Claire Centrella’s newly released “Trapped In My Body, In My Own Words” is a beautiful memoir of a hopeful angel with the purest of hearts and a love for life.

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“Trapped In My Body, In My Own Words”: an astounding triumph of the human spirit evident in the life of a strong-willed woman who felt trapped in her own body but remained hopeful and had lived a life of love and goodness. “Trapped In My Body, In My Own Words” is the creation of published author Claire Centrella, a writer who wishes for her daughter’s story to be told. Melissa had always wanted a book published about her journey. She asked her friends to write down their thoughts. She was an inspiration to everyone showing unbelievable courage, strength, faith, and love.

Centrella shares, “Trapped in My Body was truly where Melissa was. However, she always cared about others, never complained and spread the love and faith she had to everyone who she met. She wanted to share her thoughts and her family and friends’ thoughts with you. Although her life was short, she had an unbelievable impact on everyone. All proceeds from the book will go to Melissa’s Hope Foundation in support of scholarships for students in NJ, pursuing careers in nursing or medical/sciences as well as helping families with special needs children.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Claire Centrella’s new book is a truly captivating life story that will inspire anyone to face their lives with hope and courage as they meet this beautiful and brave ballerina who will swiftly move their hearts.

View a synopsis of “Trapped In My Body, In My Own Words” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase“Trapped In My Body, In My Own Words” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Trapped In My Body, In My Own Words,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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