Category Archives: Society: Christianity

Christian News, these Press Release Syndication’s will keep you up to date on what is happening in the Church today.

Dale Norris’s newly released “Memoirs of a Missionary” is a beautiful testimony of a well-lived life in the joys of serving the Lord through His people.

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“Memoirs of a Missionary: John Ulrich, Soul Winner”: a captivating journey of one man who has lived his life in the service of God and His people—told in memoirs he had handwritten in his personal journals back when he was still walking this earth. “Memoirs of a Missionary: John Ulrich, Soul Winner” is the creation of published author Dale Norris, a pastor and a friend of John Ulrich. He wanted to publish a book of John’s handwritten accounts so that others could know of his work and be blessed or even be inspired to continue his mission work.

Norris shares, “Inside is a replication of the handwritten notes of John Ulrich, who at the age of fifty-six surrendered to the mission field. Many times at his own expense, he traveled to foreign lands to tell others about Christ. He loved the Lord and bravely proclaimed it to others.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Dale Norris’s new book is an inspiring memoir shared with the intention to give hope and inspire young disciples and believers to be a servant of God, go on missions to spread His Word, and be a witness of His Glory.

View a synopsis of “Memoirs of a Missionary: John Ulrich, Soul Winner” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Memoirs of a Missionary: John Ulrich, Soul Winner” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Memoirs of a Missionary: John Ulrich, Soul Winner,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Author J.E. Franklin’s new book “Crouching at the Door” is a sincere and evocative examination of the emotional pain endured by people traumatized by perfidious sin.

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J.E. Franklin, has completed his new book “Crouching at the Door”: an assertion that America’s primary documents are informed by essential principles derived from the Holy Scriptures, and ought to receive the support of everyone who reckons that he or she is a believer in the teachings of the Bible.

Franklin writes, “Life is good. Your house is swept and put in order. Then you hear a noise outside. You pull the curtain away, peering out the window to see an enticing figure grinning at you. You pull the door open, admiring its scent in your nose, appreciating its voice with your ears. You reach out to stroke the silken fabric it wears, only to caress the roughened hide of a scabrous beast.

Gideon Prossiden is a good cop. At least, he thinks he is. But after being assigned a cold case that goes nowhere and being compelled to fight off impending lunacy from an onslaught of absurd hallucinations, he begins to question his good cop status.

Now he’s tangled up in a keen desire for the coroner’s secretary, and with an equally intense guilt for his less than gentlemanly daydreams about her. But she holds the resolution to his cold case, and he must somehow suppress the lechery in his mind while hiding from his anger about her persistent talk of religion and that ‘God stuff.’

It looks like an angel, white robes gleaming with an inner fire. How can it feel so monstrous? Now the thing at the door snarls, hissing, and your mind is roiling with immoral thoughts, lustful thoughts, while sickening scenes of blood and mayhem spatter the carnal circus.

But there is hope. There is one who stands at the door and knocks, whose brilliantly white robe is not a guise. The crux is, how can you tell the difference between them? Gideon Prossiden stands on that crux, and a pretty, blonde warrior stands beside him, desperately fighting to help him see the truth.

Will he fall, and take her with him? Or will his sleeping soul awaken to journey with her on the path to paradise? The battle for their minds started before time began. Who, or what, will prove to be the victor?”

Published by New York City-based Page Publishing, J.E. Franklin’s engrossing book is a gripping and potent novel exploring human frailty and the psychological and spiritual costs of sin.

Readers who wish to experience this engaging work can purchase“Crouching at the Door” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or media inquiries, contact Page Publishing at 866-315-2708.

About Page Publishing:

Page Publishing is a traditional New York-based, full-service publishing house that handles all the intricacies involved in publishing its authors’ books, including distribution in the world’s largest retail outlets and royalty generation. Page Publishing knows that authors need to be free to create – not overwhelmed with logistics like eBook conversion, establishing wholesale accounts, insurance, shipping, taxes, and the like. Its roster of accomplished authors and publishing professionals allows writers to leave behind these complex and time-consuming issues to focus on their passion: writing and creating. Learn more at

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More Objections to Christianity” is a masterful synthesis of science and the Bible.

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“Truth Seeker: More Objections to Christianity”: a compelling account that introduces a wide range of ancient religious views related to Christianity. “Truth Seeker: More Objections to Christianity” is the creation of published author Warren M. Mueller, a writer who accepted Jesus Christ as his savior and experienced spiritual birth.

Mueller writes, “Was Jesus a Zealot? Has the tomb of Jesus been discovered? Was Christianity an outgrowth of Mystery Religions? What is the relationship between Christianity and the Essenes or Gnostics? Did the Catholic Church create a Bible that is different from apostolic writings? These are some of the questions that have surfaced in recent years and that are discussed in this book. Warren’s father was a deep thinker, a voracious reader, and a seeker after historical truths. He adopted many ideas that challenged traditional Christian views. He believed that religious and political institutions have altered history to reflect their views. While this is true to an extent, there are many solid facts upon which Christianity is founded that support the divinity of Jesus and his redemptive work on the cross. This book continues a dialogue between Warren and his father that spanned more than thirty years and began with Warren’s book: ‘Truth Seeker: Objections to the Bible.’ This book is for those who have questions and problems with aspects of the Bible. It also debunks the ancient alien theory for the creation of mankind.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Mueller’s new book is an enthralling memoir that aims to help to deepen the appreciation of the readers on the deeper study on historical figures, cultures, and religions.

With this book, it gives the readers a deep discussion on the Trinity and the early church, gospel writers, and other subjects related to the development of Christianity

View a synopsis of “Truth Seeker: More Objections to Christianity” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Truth Seeker: More Objections to Christianity” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Truth Seeker: More Objections to Christianity”, contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Xulon Press Author Releases Memoir on Living With Multiple Sclerosis

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This profound autobiography tells the story of one man’s faith to conquer his physical trials and find strength to fulfill his God-given purpose.

Within the pages of Loren Helwig’s new book, Mist in the Wind ($15.49, paperback, 9781545667354; $9.99, ebook, 9781545667361), readers will find a memoir of one man’s journey of overcoming Multiple Sclerosis while working to achieve his personal goals with the motivation to succeed in the face of challenge, insecurity, and the transiency of time.

This profound autobiography tells the story of one man’s faith to conquer his physical trials and find strength to fulfill his God-given purpose. From his grandparents’ immigration from Russia to his shocking diagnosis, Helwig’s inspirational testimony will give readers courage to fight the battles of change, disappointment, and disease and fill you with gratitude for health, family, and friendship.

If you are struggling with MS or any other illness or disability, Mist in the Wind will bring you hope and encouragement as you continue to find victory over your circumstances and pursue your divine potential.

Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 12,000 titles published to date, Mist in the Wind is available online through,, and

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Xulon Press Author Releases Book Based on Her Conversations with God

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This book reminds us to slow down

Within the pages of Gigi Scofield’s new book, As I Look Out of My Kitchen Window ($14.49, paperback, 9781545616604; $6.99, ebook, 9781545619032), readers will find a book containing conversations between God and the author as she looked out of her kitchen window while enjoying the beauty of His creation, family, friends, and wildlife. Through each scene He reminded the author of scripture and she ends with a short prayer.

Scofield believes looking out of a kitchen window can open our eyes not only to the beauty of God’s creation, the love of family and friends, but also the relevance of His Word through everyday life experiences.

“In today’s non-stop society, is your common response, ‘I’m so busy’?” says Scofield. “This book reminds us to slow down, see the beauty of God’s creation, the love of family and friends, to take some quiet moments communicating with the Lord.”

Gigi Scofield grew up in Tarpon Springs, FL and married her high school sweetheart. She is a loving mother to three grown sons and a grandmother of six. It has been her honor to be a pastor’s wife, a Bible teacher of all ages for over thirty-five years (writing many of the lessons herself), a women’s ministry leader, and working mom. Serving God has taken her from Florida to Alabama and, for the past twenty-five years, Montana. While on mission trips to Uganda and Ukraine, she had the pleasure of teaching and encouraging women.

No matter where she is, Gigi loves people and loves the Lord; serving Him is her privilege and joy.

Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 12,000 titles published to date, As I Look Out of My Kitchen Window is available online through,, and

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Xulon Press Presents Readers with a New, Godly Perspective of Themselves

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This book is an invitation to discover the good things that are ours in Christ Jesus

Author Philip Dahn invites readers to see themselves through God’s eyes in Abundantly and Outrageously Blessed: The Power of Seeing Yourself as God Sees You ($14.49, paperback, 9781545616840; $6.99, e-book, 9781545618813). He recognizes that many of us do not view ourselves the way God views us and he encourages readers to see their true image.

“This book is an invitation to discover the good things that are ours in Christ Jesus, and to embrace the truth that in Him we are abundantly and outrageously blessed,” said Dahn.

Philip Dahn has been a student of the Word for more than forty years and a Bible teacher for nearly thirty years. He has traveled widely in the United States, teaching the truths of the Word of God. He currently resides in the greater Raleigh-Durham area in North Carolina.

Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 15,000 titles published to date. Abundantly and Outrageously Blessed is available online through,, and

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Kim Rice Smith’s newly released “The Heart of Hannah” is a wholesome story of a squirrel who became a backyard rock star because of her determination.

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“The Heart of Hannah”: a riveting book that inspires the readers to be motivated and have a determined heart in everything they do. “The Heart of Hannah” is the creation of published author Kim Rice Smith, a writer who is active in her community in ways focused on lifting children and families out of poverty. Her writing was recognized by the North Carolina Press Association in 2006. She just began to find her voice again and enjoys sharing it with other warriors.

Smith writes, “The Heart of Hannah is a funny story about faith, family, and persistence. Hannah is a very determined squirrel who becomes a backyard rock star as she tries to find the secret to the squirrel-proof bird feeder. The story is based on a reader favorite from the Heart of a Warrior blog series. The original blog is included as a bonus!”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Kim Rice Smith’s new book shares a remarkable lesson that would help the readers to be motivated and determined every single day in their life.

With this book, Smith aims to urge the readers to be more like Hannah, the squirrel, who never lost her determination in getting that something she desires.

View a synopsis of “The Heart of Hannah” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “The Heart of Hannah” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Heart of Hannah,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Reverend Gilbert Mutale Mwamba’s newly released “From an Armed Robber to a Pastor” is a captivating true story of how God’s power transforms the worsts in people.

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“From an Armed Robber to a Pastor”: a stirring and beautiful journey of a young notorious criminal who found salvation and deliverance in the hands of God and became His servant whose aim is to spread His Word. “From an Armed Robber to a Pastor” is the creation of published author Reverend Gilbert Mutale Mwamba, a writer born in the town of Kitwe in the province of Copperbelt in Zambia. He was born in a family of ten, five boys and five girls. This book is his journey.

Reverend Mwamba shares, “From an Armed Robber to a Pastor, the book seeks to highlight the eventualities of a living and personal life-changing testimony of Reverend Gilbert Mutale Mwamba, who became a very dangerous and notorious criminal at the tender age of sixteen while attending his junior secondary school. The book tells a true story of the power of God to transform the life of a hard-core criminal into a God-fearing person as a way of winning souls into the kingdom of God. The book takes the reader into a spellbinding story before the power of the Holy Ghost manifests himself to change the tide into God’s divine purpose to showcase his miraculous ways of salvation, healing, and deliverance.”

This book is written by Gilbert Mutale Mwamba, and the text is typed by Mrs. MR Miyoba.

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Reverend Gilbert Mutale Mwamba’s new book is a life-changing and powerful testimony of him as he hopes to give inspiration and faith in the power of the Lord through his own journey in life.

View a synopsis of “From an Armed Robber to a Pastor” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase“From an Armed Robber to a Pastor” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “From an Armed Robber to a Pastor,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Gary O’Neal’s newly released “The Big Game” is a powerful story about a boy who chose to serve rather than win

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“The Big Game”: a moving story of Christlike selflessness, is the creation of published author Gary O’Neal, a man whose life of foster homes, violence, and self-destruction led to his current life sentence in a Virginia state prison. He is a convicted Christian after finding God during a Kairos Four-Day Walk, an event that has left him filled with love and purpose, a freer man than ever.

O’Neal writes, “In The Big Game, a group of city kids are on their way to an all decisive baseball game between the east and the west. While on their way, three friends, Tommy, David, and Brian witness an elderly lady fall. They help her up, and while David and Brian are anxious to continue on to the game, Tommy helps the elderly lady home. As a result, Tommy is late getting to the game and discovers that his team has fallen behind.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Gary O’Neal’s new book is an important and engaging tale that does double duty in helping young readers decide wisely when they find themselves caught between two options.

O’Neal describes a realistic situation with consequences that children can immediately grasp, strongly underscoring the lesson of faith beautifully demonstrated by young Tommy’s inspiring example.

View a synopsis of “The Big Game” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “The Big Game” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Big Game”, contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Carole Robbins’s newly released “Ginny the Giraffe” is a short yet delightful children’s tale about a child exploring the dynamics of family relationships.

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“Ginny the Giraffe”: a charming illustrated book that follows Ginny the Giraffe as she discovers that there’s more to life than fun and games while also realizing what she loves and who she treasures. “Ginny the Giraffe” is the creation of published author Carole Robbins, a retired Air Force nurse who lives in rural western North Carolina with her family and pets. She loves to read, sew, travel, but, most of all, loves God and country.

Robbins shares, “Ginny the Giraffe is about a child exploring family relationships. Ginny has fun but also experiences difficulty with her brother and family dynamics. Ginny realizes life has challenges, but in the end she realizes what is important to her.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Carole Robbins’s new book is a lovely story for kids and their parents that ignites fun and enjoyment as Ginny learns the beauty of family relationships.

View a synopsis of “Ginny the Giraffe” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Ginny the Giraffe” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Ginny the Giraffe,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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