Central Florida Bonding, 24-hour Bail Bonds in Orlando, FL.
Our new website is much easier to navigate and has more educational information. Our online video library covers a variety of topics including domestic violence, bail bond premiums, driving under the influence, invalid driver’s license and driving while license is suspended.
June 23, 2020
Central Florida Bonding located at 2911 39th Street, Suite 300 in Orlando, Florida 32839 is pleased to announce the launch of their new website redesign. Their new website features a blog, a video library, and the ability to pay a bail bond online. To see their newly redesigned website visit: https://cfborlando.com/
Hadi Khouri, owner of Central Florida Bonding, stated “We are excited about our new website. It is much easier to navigate and has more educational information. Our online video library covers a variety of topics including domestic violence, bail bond premiums, driving under the influence, invalid driver’s license and driving while license is suspended. For first-time offenders it can be confusing on how to bond from jail. Our staff walks people through step by step on how we post bond, how long it takes to bond from jail, what paperwork is needed and when court dates are scheduled. For those defendants that are college age, we work with their parents to help their young adult post bond. In the cases of college students whose parents are out of state, we work with them long distance. Over the years we have helped many students from the University of Central Florida, Stetson University, Rollins College, Seminole State College and Valencia College. For those who are arrested for their first time I highly recommend they watch the video on our website entitled “What is a bail bond?” This informative video describes bail bonds in greater detail and how they work. We are here to help. I encourage people to call our office should they have any questions.”
Central Florida Bonding is available to help defendant’s bond from jail for a variety of charges. Some of the charges they bond for include domestic violence, drugs, drug trafficking, traffic violations, assault, battery, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol (DUI), driving while intoxicated (DWI), boating while intoxicated (BWI), driving with a suspended license, robbery, theft, tax evasion and several other charges.
Khouri added “Many people don’t realize that for each charge the bond can vary. If the charge involves anything traffic related the defendant can also have points added to their license in addition to being arrested. Our entire staff can explain more about how the criminal justice system works. We are available 24-hours, 7 days a week. My staff is fluent in Spanish so we can effectively help the Spanish speaking community.”
Central Florida Bonding has been serving Central Florida since 1979. Since opening their doors, they have specialized in providing bail bonds for most criminal cases, aggravated cases, traffic misdemeanors, domestic cases and petty crimes. Their highly trained bail bond agents are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year including holidays and weekends. Central Florida Bonding will bond defendants from jails throughout Central Florida including the Orange County Jail in Orlando, FL (33rd Street Jail), the Lake County Jail in Tavares, FL, the Volusia County Jail in Daytona Beach, FL, the Seminole County Jail in Sanford, FL and the Osceola County Jail in Kissimmee, FL.
For more information or to learn more about how bail bonds work call Central Florida Bonding at 407-841-3646 or visit online at https://cfborlando.com/.
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