes Programs

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“The CHQI Telemedicine Outcomes Workgroup has developed comprehensive standards that allow organizations to demonstrate the value of telemedicine through their outcomes measurement programs,” said Jason Goldwater, MPA, MA, PMP, Senior Principal, Atlas Research, & Chair, CHQI Outcomes Workgroup.

ClearHealth Quality Institute (CHQI), an independent health care accrediting body, announced today the launch of a new addition to its Telemedicine Accreditation Program – the Telemedicine Outcomes Supplement.

CHQI’s Telemedicine Accreditation Program is the country’s largest telemedicine accreditation program and the only accreditation program recognized by the American Telemedicine Association (ATA).

The new Telemedicine Outcomes Supplement provides the first opportunity for a telemedicine program to have an accreditation agency validate the strength of its outcomes measurement program. The Supplement’s standards provide best practices for building, implementing and maintaining a telemedicine outcomes program and then utilizes those standards to accredit telemedicine programs that meet the requirements.

The Telemedicine Outcomes Supplement requires applicants to demonstrate evidence of implementing and utilizing a quality assurance program to track performance through a complete measurement cycle. Five categories must be covered: 1) access to care; 2) clinical effectiveness; 3) clinical experience/ satisfaction; 4) financial impact; and 5) operations.

“Although telemedicine is widely recognized for promoting efficiency, increased access, and patient satisfaction, some skepticism still remains about its ability to produce clinical and financial outcomes equal to, or better than, face-to-face encounters,” said Jason Goldwater, MPA, MA, PMP, Senior Principal, Atlas Research, & Chair, CHQI Telemedicine Outcomes Workgroup. “The CHQI Telemedicine Outcomes Workgroup has developed a comprehensive set of standards that allow organizations to clearly demonstrate the value of telemedicine through their outcomes measurement programs.”

“The CHQI Telemedicine Outcomes Supplement encourages telemedicine programs to elevate, validate and display their commitment to the measurement, analysis and reporting of patient outcomes,” said Michael Gomes, Chief Executive Officer, ClearHealth Quality Institute. “The standards shift from a focus on process and structure to a focus on actual performance measures. The information gleaned from these measures will create actionable information that can be utilized to make real and substantial program improvements.”

For more information about the CHQI Telemedicine Outcomes Supplement, visit:

About ClearHealth Quality Institute™ (CHQI)

Founded upon the principles of accountability, integrity, and quality, ClearHealth Quality Institute’s (CHQI) goal is to create innovative accreditation programs and compliance solutions that improve the health insurance and provider systems of care. CHQI’s Telemedicine Accreditation Program and Mental Health Parity/Substance Use Disorder Accreditation Program collectively accredit the nation’s leading health plans, health systems, and telemedicine organizations. CHQI is governed by an independent board and committee system, which is open to a wide range of volunteer members to ensure transparency and accountability. To learn more about CHQI, please contact (410) 756-1300,, or visit

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