Category Archives: Society: Christianity

Christian News, these Press Release Syndication’s will keep you up to date on what is happening in the Church today.

Dee Thompson’s newly released “Shattered Dreams, Bondage, and Hope” is a truly inspiring journey through a life of heartbreaks, tragedy, and hopelessness.

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“Shattered Dreams, Bondage, and Hope”: a powerful narrative of a person who was driven to the pits of despair and distress until she found deliverance from a greater power that allowed her to overcome any evil. “Shattered Dreams, Bondage, and Hope” is the creation of published author Dee Thompson, a member of the Navajo Nation and a local government official. She is a product of parochial schooling and now holds a bachelor’s degree from a prestigious university. Currently, the Word of God is slowly making a comeback, but many churches are still empty and there is still a great need for ministers of the true Word of God.

Thompson shares, “The author describes, in her aunt’s words the turbulent and often traumatic past of a woman who struggled to overcome her past and traditions; and establish her own identity as a scholarly, bilingual achiever. Sariah grew up in the early 1900s on the Navajo Reservation. As an uneducated, non-English-speaking young girl, her life was largely influenced and dominated by the ancient teachings and practices of her culture, until she was abruptly introduced to a very different and ominous evil that held her captive for many years. Cornered and driven to desperation, she cried out and sought deliverance from death and despair. In her hour of distress, Sariah discovered there is a far greater power that can overcome the grip of evil. From childhood through her twilight years, Sariah encountered many shattered dreams and heartaches. But in all her tribulations, she stubbornly clung to the belief that whatever circumstances she faced, the divine higher power who delivered her and sealed her future is also faithful and true. This hope and assurance gave her true freedom to rise above adversity and become a woman of God.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Dee Thompson’s new book is an uplifting manuscript that shares a story of hope, faith, and courage as a woman rises above the tribulations that constantly try to keep her down.

View a synopsis of “Shattered Dreams, Bondage, and Hope” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Shattered Dreams, Bondage, and Hope” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Shattered Dreams, Bondage, and Hope,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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David Johnson’s newly released “One Guy and a Briefcase” is an impelling book that gives an idea to the reader on how to achieve freedom in Christ.

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“One Guy and a Briefcase”: a stirring tome that explains who Jesus is and helps one to realize that to be free in Christ is priceless. “One Guy and a Briefcase” is the creation of published author David Johnson, a writer who lets loose on all the years of pent-up frustration with egregious and blatant lies, and reluctance and ignorance of the leaders, to discuss the pillars of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, without the predictable consequence of being cast out after his seventy years of being annoyed with organized religion. He also worked for ten years as a dentist in Bangladesh.

Johnson writes, “This book is for Seventh-day Adventist millennials and all believers, especially those old farts who were born and brought up in the church like me. These are Adventist kids and grown-ups that say ‘Wait. What? That makes no sense. Who is this Jesus they are presenting? He demands that I know the law, the Sabbath, the sanctuary in heaven, the scary investigative judgment, the mark of the beast, the three angels’ messages, about being stranded without an advocate, the fact that Jesus was executed in my place, and the fact that I should revere and obey the Adventist pope—or else.’ Don’t fret.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, David Johnson’s new book is a wholesome craft that prompts everyone that God has given to every individual all the information necessary to understand exactly what God wants to human.

With this purpose, Johnson tries to motivate everyone to free themselves from the shackles of organized religions and try to examine how fun it is to be free in Christ.

View a synopsis of “One Guy and a Briefcase” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase“One Guy and a Briefcase” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “One Guy and a Briefcase,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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J.W. Mikula’s newly released “Why Daddy’s Need Babies” is a heart-touching explanation of why a daddy needs a baby.

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“Why Daddy’s Need Babies”: a compelling children’s story that will strengthen the relationship of a father to his kids. “Why Daddy’s Need Babies” is the creation of published author J.W. Mikula, a writer, inventor, amateur musician, and entrepreneur who, from an early age, loved reading and writing stories of all kinds.

Mikula writes, “Why Daddy’s Need Babies is the much-needed story behind… well… why every daddy needs a baby. This story takes the idea of a “baby daddy” and flips it around. After all, every baby has a daddy… but every daddy needs a baby…”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Mikula’s new book is a well-crafted tale that shows the beautiful connection between the father and the baby.

This book shares a few of the reasons what makes a daddy complete and why babies complete his day-to-day life of being a father.

View a synopsis of “Why Daddy’s Need Babies” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Why Daddy’s Need Babies” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Why Daddy’s Need Babies,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Debora Marion’s newly released “Blue as Blueberry Cupcakes” is a hearty tale about the beautiful, enjoyable, and nourishing treat that are cupcakes

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“Blue as Blueberry Cupcakes”: a colorful masterpiece on the exquisiteness of cupcakes and how they bring joy and comfort to every child. “Blue as Blueberry Cupcakes” is the creation of published author Debora Marion, a preschool teacher, administrator, professor, international early care and education trainer, nutritionist, and motivational speaker.

Marion shares, “‘Blue as Blueberry Cupcakes’ written by Debora Marion and illustrated by her daughter Élaina Marion supports education and nutrition. Reading is an enjoyable experience for children of all ages, and “Blue as Blueberry Cupcakes” is certainly a book that young children will enjoy. This book gives young readers the confidence that they need to succeed in reading. Adults will enjoy reading this book because each picture in this book is represented by easy-to-read text. The book uses predictability that allows young readers to chime in during the reading of the text. In addition, this book contains many beautiful illustrations created by the very talented and very gifted artist, Élaina Marion. Using her special techniques with colors, she has created unique artistic drawings that depict specific characteristics of each object and person displayed in the book. In addition, the author Debora Marion ensures that “Blue as Blueberry Cupcakes” supports the education of young children with both rhyming words and alliteration.

“Blue as Blueberry Cupcakes” is a book that supports young readers learning how to read. Teachers can incorporate “Blue as Blueberry Cupcakes” into their reader’s workshop with young children. In addition, the author includes nutrition education within the text. Teachers may wish to use this book to teach science. For example, teachers may discuss the importance of eating healthy—fresh fruits. In the text, the author introduces the reader to fresh blueberries, raspberries, and green grapes. In addition, at the end of the story, the author includes a simple but very delicious blue as blueberry muffin recipe. Teachers may have children create their own snack. For example, teachers may allow children to measure out the ingredients needed to make the muffins. For example, teachers may allow the children to measure out the blueberries and yogurt.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Debora Marion’s new book is a fun and engaging opus that desires to improve the children’s reading and comprehensive abilities through its skillful use of words and activities that push their minds and bodies into action.

This book is a riveting tool that also treasures the notions of health and wellness as integral aspects of a child’s development.

View the synopsis of “Blue as Blueberry Cupcakes” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Blue as Blueberry Cupcakes” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Blue as Blueberry Cupcakes,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Barbara Lee Johnson’s newly released “Muses and Meditations” is a beautiful spiritual journey through creative pieces that inspire meditation and carry hope.

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“Muses and Meditations”: a brilliant way of conveying the Lord’s message in the hopes of capturing the attention of those who need encouragement and hope to go on with life and its struggles. “Muses and Meditations” is the creation of published author Barbara Lee Johnson, an internationally published author whose wish is to let her readers feel—through her poems—her God-given gift of exhortation. She lives in Granbury with her husband and they have pastored a church in Iowa and in Illinois before moving to Texas.

Johnson shares, “‘Muses and Meditations’ was conceived to take the reader on a spiritual journey. The writer shares the meditations of her heart as her one true muse has revealed and inspired her to write. Come take this poetic journey and be moved by the only real muse…the Holy Spirit.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Barbara Lee Johnson’s new book is a creatively-written manuscript bound to inspire others and take them on a journey through pages that will give light to His great power and love.

View a synopsis of “Muses and Meditations” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase“Muses and Meditations” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Muses and Meditations,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Nancy R. Brister’s newly released “Isaiah the Spider Boy” is a compelling story of a spider who ventured out the world away from his parents with trust and faith in God.

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“Isaiah the Spider Boy”: an enthralling tale that enables the reader to realize that God is a God of mercy and compassion for he never leaves every single person who is lost in their life’s journey. “Isaiah the Spider Boy” is the creation of published author Nancy R. Brister, a person who has been in many art shows, arts exhibits, and has placed and won many awards and selling her artwork at Gulf South Art Galleries and Japonica Gallery. She served as secretary/treasurer for two years

Brister writes, “Isaiah is a Jewish spider boy. Who is bored with his life at home and heads out to the “Big City”. But, in his adventure, he meets up with the wrong people/bugs, who lead him down a road of destruction. He meets Jesus on that road and the Lord helps Isaiah turn his life around. So, little Isaiah goes home to his father/Father God who welcomes Isaiah home with ‘Forgiveness’ and ‘Great Love’. Truly the ‘Prodigal Son’.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Nancy R. Brister’s new book is a well-written craft where every scenario relates to the remarkable verses and phrases that can be found in the Holy Bible.

This book elucidates the encompassing love and mercy of God the Father and the never-ending love and acceptance of parents.

View a synopsis of “Isaiah the Spider Boy” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase“Isaiah the Spider Boy” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Isaiah the Spider Boy,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Betty Hobbs’ newly released “In My Dreams” is a wonderful collection of poetic pieces born from journeys of love, faith, hope, and life.

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“In My Dreams”: a stirring anthology of poems that expresses one person’s faith in life, in love, in hope, and especially in the Lord God. “In My Dreams” is the creation of published author Betty Hobbs, a mother of four who moved to Texas at a very young age. She attended Bassfield High School in Bassfield, Mississippi. She also received an art diploma and has a positive outlook on life.

Hobbs shares, “Looking back over a period of forty-eight years, when my daughter was born, my mother came for a visit. She sat down at the dining table and read a chapter of the Bible. Afterward, she wrote a poem. I thought then, if she could write poetry, so could I. I read the Bible afterward, and God inspired me to write, especially after reading the book of Psalms. Psalms is my favorite book in the Bible. I always had a dream of writing a book and came up with the title, In my Dreams.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Betty Hobbs’ new book is a beautifully created manuscript shared in the hopes of strengthening the hearts and inspiring the souls of those who want to experience the author’s poetic journey.

View a synopsis of “In My Dreams” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase“In My Dreams” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “In My Dreams”, contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Scott Odom’s newly released “Me and JC” is a beautiful tale about not letting dreams go and not losing faith in oneself and in God

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“Me and JC”: a heartwarming children’s book that brings confidence, motivation, and faith in the Lord through a story about young Thumper whose hope was lost when his illness took over. “Me and JC” is the creation of published author Scott Odom, a camp counselor at Camp Sanguinity which is a camp for kids with cancer and blood disorders. He was diagnosed with bone cancer when he was fourteen which resulted in the loss of his right leg above the knee. Yet, he still went on to become the first above-knee amputee to play in a professional basketball game and also cofounded a nonprofit, ABI, which hosts benefit charity basketball games to help kids with cancer and their families. Scott’s mission is to give people hope through his story in hopes it will plant a seed or strengthen their relationship with Christ.

Odom shares, “Me and JC is a story of hope. Thumper’s dream was to become a professional athlete, but his whole life changed when he was diagnosed with cancer which resulted in the loss of his leg. Thumper felt his lifelong dream would never become a reality, and he lived in fear while battling the cancer. He had a hard time fitting in and was ashamed about the way he looked. Thumper was lacking confidence in himself as he would get teased for the way he looked with his robot leg.

“While Thumper was learning how to walk on his robot leg, he found it was very difficult. He was scared and very doubtful; he would never be the same again. Thumper had to learn to build a relationship with his robot leg and trust that it would be there when he took a step, helping him to walk. It was through this battle and relationship in his life where along the way Thumper met a friend that would forever change his outlook on life. This friend gave Thumper the confidence to believe in himself and to know that he has a bigger purpose for his life than what his dream was.

“The story of Me and JC shares the relationship that Thumper has with his friend JC while symbolizing our relationship with Christ. Just as Thumper began to fully trust JC every day, he was able to live out his true purpose. The same goes for anyone who fully trust God daily. No matter what may happen in life, how hard it may get, or how uncertain things may become, trust in Him always and know that you have a purpose in this life.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Scott Odom’s new book is an inspiring read that gives kids who are struggling with cancer or with disabilities someone to look up to or relate to through reading Thumper’s story. Likewise, everyone else will also be inspired in his story as they will see how hard he tried just to overcome the challenges of finding his true purpose in life.

With the author creating a mascot of the main character, Thumper, he is planning to take him all over the country to visit kids in children hospitals, schools, churches, camps, and in many more places to bring the book to life and share the message of hope it has.

View a synopsis of “Me and JC” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Me and JC” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Me and JC,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

“To contact Scott Odom directly you can reach him at 817-991-5327 or at You can also learn more about Scott’s story by visiting”.

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Author Maggie Fetzer’s new book “Visions” is the spellbinding journey of a woman’s awakening to the joy and power of visions in her life

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Maggie Fetzer, an avid traveler, gardener, chef, and mother of three adult children who lives with her husband in rural Ohio with their horses and a collie named Willow, has completed her new book “Visions”: the first volume of her uplifting new trilogy.

After years of feeling sorrow and entrapment, Ellie Grayson makes a bold move to better herself, enrich her life, and begin again. Guidance and inspiration envision Ellie in new adventures through the blessings of an eight-year-old child known as Julia. Julia’s gifts are wrapped in love with all the mystical scents and shades of purple. Ellie, her family, and her friends will relish in all the transitions instilled through Julia.

Be among the many visitors to Oak Ridge Bed-and-Breakfast and witness an awakening in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia.

Published by New York City-based Page Publishing, Maggie Fetzer’s engrossing book is an uplifting tale of love and faith for readers of all ages.

Readers who wish to experience this engaging work can purchase “Visions” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or media inquiries, contact Page Publishing at 866-315-2708.

About Page Publishing:

Page Publishing is a traditional New York-based, full-service publishing house that handles all the intricacies involved in publishing its authors’ books, including distribution in the world’s largest retail outlets and royalty generation. Page Publishing knows that authors need to be free to create – not overwhelmed with logistics like eBook conversion, establishing wholesale accounts, insurance, shipping, taxes, and the like. Its roster of accomplished authors and publishing professionals allows writers to leave behind these complex and time-consuming issues to focus on their passion: writing and creating. Learn more at

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Jocelyn Brown’s newly released “Devil in the Workplace” is a soul-refreshing book that aims to bring awareness to people about how the devil is prominent in the world.

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“Devil in the Workplace”: a compelling discussion of the seven deadly sins and in-depth experience that exposes the dark secrets of the devil. “Devil in the Workplace” is the creation of published author Jocelyn Brown, a writer who is very dedicated to the protection of the environment and has founded Earth Restored Inc. She also fully believes and places her trust in God and understands the spiritual battle for the souls, which is why she believes God has inspired her to write this book.

Brown writes, “Devil in the Workplace personally recalls the negative workplace experiences endured by the author and the connection of those experiences to the seven deadly sins and Satan’s demonic foot soldiers.

In this book, the author identifies the seven deadly sins and toxic personalities as a result of the sins and finally gives the reader God-inspired strategies and Bible scriptures to cope and ultimately overcome the negative effects to effectively survive toxic work environments. Devil in the Workplace is a book inspired by God, so from those seeking a relationship and better understanding to those who already have an established relationship with God will be able to relate to this book.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Jocelyn Brown’s new book recounts the author’s workplace experiences and how each of the seven deadly sins affects the workplace, making many workplaces become filled with distress, discomfort, disillusion, disinterest, and a disheartened experience which leaves many people psychologically and spiritually scarred for life.

With this purpose, Brown aims to protect the readers from demonic powers that threaten to prevent everyone from achieving God’s ultimate plan for humanity.

View a synopsis of “Devil in the Workplace” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Devil in the Workplace” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Devil in the Workplace,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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