CBHA’s Anti-Bullying, Anti-Hazing Protocols for College Athletes

Since 2023, CBHA has been diligently implementing its comprehensive mental health care program across institutions nationwide. The introduction of the bullying and hazing protocols signifies a proactive effort to identify and address potential concerns faced by student-athletes while maintaining the utmost confidentiality.

Steve Wigginton, Chief Executive Officer of Collegiate Behavioral Health Associates, emphasized how these specialized protocols, facilitated through an independent, third-party provider, can contribute to athletes feeling safer. “Our team invested considerable time in devising the right approach for these new protocols to offer athletes a secure path to recovery and a safe space for sharing without fear of harm, reprisal, or alienation. Our affiliation with universities lies solely in providing comprehensive care for their athletes where their privacy is guarded within our secure environment.”

Prevalent issues like hazing persist when a lack of self-reporting lingers. A study by United HealthCare confirms this concern by revealing that 51% of students self-reported they or their friend chose not to seek help when they did need it. Dr. Jeffrey Fishbein, Chief Psychology Officer of CBHA, underscores the grave consequences of unreported bullying, highlighting its correlation with elevated levels of anxiety and depression among collegiate athletes.

CBHA’s program frames its proactive approach as a solution to this lack of self-reporting. Dr. Fishbein further clarified the benefit behind the organization’s unique proactive structure. “By reaching out to the athletes first, we’re proactively treating this on the same level as a required routine physical exam. Mental health significantly influences performance in various aspects of life. Athletes are no exception to this. Identifying mental health problems early allows us to intervene before they escalate, enabling us to eradicate the proliferation of toxic cultures.

“Undoubtedly, there is a missing key element in this country’s approach to mental health protocols. With CBHA, we have that key.”

For media inquiries, please contact:

Victor Torres

Director of Marketing

888-489-1431 ext. 2009

[email protected]

Media Contact

Victor Torres, Collegiate Behavioral Health Associates, 1 8884891431 2009, [email protected], www.cbhamedical.com


SOURCE Collegiate Behavioral Health Associates

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