Charity Team PHenomenal Hope Organizes Packed Schedule for Pulmonary Hypertension Awareness Month

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Awareness month is a time for everyone to do their part in working toward earlier diagnosis, better treatment, and cure.

November is pulmonary hypertension month (PH), and nonprofit Team PHenomenal Hope is hosting a month-long celebration of activities to amplify awareness and promote wellness beyond the pandemic.

PH is a rare disease that causes high blood pressure in the arteries of the lungs, which puts unnecessary stress on both the heart and then lungs. Currently, there is no cure, and, eventually, it can be fatal. One of the most aggressive symptoms of the disease is shortness of breath, which prevents patients from being able to do ordinary things, such as climbing the stairs, without becoming breathless and exhausted.

In an effort to encourage holistic wellness in this “new normal” the pandemic has forced on society while also cultivating widespread awareness and involvement, Team PH has put together a month-long schedule that embodies their new campaign, “Living Well Now and Beyond.”

The schedule includes educational and support sessions, as well as exercise and fundraising opportunities. From virtual pulmonary rehab sessions to medical round table discussions via Zoom, there is something for everyone. Some of the presenters for the month’s activities include PH specialists from around the U.S., including Dr. Noah Greenspan from the Pulmonary Wellness Clinic, Dr. Jean Elwing from the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, and Dr. Wendy Chung from Columbia University Medical Center.

Team PH Executive director Linda Appleby shared, “Awareness month is a time for everyone to do their part in working toward earlier diagnosis, better treatment, and cure. With the past year and a half forcing us to alter the way we move through the world, we want to encourage our community to lean into this new normal while making sure their care is number one priority.”

Team PH’s awareness month activities are supported by Team PH’s industry sponsors: Janssen, CVS Speciality, Bayer, Altavant, Acceleron, and United Therapeutics.

To see Team PH’s full schedule of November events, go to Make a donation to support the patient-centric work of Team PH at

While the organization started out as an ultra-endurance team and fundraising program, it has grown to offer programs and services to support the PH community. Team PH’s mission is to fund medical research into improved treatments or a cure for those who suffer from PH, and to implement programs and services that remove patients from isolation, build community, and provide hope. Visit to learn more about Team PH.

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