Christ, the Anointed One” is a wholesome tome that provides the readers with knowledge about the risen Christ.

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“The Third Dimensional Man: Christ, the Anointed One”: a soul-refreshing memoir that presents a contemporary message to the readers about the begotten Son of God who saved the world from darkness. “The Third Dimensional Man: Christ, the Anointed One” is the creation of published author Paul A. Barham, a pastor of a home church and operates a phone-line ministry. He was commissioned by God to write books and to teach and open the eyes of believers about the untold truths and mysteries in the Word of God.

Barham writes, “Paul Barham is married to Michelle Barham and they have four beautiful daughters. They currently reside in Naples, Florida. One morning on his way to work in August 2012, the Lord spoke to him in a vision and said: Paul, listen. I need you to understand the third-dimensional man. Meditate on it, and I will tell you what it means. You are going to minister on the topic. Paul immediately saw the drawing of the image of a man as it morphed into three different stages. He understood the vision clearly and the meaning behind it as it appeared before him in his spirit, but he was unable to explain and communicate clearly to others what he had seen and experienced. Later, it was revealed to him that the third-dimensional man is the Man Christ Jesus in His resurrected and ascended state, a state that we as Christians and believers will also be in when the rapture occurs. What this book reveals is spiritual awareness and empowerment that the children of God possess, and the ability to do great and mighty works in the name of Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Barham’s new book shares a wonderful reading experience as this narrative allows the readers to feel the spirit of the risen Christ, the anointed one.

This book urges the readers to read it as much as they could as it provides them a detailed look at the fall of the Devil and how the darkness was established.

View a synopsis of “The Third Dimensional Man: Christ, the Anointed One” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “The Third Dimensional Man: Christ, the Anointed One” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Third Dimensional Man: Christ, the Anointed One,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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