Clean Air Gear’s New Product Eradicates Virus Particles

ViraKill-60 can inactivate airborne or surface virus particles

Clean Air Gear division of MicroSweep Corp. has introduced a novel new product that eradicates virus particles shed by a contagious person, whether they have symptoms or not. Virus particles are copies of the original virus that has been reproduced many-fold by an exhausted host-cell infection in a contagious person.

ViraKill-60 is a special type of portable air purifier that destroys virus particles using clean ozone, then neutralizes any remaining oxidant. Ozone will inactivate viruses on contact, even at very low residual concentrations. Ozone destroys viruses by diffusing through the protein coat into the nucleic acid core, resulting in damage to the viral RNA. Only 0.012 ppm of ozone removes all polio viral cells in less than 10 seconds.

The new ViraKill-60 (available at creates temporary clean ozone that oxidizes viral particles on contact. Placed in a closed room and powered on, the unit cycles unattended for one hour. (The cleaning technology attacks organic molecules, including living cells, so the treatment area must be unoccupied while it cleans.) Treated premises can be reoccupied soon afterward because during the last ten minutes it neutralizes any ozone remaining in the treatment area. This is reliable because only clean ozone is produced, even in moist air, so there are no toxic byproducts to remove.

“ViraKill-60 can inactivate airborne or surface virus particles” said John Edwards, President of Clean Air Gear.

See ViraKill-60 at ( or email to

Clean Air Gear sells portable equipment to purify room air in the home and workplace.

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