Category Archives: Society: Christianity

Christian News, these Press Release Syndication’s will keep you up to date on what is happening in the Church today.

Episcopal Relief & Development Partners with the Episcopal Diocese of Texas in response to Tropical Storm Imelda

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“Imelda has impacted many who were slowly restoring their homes. We remain supportive of the diocese as they continue to meet the needs of the most vulnerable members of their community,” said Katie Mears, Senior Director, US Disaster Program.

Episcopal Relief & Development is supporting the Episcopal Diocese of Texas as they respond to Tropical Storm Imelda by providing emergency supplies and support for vulnerable communities impacted by the devastating flooding.

Tropical Storm Imelda dropped more than two feet of rainfall over eastern Texas in mid-September, causing record-breaking flooding in many areas. Parts of Montgomery County and Chambers-Jefferson Counties reported over 40 inches of rainfall. According to the Weather Channel, Imelda is the fifth-wettest tropical cyclone on record in the continental United States.

The organization’s US Disaster team is supporting the Diocese of Texas on a response to the needs of vulnerable communities, many of which were also affected by Hurricane Harvey in 2017. Diocesan staff, clergy and volunteers are distributing gift cards for food, clothing and cleaning supplies. The Abundant Harvest food truck and other church food pantries are providing hot meals and the Laundry Love ministry is helping flood survivors to wash and dry their laundry with the support of Episcopal Relief & Development and the diocese. At the same time, churches within the diocese are working to provide storage for salvageable items while people begin to rebuild. The diocese is also supporting those who have lost wages due to the storm through rental assistance.

“The Episcopal Diocese of Texas has had a lot of hands-on experience with disaster response in the last few years,” said Katie Mears, Senior Director, US Disaster Program at Episcopal Relief & Development. “Imelda has impacted many who were slowly restoring their homes. We remain supportive of the diocese as they continue to meet the needs of the most vulnerable members of their community.”

Please pray for the individuals and families affected by Tropical Storm Imelda. Learn more about Episcopal Relief & Development’s US Disaster Program’s long-term disaster programs here. Donations to the Hurricane Relief Fund will help Episcopal Relief & Development and Church partners respond to the crisis.

For over 75 years, Episcopal Relief & Development has been working together with supporters and partners for lasting change around the world. Each year the organization facilitates healthier, more fulfilling lives for more than 3 million people struggling with hunger, poverty, disaster and disease. Inspired by Jesus’ words in Matthew 25, Episcopal Relief & Development leverages the expertise and resources of Anglican and other partners to deliver measurable and sustainable change in three signature program areas: Women, Children and Climate.

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United Church of God gathers in worldwide assembly to celebrate coming time of Christ-centered global peace

The United Church of God is active on every inhabited continent.

The United Church of God, an International Association, is active on every inhabited continent.

These ancient holy days reflect personal and global transformation.

Advancing a dynamic life journey as dedicated spiritual pilgrims, about 14,000 members and families of the United Church of God, an International Association, will gather to observe the Christ-centered biblical Festival of Tabernacles October 14-21, an eight-day season that portends a future time of unprecedented peace. Church members follow the historic example of Jesus Christ and the first century Church in observing this time of celebration, which biblically reflects the coming Kingdom of God as prophesied by Jesus Himself.

According to Victor Kubik, church president, United Church of God members will assemble at more than 60 sites in the United States, Canada, Asia, Africa, the Caribbean, Europe and Latin America to take part in a contemporary Christian application of the biblical ancient Hebrew Holy Days.

The festival season reflects the goal of a life-long spiritual journey of Christians, who are taught by Jesus from the Bible to “seek first the Kingdom of God” in the book of Matthew, chapter 6, verse 33. “Followers of Jesus are generally described in the Bible as disciples—committed people who confidently spend their life apprenticed to learning the ways of Jesus Christ—and pilgrims—people who regard their current life on earth as temporary and one that represents a deliberate journey toward receiving eternal life,” explained Mr. Kubik.

The church president also pointed out the 14th chapter of the Old Testament book of Zechariah, which predicts a future global restoration and celebration of the Festival. Those alive on earth after the coming return of Jesus Christ as King of Kings (Revelation 19:16) “will go up year after year to worship the King, the Lord Almighty, and to celebrate the Festival of Tabernacles” (verse 16, New International Version).

“We read in the New Testament book of Hebrews that many disciples over the years died in the faith, but died confident of their eternal reward, recognizing that they were but ‘strangers and pilgrims’ on the earth,” he continued, citing Hebrews chapter 11 in verse 13. “The annual observance of the Festival of Tabernacles is rich with spiritual parallels as members journey to distant festival sites to reside in hotel rooms or camps as temporary dwellings.”

“Many scholars confirm that the early Christian church, whose members originally were mostly of a Jewish background, continued to observe the ancient Holy Days in a new spirit and with a new Christ-centered understanding of their meaning,” said Mr. Kubik. “Today we have the marvelous understanding of how these ancient Holy Days reflect personal and global transformation – and how they represent the important message brought by Jesus Christ which outlines God’s incredible plan for all humanity—including a future time where humanity is freed from concerns and troubles like nuclear war and global conflict.”

“We understand from many biblical references that the fall Holy Day seasons—basically outlined in the 23rd chapter of the book of Leviticus—actually prophetically picture forthcoming global events that will completely transform the world as we know it today,” Mr. Kubik added.

Daily worship services (typically in the morning) present powerful sermons and Bible studies that magnify and explain these spiritual principles. The eight-day period also features many family activities and opportunities for fellowship, Mr. Kubik noted.

In the United States, members will gather at 18 sites: Bend-Redmond, Oregon; Big Sandy, Texas; Branson, Missouri; Cincinnati, Ohio; Glacier Country, Montana; Jekyll Island, Georgia; Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii; Lake Junaluska, North Carolina; Lancaster, Pennsylvania; Oceanside, California; Panama City Beach, Florida; Phoenix, Arizona; St. Petersburg, Florida; Steamboat Springs, Colorado; Tampa, Florida; Tucson, Arizona; Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin. The Church will also conduct the festival at five Canadian sites (Blainville, Quebec; Cochrane, Alberta; Midland, Ontario; Osoyoos Lake, British Columbia; Spencerville, Ontario; and St. John’s, Newfoundland) as well as sites in the Caribbean, China, Latin America (six sites), Europe and the British Isles (six sites), Africa (10 sites), Australia (four sites), Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, and Sri Lanka.

Mr. Kubik will address all church members through a special live webcast originating from the Panama City Beach festival site on Saturday, October 19.

How do New Testament disciples observe these days? Church members typically save about a 10th of their income for use at the festival (also called the Feast of Booths in various English translations). These personal funds allow members to fully celebrate the eight-day biblical event, as the Bible specifically directs members to “rejoice before the Lord your God” during this season (see Leviticus 23:40 for details). This helps spiritually foreshadow the coming abundance inherent in the future Kingdom of God. Church members attend the festival with their families, and the Church provides many opportunities for family time together. The worldwide nature of the festival also gives rise to global fellowship and travel, and many friendships are made or renewed each season.

Visitors who would like to observe these days are welcome to attend. “As spiritual pilgrims, we are striving to become better disciples of Jesus Christ, and we welcome the opportunity to share our understanding and experiences with others,” Kubik noted. A daily webcast of morning worship services from the Panama City Beach and the Osoyoos Lake site in Canada are available. More information is also available at this link:

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About the United Church of God, an International Association: More information about the United Church of God is available at . The Church publishes a Bible study guide titled “God’s Holy Day Plan – The Promise of Hope for All Mankind ,”which describes the biblical foundation for the ancient Hebrew Holy Days in detail. The Church publishes the Beyond Today magazine and sponsors the weekly television program (now airing on WGN-America on Saturdays and Sundays) of the same name: Beyond Today.

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Pastor Ronald A. Palmer’s newly released “With God As My Partner” is a real-life story that inspires everyone to accept God as their partner in everything

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“With God As My Partner: An Autobiography”: an inspiring memoir that talks about God’s calling to a person who has a vast faith and trust to Him. “With God As My Partner: An Autobiography” is the creation of published author Pastor Ronald A. Palmer, a hospital corpsman and surgical technician who spent a year in Vietnam from 1966 to 1967. He answered the call of God to preach in April 1969 and to Pastor in 1971. He felt led to write this book to encourage others, especially those pastoring small churches.

Palmer writes, “In 1972, I felt impressed by the Lord to write a book about my life and ministry. He even gave me the title, With God As My Partner. I voiced my objection in prayer by ‘reminding’ Him that I had only been preaching for three years and pastoring for one. I had no experience in writing, but all I heard in return was, ‘Not now.’

“I went through life with many ‘experiences’ (both good and bad) piling up through the years. About four years ago, my wife said, ‘Ron, why don’t you write a book about your life and ministry?’ I didn’t have any good answer for her; and since she is my best friend, my closest confidant, and my dearest prayer partner, I gave it some serious thought. In the following year, I came in contact with three or four others who asked me the same thing. Because of this, I went to the Lord in sincere prayer, and He said, ‘Now is the time.’

“The book is not really in any chronological order but goes back and forth at times as I remember things. Again, the only way I could remember times, people, and names are with God as my partner. I was not striving to produce any item of ‘literary art,’ but something that could be shared with others what God has shared with me through the years. It has been an interesting journey, and I look forward to continuing it.

“When I gave the book its title, it was with a sense of humility, and not arrogance. I am well aware of the fact that the only way I (or anyone else) can ‘partner’ with God is by His grace, realizing that it is all for His glory.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Pastor Ronald A. Palmer’s new book is a fascinating read that allows the readers to accept Christ as their partner in conquering the challenges and journeys in life.

With this purpose, Palmer aims to inspire others through his experiences on how he answered God’s calling as a person.

View a synopsis of “With God As My Partner: An Autobiography” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “With God As My Partner: An Autobiography” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “With God As My Partner: An Autobiography,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Jack Prince’s newly released “Master’s Chef” is an inspiring book that allows the readers to learn about God and His Son’s love, mercy, and compassion to everyone.

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“Master’s Chef”: a masterful tale allowing the readers to know deeper how God and Jesus Christ is devoted and dedicated to love every person in the world. “Master’s Chef” is the creation of published author Jack Prince, a writer who was born with a writing and reading disability, but God took all the excuses away. With technology today, he can write to his heart’s content. Throughout his life, he was influenced by many different cultures, so everyone will see in a lot of his stories and writing his enjoyment and love of those cultures as well as his own.

Prince writes, “Join us, in the first story of this series of discovering a brand-new way of learning about God and Jesus’s dedication, devotion, love, mercy, and grace throughout our lives as the characters learn hard life lessons and learning to weather the storm in their lives and finding out what their true purpose and destiny in Christ, discovering in your own life that everything they have gone through, God will use it for their good and that the Holy Spirit will be there to guide you and Jesus will always be there with you and has already prepared a way out of every storm, every trial and tribulation, and mistakes you have made in your lives.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Prince’s new book shares a remarkable lesson to the readers enabling them to see the grace and genuine love of God amid the storms in life.

This book aims to give hope to the readers and allows them to see God through the presence of the Holy Spirit who guides everyone to the right way out of every tribulation in life.

View a synopsis of “Master’s Chef” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Master’s Chef” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Master’s Chef”, contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Ronald-Osaze S.M. Griffin’s Newly Released “Elephant Crumbs Journal” is a Compelling Journal that Speaks Love and Acceptance

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“Elephant Crumbs Journal”: an inspiring account that allows the readers to know how vast the encompassing love and mercy of God to mankind is. “Elephant Crumbs Journal” is the creation of published author Ronald-Osaze S.M. Griffin, a writer who had written three short stories. He is dedicated to bringing healing to people and to expose things that burden the heart of the Father so the life of many become less complicated, more manageable, and fun.

Griffin writes, “Elephant Crumbs Journal is a God-inspired love book! God talked, I listened, and then I wrote, however, He used my spirit, my heart, and mind, experiences, and voice, to get his points across. For example, Father wants us to love each other the same way He loves us. He considers us family regardless of the country we were birthed in, the color of our skin, education, or our financial status. He wants us to look at who we are now, juxtaposed against whom we were supposed to be, and based on His purpose for creating us. He wants us to not be angry with Adam and Eve for their error in judgment. What if Adam and Eve were teenagers, madly in love with each other? Do you remember your first love? Did you make sense? Did you obey your parents when they said, ‘Don’t see that person’? He wants us to consider the question, ‘What do we need to do now to become the original Adam before sin?’ He wants us to recognize that Adam as one person was male and female. However, after Adam slept, he was Adam and Eve—two people, male and female, husband and wife, the first, the image of marriage.”

“Elephant Crumbs Journal speaks to Love, looks for Love, loses Love even to death, begs for Loves forgiveness! Sometimes it’s the original Adam speaking, other times it’s the Adam that should have been!”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Griffin’s new book is a stirring memoir that shows the greatness of the Lord in loving His people.

With this purpose, the author aims to help the readers understand how much God loves His people regardless of color, race, and status in life.

View a synopsis of “Elephant Crumbs Journal” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Elephant Crumbs Journal” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Elephant Crumbs Journal”, contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Xulon Press Author Assures His Readers That Every Life Has an Eternal Purpose

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In life we learn that something as sublime as love, or the purpose of existence, demands much more than what mere human effort can give

Author Julian Uribe believes nothing happens by chance. He tells a story of a young man whose life was changed by a seemingly chance encounter in El Joven Poeta y el Contador de Historias ($15.49, paperback, 9781545674390; $7.99, e-book, 9781545674406).

In this Spanish novel, a young man searching for a job ends up working on the farm of an old storyteller. Through the man’s stories, young David learns that sometimes one needs the help of a higher power to fulfill his destiny.

“In life we learn that something as sublime as love, or the purpose of existence, demands much more than what mere human effort can give,” said Uribe.

Julian Uribe immigrated to Canada with his wife, his children, one guitar and eight suitcases full of dreams. He is a Christ follower, seed planter, and founder of the ministry Hay Una Historia.

Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 15,000 titles published to date. El Joven Poeta y el Contador de Historias is available online through,, and

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Mary Etta Miller’s newly released “Sad Little Lamb Finds Happiness” is a heartfelt narrative for kids about a sad lamb finding joy in the image of the Baby Jesus.

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“Sad Little Lamb Finds Happiness”: a charming story for the young kids that follows Little Lamb and his anticipation and efforts of wanting to see the newly-born Baby Jesus, who will then bring joy into his sad and lonely life.

“Sad Little Lamb Finds Happiness” is the creation of published author Mary Etta Miller, a writer who has varied life experiences of marriage, homemaking, children, career, church life, heartaches, and joy. She writes with the hope that she can bring about excitement in learning about God and His love for each one of us.

Miller shares, “Little Lamb is very sad because he wants to see Baby Jesus, but he cannot do it on his own. He needs help from a friend. Can he find such a friend? Will he get to see Baby Jesus? Little Lamb will find happiness! Read and find out just how it all comes about. Little Lamb is waiting to let you know.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Mary Etta Miller’s new book is a simple but wonderful illustration that takes the readers back into the time of Jesus’ nativity where one little lamb seeks for the joy and the light that comes with the infant Jesus.

View a synopsis of “Sad Little Lamb Finds Happiness” on – YouTube.

Consumers can purchase“Sad Little Lamb Finds Happiness” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Sad Little Lamb Finds Happiness”, contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Elvis Gomes’s newly released “The Layman’s Way of Understanding the Bible and Your Life” is a powerful handbook that explains the purpose of the Bible in layman’s term.

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“The Layman’s Way of Understanding the Bible and Your Life”: a masterful craft that inspires the readers to open their heart, mind, and soul enabling them to understand the Words of God.

“The Layman’s Way of Understanding the Bible and Your Life” is the creation of published author Elvis Gomes, an ordinary man who has been blessed with the skills of a handyman. He used those skills to empower his everyday life and has always been grateful for what he does have.

He also knows everything in life as a gift from God and had often wished he can find a way to help others understand how important that is to God.

Gomes writes, “This book was written in layman terms, to explain the purpose of the Bible, so that anyone can understand it and not only someone who has studied it. The purpose of this is to express how the Bible and the outcome of your life go hand in hand. You truly can determine the type of life you live by just reading and understanding the Bible. Think of the Bible as your guide; all the rules and answers are in this one book. Even after death, you can still have eternal life, but only if you choose to follow it. The Bible and God are all you need to live a contented and blessed life because God designed it that way. I do pray that this book helps you understand all the aspects of why and how the Bible can change your life. Please read His word carefully and open your heart, mind, and soul to allow Him to take over.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Gomes’s new book is an enthralling text that hopes to spread the Words of God to nonbelievers and everyone to truly understand every single word in the Holy Bible.

With this purpose, the author aims to help the readers understand that the Holy Bible is a book that can change one’s life.

View a synopsis of “The Layman’s Way of Understanding the Bible and Your Life” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase“The Layman’s Way of Understanding the Bible and Your Life” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Layman’s Way of Understanding the Bible and Your Life”, contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Marilyn Love’s newly released “Message Received” is a stirring poetic opus that shares perspectives on God’s grace and magnanimity in life.

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“Message Received”: a well-conceived account containing divinely inspired poems about God, his majesty, and his compassion for his creation. “Message Received” is the creation of published author Marilyn Love, an ardent writer from rural Kentucky.

Love shares, “In this book, you will find the poem ‘Christmas Colors.’ ‘Christmas Colors’ is a true poem. Most of what I write is. I was on my way on Christmas Day 2006 for Christmas dinner with my family. I looked up in the sky and bowed my head in reverence to God. I saw the clouds rolling in red and green. I was breathless from the beauty and knowing the awesome power that our Lord made the majestic scene above me. I had a wonderful day that day. It was like walking on air. No one can ever imagine, no eyes have ever seen, what God has in store for those who love him.

Life takes us down many roads. Through some, we coast along, and some are uphill. If we can learn on the roads, it’s worth storing in our hearts. A wise man dies, and a fool dies. It’s best to be honest with our souls. Peace is not far ahead no matter which road you take ’cause God is always with us.

I love to tell the story of how Jesus and His glory fought for all death and sins on Calvary. And if my happiness and my days of trials and troubles can help shine a light on someone through my poetry, to make someone life better, I have succeeded.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Marilyn Love’s new book is a resounding masterpiece that highlights the Lord’s kindness and mercy to those who heed his call and acknowledge his saving presence in their lives.

“Message Received” is an edifying omnibus of impassioned human thoughts and emotions that greatly appreciates the life-changing glory of God and his empowering gentility toward his people.

View a synopsis of “Message Received” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Message Received” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Message Received,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Xulon Press Author Releases New Book, Mission One: Our Main Purpose

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Mission One: Praise the Son is about how our main purpose here on Planet Earth, our Mission, is to praise the Son of God, Jesus Christ…

Dr. Andrew J. Willis and Dr. Dimetry Cossich’s book Mission One: Praise the Son ($11.49, paperback, 9781545663936; $5.99, e-book, 9781545663943), is available for purchase.

Mission One: Praise the Son is about how our main purpose here on Planet Earth, our Mission, is to praise the Son of God, Jesus Christ, through our words and deeds, our actions and behaviors, and our thoughts and attention. This is indeed a path to a more intimate relationship with the Father.

One aspect of Mission One is similar to Lifestyle Evangelism or the Holiness movement, but Praise the Son living is much deeper, more realistic and purposeful, and way more intimate. It is totally focused on God and not on us. It is living this life and focusing our energies on glorifying Jesus in all that we do. These behaviors, habits, and tools mentioned in this book will enable us to better understand the Lord Jesus and grow closer to Him throughout the years.

Dr. Andrew J. Willis resides in Houston, TX with his wife Cheryl. He is an Evangelist and travels around the world ministering the Gospel. Dr. Willis and Cheryl pastor the River of Life Church in Houston, TX. Dr. Dimetry Cossich resides in Covington, LA with his wife Emme and their children. He is an ordained Minister and a practicing Cosmetic and Family Dentist.

Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 12,000 titles published to date. Mission One: Praise the Son is available online through,, and

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