Cecelia Cornelia Smeythe’s newly released “Paper Chickens” is a lovely tale about a little girl with a vivid imagination that inspires her creativity and fun

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“Paper Chickens”: an engaging story about Clara, a little girl with an extraordinary imagination that lets her create beautiful chickens for her leisure and recreation. “Paper Chickens” is the creation of published author Cecelia Cornelia Smeythe, a passionate writer dedicated to the development of a child’s unique and spectacular imagination.

Smeythe shares, “Cecelia Cornelia’s mother Clara was the youngest of nine children and found herself alone most of the time since all her siblings had already left home. She grew up in a time when there were no technological advances. The only thing to occupy a young mind…was the mind itself. In the absence of friends that lived close by to play with, she would create her own fun by using her imagination!

“‘Paper Chickens’ is a true story about this very creative little girl named Clara. Clara always believed in her ability to create her own fun! She felt that there was no limit to what she could do and where she could go in her imagination! And she does! ‘Paper Chickens’ is the first book of the Clara Chronicles. Come along for a unique adventure courtesy of the imagination of a very clever girl!”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Cecelia Cornelia Smeythe’s new book displays the lovable side of children in coming up with ideas that stem from their enthusiasm and unique thinking.

This book is the first of a series that shares the heartwarming journey of Clara and her charming imagination and dream of fun and excitement.

View the synopsis of “Paper Chickens” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Paper Chickens” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at Amazon.com, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Paper Chickens,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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