Category Archives: Society: Christianity

Christian News, these Press Release Syndication’s will keep you up to date on what is happening in the Church today.

Journeying to Overcome the Roadblock Called Self” is a heartfelt testimony to God’s love


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“Over the River and through the Fire: Journeying to Overcome the Roadblock Called Self”: a potent account of heartbreak and rebirth. “Over the River and through the Fire: Journeying to Overcome the Roadblock Called Self” is the creation of published author Sherry Lewton, a graduate of Asbury University, a loving mother of two sons, and a dedicated grandmother to four.

Lewton shares, “Heartache and brokenness are universal. When our lives are thrown into the fire, it will either make us or break us. In her memoir, author Sherry Lewton recounts events from her past that ignited her own fires, throwing her life into a blaze of secrecy, shame, despair, and devastation. Throughout those tumultuous years of painful experiences, roadblocks springing up to hinder recovery are labeled and defined. Of all the roadblocks, she acknowledges that it was her own self that was often the greatest obstacle preventing recovery. But Sherry unashamedly proclaims how choosing to focus on God alone as the only answer, and the only one who could heal her broken heart, led her to find her way to the path that could lead her out of the fire and into triumphant living.

“With no desire for platitudes, pat answers, or shaming techniques to infiltrate her message, she seeks to tenderly offer hope to her readers through an unwavering and passionate desire to inspire those who find themselves engulfed in fiery trials to let go of selfish motives and desires. In doing so, roadblocks that hinder recovery are removed, and we can then gain freedom to reach out our hearts and hands to a broken and hurting world. No other way will satisfy.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Sherry Lewton’s new book will tug at the heartstrings as Lewton reflects upon the deeply challenging journey that led to triumph through Christ.

Lewton shares a collection of reflections and relevant scripture that capture the true experiences, both heartbreaking and exhilarating, of her personal and spiritual journey.

Consumers can purchase “Over the River and through the Fire: Journeying to Overcome the Roadblock Called Self” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, Books-A-Million, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Over the River and through the Fire: Journeying to Overcome the Roadblock Called Self,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Author Shares Her Powerful Testimony to Encourage Others to See That With God’s Help, All Things are Possible


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I felt strongly led by God since 2017 to write my story because it was going to be one of the ways I share my testimony. No matter how broken you may feel, there is still a way to pick up the broken pieces and color.

Author V. Marcia Blair provides much-needed Christian inspiration to all readers in CHOSEN: A Life Ordained and Purposed by God ($19.49, paperback, 9781662858628; $7.99, e-book, 9781662858635).

V. Marcia Blair shares her personal story and profound belief that God was in complete control, helping her to overcome overwhelming life challenges. Readers will follow this journey from her homeland of Jamaica to New York City, where her struggles continued, and she faced betrayal, disillusionment and illness. Blair persevered while empowering herself by working full time and attending night school. She shares her conviction with readers, a belief that she was “CHOSEN” for a great purpose and that the struggles were just hurdles to overcome. As this intriguing story climaxes, Blair’s faithfulness pays off as God sends her the love of her life who, along with her children, church and family, supported her on this extraordinary journey of life.

When asked what inspired the author to write this book, Blair said, “I felt strongly led by God since 2017 to write my story because it was going to be one of the ways I share my testimony. No matter how broken you may feel, there is still a way to pick up the broken pieces and color.”

V. Marcia Blair was born in Jamaica, the fifth child for her parents. She surrendered her life to the Lord at five years old and has continued to grow in faith. She has endured many physical and verbal abuses in her life but her faith in God helped her to know that with Him, there is nothing that she cannot overcome. She immigrated to America and while there were many disappointments, challenges and struggles, she was confident that God was with her. In 1995, she married the love of her life whose love is a tower of strength for her. Blair holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration and a master’s degree in Business Administration and Human Resources Management. She attended post graduate studies at the Manhattan Bible Institute. Blair is a licensed Ordained Minister of the Gospel by the Church of God, a licensed and trained International Chaplain. In addition to a lifetime passion for singing, she is also a devoted worshiper and prayer warrior.


Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 15,000 titles published to date. CHOSEN: A Life Ordained and Purposed by God is available online through,, and

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Nancy Letterly’s newly released “Tears in My Heart” is an engaging personal story that explores God’s work within the author’s life


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“Tears in My Heart”: a heartfelt testimony to God’s grace. “Tears in My Heart” is the creation of published author Nancy Letterly.

Letterly shares, “Tears can imply many things. There are tears (a split or rip), tears of sorrow (weeping), and tares that refer to weeds. I have experienced all three in my life. Some have to be healed, some endured, and some eradicated. Only with God’s help can any of these processes be accomplished. This is my true story of how God has saved my life. I pray it will inspire and encourage others. Nothing is impossible with God!”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Nancy Letterly’s new book shares an intimate look into the author’s journey of personal and spiritual growth.

Letterly shares in hopes of helping others on their faith journeys as they open themselves to all God has to offer.

Consumers can purchase “Tears in My Heart” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Tears in My Heart,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Whether You Step Outside Your Comfort Zone Or Your Country, God Will Use You To Show His Love


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All of these experiences grew out of a relationship with the Lord of all nations and learning to see His plans and dreams for the world. The struggles include how to communicate with other peoples and to understand their obvious differences.

Author Lori Marsh shares her experience of Loving People Of All Nations, Languages, and Cultures ($22.49, paperback, 9781662863301; $9.99, e-book, 9781662863318).

Even as a child, Marsh loved learning about people with other customs, languages and cultures than the one she was familiar with in small-town Ohio. She started reading about other countries, then traveling to see them, then hosting international travelers in her home. In one way or another, God has found a way to use that love for all kinds of people throughout Marsh’s life.

“All of these experiences grew out of a relationship with the Lord of all nations and learning to see His plans and dreams for the world. The struggles include how to communicate with other peoples and to understand their obvious differences. The story touches on what I learned in all the years of my journey as well as the struggles. The ending points to the next step in the ongoing journey which is into the unknown,” said Marsh.

Lori Marsh has spent much of her life as a language teacher, teaching French, German and English to speakers of other languages. She has been on several missions’ trips, traveled to various countries and hosted many internationals in her home.


Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 15,000 titles published to date. Loving People Of All Nations, Languages and Cultures is available online through,, and

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Pastor Delicia Johnson-Harris’s newly released “The Power of…


“The Power of Repentance and Faith” from Christian Faith Publishing author Pastor Delicia Johnson-Harris is a thoughtful reflection on a life’s journey filled with challenges and triumph that have led…

(PRWeb November 20, 2022)

Read the full story at


Carolea Hower’s newly released “Old Turtle and the Christmas Star” is a creative Christmas narrative that takes readers back to the birth of Christ


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“Old Turtle and the Christmas Star”: a sweet story of a unique perspective of the Christmas miracle. “Old Turtle and the Christmas Star” is the creation of published author,Carolea Hower, a dedicated wife and retired physical therapist.

Hower shares, “Every Christmas Judy played with her mother’s Nativity puzzle. She thought that one of the pieces looked like an old turtle.

“Go along with Judy into the Attic of Time, where she discovered that Old Turtle wasn’t just in her imagination after all.

“Listen as Old Turtle shares his memory of a very special night, long ago, when the Christmas star stopped over his stable.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Carolea Hower’s new book will entertain while sharing key components of the story of Jesus for young readers.

Hower draws from an appreciation for simpler times and family traditions within the pages of this delightful juvenile tale.

Consumers can purchase “Old Turtle and the Christmas Star” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Old Turtle and the Christmas Star,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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New Book Proclaims How to Fix Human Problems (Political, Personal, Economic, Social, or Spiritual) Permanently


“Think of how much better the world would become if people did not rob others, injure others, murder others, or oppress others. If you want the world to be a better place, give love, don’t just receive it only”.

Ever wonder how to fix human problems permanently? To overcome wars, atrocities, hunger, diseases, deaths, sorrows, and other troubles? The solution is the central topic of a new book titled: “Love to Live Forever: Fixing Human Problems Permanently God’s Way”.

The book takes a practical view, with lively illustrations, of how by loving (helping not hurting) people, we can put into practice a divine solution. To overcome our troubles, God wants us to love our neighbors. It is that simple. But not easy, given our “desperately wicked” hearts (see Jeremiah 17:9 in the Holy Bible for this critical diagnosis of the human condition by our Maker). God therefore provides help by putting the Holy Spirit in our hearts to empower, enhance us (see 2 Timothy 1:7, Romans 5:5, and 2 Corinthians 1:21-22).

Believers are also empowered to benefit from a needed spiritual transformation (becoming ‘born again’) enabling access to the kingdom of heaven (see John 3:1-8). Access to God’s kingdom is crucial. It would be the only realm left standing when this world is destroyed and all governments end, and a New Age of world peace emerges.

Providing access into the kingdom of heaven, indeed, God’s ultimate solution for human problems is underscored by love. Specifically, it’s “faith working through love” (see Galatians 5:6, NKJV). That is, having faith in God underscored by a change in how we treat people for the better. It requires an attitude adjustment, and behavior modification in how we conduct our affairs personally, professionally, socially, financially, spiritually, politically, or ideologically.

It requires a renewed mindset with practical action steps focused on helping people. It calls for a mindset that is radically different from the greed-driven, self-centered philosophy that drives much of human conduct today. No wonder we are in such deep troubles, guaranteed to grow worse as disaster looms!

“Think of how much better the world would become if people did not rob others, injure others, murder others, or oppress others,” writes author Fred Igbeare, a former journalist. “If you want the world to be a better place, give love, don’t just receive it only”.

Copies of the book in paperback and eBook (published by TBN’s Trilogy) are available now at you local bookstores. Get your copies online also at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Google Books, and other outlets. Note that an audio book release is planned, as well as translations into other languages.

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Xavier Lawrence’s newly released “The Testimony” is a thoughtful memoir that celebrates God’s healing grace


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“The Testimony”: an engaging autobiographical work. “The Testimony” is the creation of published author Xavier Lawrence, a native of Alabama and master technician in the automotive industry who later moved to Tennessee.

Lawrence shares, “Here is a man named Xavier. Lost and confused about life, he wandered away from God. Facing many struggles and challenges, Xavier felt he ruined his life and had given up hope. But God was watching over him and never gave up on Xavier. Slowly, but surely, he finds the strength to keep going. One challenge after another, he overcomes the pain and heartache of his life and finds his way back to God and discovers his gifts along the way. One, in particular, being poetry. Today, he’s found the courage to share his testimony about how God turned his life around.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Xavier Lawrence’s new book will take readers on a deeply personal journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

Lawrence shares in hopes of encouraging others who may feel uncertain of what the future holds as he explores his own journey of faith.

Consumers can purchase “The Testimony” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Testimony,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Jewel Parker’s newly released “The Bird Who Loved To Hear Angels Sing” is a delightful children’s tale that shares a little bird’s unexpected adventure


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“The Bird Who Loved To Hear Angels Sing”: a charming message of kindness and friendship. “The Bird Who Loved To Hear Angels Sing” is the creation of published author Jewel Parker, a dedicated mother and grandmother who was born in Ecuador and raised in California. Parker has served in the medical field for over thirty years as a respiratory therapist.

Parker shares, “Henry is an average bird with unusual hearing for a bird. He hears things other birds do not. In this first of his exciting adventures, he hears angels singing in a little house. The other birds make fun of him until…well, I guess you need to read the book to find out what happens.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Jewel Parker’s new book is an enjoyable dual-language title that can be enjoyed by both English and Spanish speaking readers.

Parker shares a charming story of a little bird with a special gift brought to life through illustrations created by Bainov Pavel.

Consumers can purchase “The Bird Who Loved To Hear Angels Sing” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Bird Who Loved To Hear Angels Sing,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Book of Devotionals to Help Readers Discover Their God-Given Missions


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“Our life’s adventures take us on a journey that cycles through different stages multiple times. Each time, we face similar challenges, but at ever deepening levels. This book serves as a guide, freshly appropriate each cycle.”

What does God have to do with one’s career path? Author Bob Black answers that question in his new book, “Mobilize Your Mission.”

In it readers are provided with a short process to discern their God given missions and then leads them through 40 devotionals to inspire and stretch their faith. The handbook is designed as a reference guide and an ongoing source of perspective and encouragement. Black includes concepts such as “Spirit Talk,” which captures the essence of relevant verses in words and short phrases, and “Coach’s Questions” which are meant to elicit deeply transformative thinking.

“I consider this book a reference to keep at your bedside because there is something in it for every stage of your life adventure,” said Black. “Our life’s adventures take us on a journey that cycles through different stages multiple times. Each time, we face similar challenges, but at ever deepening levels. This book serves as a guide, freshly appropriate each cycle.”

Black is the founder of Mission Curve Advisors, whose mission is to see a large and growing number of people living fulfilled lives as they enjoy ever deepening relationships with God and people. While “Mobilize Your Mission” is intended to provide a start to the process, Mission Curve Advisors offers a 1:1 advisor guided workshop meant to bring clarity that may not be attainable if attempting alone.

“I’d really like to provoke sleepy Christians to wake up and to determine why God has them here,” said Black. “Let’s get them moving on the mission God has for their lives with this ‘do-it-yourself’ source.”

“Mobilize Your Mission”

By Bob Black

ISBN: 9781664272194 (softcover); 9781664272200 (hardcover); 9781664272187 (electronic)

Available at WestBow Press, Amazon and Barnes & Noble

About the author

Bob Black received his bachelor’s degree from Purdue University, West Lafayette, Ind. and his masters at Syracuse University, Syracuse, N.Y. Trained as an engineer, he was nearly 20 years into a successful, stable career in the medical device industry when God got his attention. After two years of struggle, he jumped and became a financial adviser. Drawing on his personal experience, financial advising skills and as an ICF certified coach, he founded Mission Curve Advisors and since led hundreds of people to likewise experience the adventure of their lives. Bob and has a wife and two grown children and live in Bend, Ore. To learn more, please visit

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