Category Archives: Society: Christianity

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BMW of Sterling’s Community C.A.R.E. Program is Donating Vehicles to Single Parents at Heritage Fellowship Church in Reston, VA This Sunday, October 6th, 2019

Previous Recipient Javelle R. Teate

“We (Sterling Motorcars) are challenging all businesses to step up and partner with the faith-based community to make a difference in the lives of our neighbors.” – Paul White, President Sterling Motorcars

Two unsuspecting single parents will be surprised on Sunday October 6, 2019. The parents will receive a quality pre-owned vehicle from BMW of Sterling’s at one of two services at the Heritage Fellowship Church. These parents currently do not have reliable transportation and give tirelessly of their time and talent to others. While their names cannot be disclosed, their backgrounds are as follows:

  • Single mom – 2 children, ancient car about to give up the ghost, part of the Young Adult Ministry and has assisted with the computer program
  • Single Dad – widower, teen daughter still at home, assists with the Teen Church

The BMW of Sterling Community C.A.R.E. Program stands for Commitment, Assurance, Reliability and Excellence. While most businesses pay for this type of community outreach in the form of sponsorships, Sterling Motorcars is doing the work and coming from within the walls of their dealership. This is a huge differentiator. “We are challenging all businesses to step up and partner with the faith-based community to make a difference in the lives of our neighbors. Our first launch event last April was a huge success. One of the single parents who received a car was able to get off of 15 years of welfare and is now working for Uber. This type of impact in the community is priceless,” said Paul White, President of Sterling Motorcars.

“We give thanks for the blessings bestowed on our members for this event, said Heritage pastor, Rev. Dustin B. Sullivan. “As Christians, we are called to put our faith in action by meeting the needs of our neighbors. BMW of Sterling Community C.A.R.E. Program embodies God’s call to open wide your hand to those in need. The gift of these automobiles allows our members to experience God’s grace and empowers them to change their daily circumstances and financial realities. We are honored and humbled to partner with Sterling Motors allowing Heritage to further our vision of Connecting Christ, Congregation and Community.”

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Xulon Press Author Releases New Book That Provides The Keys to Unlocking God’s Glory

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This book offers training on the Apostolic ministry, our journey in spiritual growth as His sons and daughters.

Cara L. Nordeen’s book Unlocking Glory ($23.99, paperback, 9781545673768; $9.99, e-book, 9781545673775), is available for preorder.

Unlocking Glory offers training on the operation of the gifts of the Spirit, how to hear God, yield to the Holy Spirit, and move with Him in His power, so we can do the works that Jesus did. This book offers training on the Apostolic ministry, our journey in spiritual growth as His sons and daughters. It shines the light on our mission as His priesthood and what our mindset should be and teaches about the authority we are given. So many in our day have been pulled away from knowing the Word of God for themselves and this book will help to pull many away from false doctrine and get them back to the truth of God’s Word. Faith will be increased by the power of His Word explained as well as reading the marvelous works of God in these inspiring testimonies.

Cara is co-founder of High Tower Ministries, which is an affiliate of the Rock Ministerial Fellowship based out of Virginia Beach, VA. She and her husband Bill began High Tower Ministries by carrying the gospel to the highways and byways of the United States. She has a prophetic anointing that has changed many lives through the kingdom insight that the Lord has brought through her.

Cara began her journey with the Lord in her childhood and at the age of twenty-two came to understand the call on her life to preach the Word of God. She has served in many facets of ministry over the last two decades, including but not limited to: intercessory prayer ministry, preaching, teaching evangelizing, and aiding in the pioneering of startup churches. Cara is dedicated to reaching the lost and training up the body of Christ to move in the supernatural gifts of the Spirit with power, ushering in the glory of God to bring forth breakthrough.


Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 12,000 titles published to date. Unlocking Glory is available online through,, and

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Xulon Press Author Offers Details on the Crown of Life and its Role in the End Times

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There is no greater reward than sharing your personal truth and transforming lives

Author John David Harwood hopes to shed light on a much-debated topic in The Kingdom Series: The Crown of Life ($14.99, paperback, 9781545668795; $6.99, e-book, 9781545668801). Many have wondered about the Crown of Life mentioned in James and Revelation. Harwood claims it is a key concept, and grants further understanding of the Tree of Life.

“I believe that God’s Word is the absolute truth and that it is our job to incorporate His teaching into our own lives. There is no greater reward than sharing your personal truth and transforming lives,” said Harwood.

John Harwood holds a Bachelor’s in Communications Studies from Texas Christian University. He is also the author of God’s Secret: Disclosing God’s Hidden Truths of the Bible; The Holy Grail: The Blood of the Words of the Lamb of God; The Sword of the Spirit: The Sound of Many Waters; and Ad Patrem Et Filium: From Father to Son.

Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 15,000 titles published to date. The Crown of Life is available online through,, and

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Xulon Press Offers Guidance to Those Seeking God’s Will for Their Lives

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It has been my intent for several years to share what I have personally discovered about God’s will, and why there is no greater thing in life than to know God’s will and do it

Author and Bible teacher Gordon Haresign hopes to help readers find their life’s purpose in God’s Will is Not Elusive: A Comprehensive, In-Depth Study on Discovering God’s Will and Experiencing Divine Guidance ($19.49, paperback, 9781545674529; $9.99, e-book, 9781545674536). He offers what he has learned over the past six decades regarding God’s will and the fulfillment that awaits those who follow it.

Haresign feels many people struggle to discover God’s will for their lives and wants his readers to know that it doesn’t have to be shrouded in mystery.

“It has been my intent for several years to share what I have personally discovered about God’s will, and why there is no greater thing in life than to know God’s will and do it,” said Haresign.

Gordon Haresign, born on a mission station in equatorial Africa, has enjoyed a diverse career as an auditor, businessman, army officer, children’s and youth ministry leader, global ministry director, Bible college professor, conference speaker, church leader and author. He is also the author of Innocence, Authentic Christianity and Pray for the Fire to Fall.

Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 15,000 titles published to date. God’s Will is Not Elusive is available online through,, and

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First-Time Xulon Author Releases Book on Narcissistic Relationships

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There are still many women worldwide who have not even heard of narcissism, much less recognize they may be in such a relationship

Within the pages of Vivian Potter’s new book, No, You’re Not Going Crazy!($9.99, paperback, 9781545665916; $4.99, ebook, 9781545665923), readers will find a book to help them recognize any potential narcissistic abuse, while also learning to engage in healthy, reciprocal relationships.

Potter hopes readers can also realize their value and God-given purpose to take their place in His Kingdom.

“There are still many women worldwide who have not even heard of narcissism, much less recognize they may be in such a relationship,” says Potter. Sadly, these women have been treated in such a belittling way that they become someone they no longer recognize.

Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 12,000 titles published to date, No, You’re Not Going Crazy! is available online through,, and

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Michael P. Mallardi Writes New Book “Pen in the Spirit”

Holy Fire Publishing ( releases “Pen in the Spirit” (Paperback, U.S. $16.99, ISBN: 978-1-60383-592-3). Michael P. Mallardi’s poems center on Christ Jesus, the Christian faith and personal experiences. This book is written for those who desire to know God’s heart and His love for the world.

When Michael Mallardi was troubled with respiratory disease in 2015 his physical abilities where limited. Paradoxically, lines of poetry began blooming and his journey was just started. Even when he did not have a particular affinity for poetry, one of the most beautiful sentences were written about our Saviour:

“Jesus arose majestically from the altar,

Miraculously in the hands of the priest,

Angels surrounded the altar in adoration,

Spirit bears witness to a heavenly feast”

Readers through this beautiful work will find how perfection and beauty merge and at the end of the road, we find Christ showing us the way to The New Jerusalem:

“At the intersection of Hope and Charity,

Take a right to Ten Commandments Drive.

True faith will provide a short cut,

The pursuit of sanctity enables all to arrive.”

Michael P. Mallardi was born in East Harlem, on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17, 1934. Born at home to a mother one generation removed from her Italian immigrant roots and an Italian immigrant father. He joined the American Broadcasting Company in 1956, and then spent the next 40 years, both within and outside ABC, in various executive positions in the media industry. He eventually became ABC’s Chief Financial Officer and one of three of the company’s Executive Vice Presidents.

He and Sylvia, his wife of 58 years, have two daughters Karen and Stephanie and one fabulous granddaughter, Natalie Joan, who has been his sunshine from the moment of her birth.

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Pioneer Institute Files Updated Amicus Brief in Potentially Landmark School Choice Case Currently before U.S. Supreme Court

Pioneer Institute today announced that it has again filed an amicus curiae brief, this time urging the U.S. Supreme Court to strike down Montana’s Blaine amendment.

In the wake of the United States Supreme Court’s June decision to hear Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue, a case challenging a state constitutional amendment marked by religious bias, Pioneer Institute today announced that it has again filed an amicus curiae brief, this time urging the Court to strike down Montana’s Blaine amendment.

Massachusetts is among the 38 states with anti-aid Blaine amendments, which prohibit public resources from flowing to individuals to send their children to religiously affiliated schools. The Commonwealth was the first state to adopt such an amendment, and it is generally considered the most restrictive in the country.

Pioneer Institute’s brief discusses the history of the Blaine amendments. The first of the two anti-aid amendments to the Massachusetts Constitution was the work of the virulently anti-Catholic Know-Nothing Party, which came to power in the state elections of 1854, after a wave of Catholic immigrants arrived in the Commonwealth during the Irish Potato Famine. The Bay State adopted a second anti-aid Blaine amendment to its Constitution in 1917.

Pioneer Institute’s brief shows how in the Espinoza case, Kendra Espinoza, a suddenly single mom, sought a better education for her daughters. In public school, one daughter was bullied and the other struggled academically. Both would later thrive in a parochial school.

Pioneer Institute’s brief discusses the fact that after the Montana Supreme Court struck down her state’s education tax credit program, Ms. Espinoza was denied access to the scholarships her children badly needed. She and two other Montana moms facing similar plights have asked the nation’s highest court to weigh in, and it has agreed to do so.

“Kendra Espinoza, like so many other parents, sought the education that best suits the needs of her children,” said Pioneer’s Executive Director Jim Stergios. “It’s hard to believe that an amendment steeped in anti-Catholic bias still stands in her way 130 years after its passage.”

Pioneer Institute also filed an amicus brief earlier this year urging the United States Supreme Court to hear the Espinoza case. Both were drafted by a team led by Michael Gilleran of Fisher Broyles and Professor Dwight Duncan of the University of Massachusetts School of Law. They were assisted by Harvard Law School students Annika Boone, Benjamin Fleshman, Anastasia Frane, James McGlone and Grant Newman.

In addition to Pioneer, former United States Solicitor General Paul Clement as well as Attorneys General on behalf of 18 states recently filed briefs urging the Court to strike down the amendment to the Montana Constitution.

For well over a decade Pioneer Institute has highlighted this important legal and educational topic through research, events and op-eds. In 2018, Pioneer produced a 30-minute documentary, “Big Sacrifices, Big Dreams: Ending America’s Bigoted Education Laws,” that chronicles the struggles of four families in Massachusetts, Michigan, and Georgia, all states with Blaine amendments, to send their children to parochial schools.

The Court will hear the case during its upcoming term, which begins in October.

About Pioneer Institute

Pioneer Institute is an independent, non-partisan, privately funded research organization that seeks to improve the quality of life in Massachusetts through civic discourse and intellectually rigorous, data-driven public policy solutions based on free market principles, individual liberty and responsibility, and the ideal of effective, limited and accountable government.

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More Than Pretty Available Now

I wrote this book to share my heart. We all go through some of the same things in life. Whether its insecurity, anger, sadness, confusion, or fear, we are all trying to figure life out. The book starts with a personal assessment of why you feel what you feel.

From Grammy-winning gospel singer, television star, and radio host Erica Campbell comes MORE THAN PRETTY: Doing the Soul Work that Uncovers Your True Beauty (on sale September 24, 2019; Howard Books; Hardcover; $26.00; 978-1-5011-8866-4), an inspiring and candid book demonstrating that true beauty is found not in external appearances, but in celebrating the person God made you to be.

So many young women struggle with issues of low self-esteem, depression, self-degradation, and other unhealthy habits that manifest on the outside what is happening on the inside. Moreover, the rise of social media and the emphasis on beauty as validation for self-worth have only added fuel to the fire. But Erica Campbell—Grammy-winning gospel star, reality TV star, and nationally-syndicated radio host—believes that we need to redefine beauty. We need to start to see ourselves the way God sees us—beautiful and perfectly made. True beauty, Erica believes, is about embracing who God made you to be.

In MORE THAN PRETTY, she turns the mirror around, reflecting God’s Word, His affirmations, and His design for every woman. This book explores issues of self-esteem, identity, and God’s design for love and intimacy. She is candid about her own struggles, sharing honestly about her battle to feel “good enough” in an industry that fixates on outward appearances.

Covering topics such as being honest about who we truly are, reflecting on what we have internalized about our appearances, uncovering and exposing the plan of the Enemy, and accepting God’s will for your life, Erica offers thoughtful, hard-won wisdom and encouragement to women from all walks of life, helping build confidence in and through the power of God.

“I wrote this book to share my heart. We all go through some of the same things in life. Whether its insecurity, anger, sadness, confusion, or fear, we are all trying to figure life out. The book starts with a personal assessment of why you feel what you feel. What is the source of those feelings? When we realize we can be better—just by knowing ourselves and being honest—that’s life changing. And having God guide us through the process is all we need to be free, happy, and fulfilled. Let’s all do the soul work to uncover who God made us to be and discover the beauty inside us” says Erica Campbell.

About the Author:

Erica Campbell is a multi-platinum gospel singer (both on her own and as part of the duo Mary Mary, with her sister Tina). Her album Help won a 2015 Grammy Award for Best Gospel Album, as well as eight Stellar Awards. She is also the host of the nationally syndicated daily radio show Get Up! Mornings with Erica Campbell, which plays in forty markets around the country. Erica also stars in the hit We TV reality show Mary Mary. Campbell is married to Grammy Award-winning producer and pastor of California Worship Center, Warryn Campbell II. They have three children—Krista, Warryn III, and Zaya.

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Compensation Resources, Inc. and Christian Leadership Alliance Release the 2019 Compensation Survey Report for Christian Organizations

2019 Compensation Survey Report for Christian Organizations

The data is reported in 8 Christian-based industrial classifications, and also by revenue, employee size, and region, to provide the user with various means by which to examine and evaluate results

Compensation Resources, Inc. (CRI) and Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA) have released the 2019 Compensation Survey Report for Christian Organizations. This year’s survey continues to report on salary and bonus data, along with compensation and benefit information including insurance coverage, paid time off, retirement plans, turnover, work – life, etc. The data is reported in 8 Christian-based industrial classifications, and also by revenue, employee size, and region, to provide the user with various means by which to examine and evaluate results. Results are based on data provided by 101 participating organizations.

To learn more about the 2019 Compensation Survey Report for Christian Organizations, or to order the complete report, please contact Sean Gimpel at (877) 934-0505 x104. You can also visit CRI’s website at or by clicking here for more information and to download a free sample of this year’s survey.

About Compensation Resources, Inc. (CRI): CRI provides compensation and human resource consulting services to mid- and small-cap public companies, private, family-owned, and closely held firms, as well as not-for-profit organizations. CRI specializes in executive compensation, sales compensation, pay-for-performance and incentive compensation, performance management programs, and expert witness services.

About Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA): CLA unites, trains, and equips Christian leaders to think higher for greater kingdom gain. CLA moves beyond good Christian management to empower Christian leadership that is catalytic in its transformation of people, their organizations, and ultimately the world. CLA is an alliance of mission focused Christians who lead in today’s high-impact Christian nonprofit ministries, churches, educational institutes, and businesses. For more information about becoming a member, please contact CLA at (949) 487-0900 or visit us at

Contact: Sean Gimpel

Controller/Operations Manager

Compensation Resources, Inc.

877-934-0505 x104

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Author Johnny White Takes Readers Through a Deeper Understanding of the Lord’s Prayer in His New Book, Teachable Moments

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“Good teachers live for teachable moments when their students are eager to learn, and Jesus was the consummate teacher who saw every common day occurrence…as potential teachable moments. Even Jesus’ enemies conferred upon him the respected title of Rabbi; Good Teacher.”

Teachable Moments: Theological Reflections from The World’s Most Familiar Prayer is an eye-opening read for anyone who has questions about prayer, regardless of cultural or religious background. Author Johnny White shares that people have a need for prayer as a form of asking for help or unburdening themselves, whether or not they believe in the existence of God. At some point, even non-devout people resort to prayer during times of crisis.

Another point the author shares is how much there is to learn from paying closer attention to the Lord’s Prayer. Its words are known to billions of people worldwide, but there’s more to it than meets the eye. It’s true that this prayer shows people how to honor God, but it also encourages everyone to nurture a loving relationship with Him as his or her Father rather than view Him as a divine being to be feared. This prayer also teaches people that they might not get what they want upon asking for it, but that God knows all of His children and will provide what they need in His perfect timing.

For one to truly learn, he or she must have a good teacher and the willingness to listen. “Good teachers live for teachable moments when their students are eager to learn, and Jesus was the consummate teacher who saw every common day occurrence—from birds in the air, to flowers in the field, to seeds wastefully spread on the hard ground—as potential teachable moments. Even Jesus’ enemies conferred upon him the respected title of Rabbi; Good Teacher.” Jesus took every opportunity to preach in public places where the common folk and sinners of society would hear His parables depicting daily events representing the Kingdom of God.

The Lord’s Prayer teaches the value of forgiveness over the pursuit of revenge, and the author says that it is one of the most difficult yet essential acts to practice. While self-forgiveness and reconciliation with others can hurt, the resulting freedom from self-destructive behavior and guilt is indescribable. This great act of forgiveness would not be possible either if it weren’t for God’s great act of love: sacrificing His only Son on the cross to save humanity from sin. It is only because of His example that people are capable of forgiveness in the first place.

There is much to learn from the Lord’s Prayer other than the words in it, but it’s up to the faithful if they will open their hearts to God’s will. “Commit your unknown future, fraught with potential temptations, into the hands of God our Father who wants only the best for you. Then once again, in a loud and clear voice, pledge your allegiance to the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory of God—first and foremost. These are presumptive Teachable Moments from the world’s most familiar prayer. Depart from them only with great caution.”

Reverend Johnny White, author of Teachable Moments, served for more than 25 years helping married couples and single adults as Senior Associate Pastor of Trinity Baptist Church in San Antonio, Texas. After that, he served another 12 years as a pastor and senior pastor of the interdenominational church at Horseshoe Bay, Texas. He retired in May 2017 but continues volunteering with his wife, Patricia, in church and community programs.

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