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Xulon Press Author Releases New Book About Seeking God’s Will

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With God’s will, you’ll find success in every aspect of a blessed life

Larry R. Montgomery, D.C.’s book God’s Will: It’s Closer Than You Think ($15.49, paperback, 9781545642689; $7.99, e-book, 9781545642696), is available for purchase.

God’s Will: It’s Closer Than You Think uses the title “God’s will” as an acronym for the steps one should take when seeking God’s will. It contains many stories which articulate the principle described as well as action steps to implement these attributes into one’s life.

Although spiritual symptoms are difficult to treat in the natural, God offers a powerful cure for restoring inner health: following His will. Larry R. Montgomery, D.C., explores the positive effects of pursuing God’s Will that transform the body, mind, and spirit. Through scriptural support, Dr. Montgomery explains the basics of God’s way to wellness through a step-by-step guide filled with comfort and encouragement. Reader will develop traits that reflect the nature of God such as obedience, generosity, and servanthood, and learn how submitting to God’s instructions brings relief and healing to conditions such as stress, anxiety, fear, and heartbreak.

“With God’s will, you’ll find success in every aspect of a blessed life” said Montgomery.

Larry R. Montgomery has more than 35 years of active practice in his hometown of Belton, Texas. He has treated thousands of patients. The long experience has helped him identify those cases which will respond to chiropractic care, greatly increasing the rate of successful outcomes. He and his wife, Priscilla, have two grown sons.

Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 12,000 titles published to date. God’s Will: It’s Closer Than You Think is available online through,, and

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Xulon Press Author Offers a Challenge to Christians Who Are Still Holding Back

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This book is one that is written with the heart of our Father in Heaven to challenge each believer in the Lord Jesus Christ to seek after Him with their whole heart, mind and strength

Author Dennis J. Perkins encourages readers to commit to lives of integrity in Living to Give Your All ($12.49, paperback, 9781545678329; $5.99, e-book, 9781545678336). He believes that God wants His followers’ full allegiance, not simply lip service.

Many who profess Christianity still follow a worldly lifestyle. Perkins points out that we need to re-align our priorities and give God our all.

“This book is one that is written with the heart of our Father in Heaven to challenge each believer in the Lord Jesus Christ to seek after Him with their whole heart, mind and strength,” said Perkins.

Dennis J. Perkins grew up in Yazoo City, MS. He earned his Bachelor’s in Business and Masters in Guidance and Counseling from Jackson State University. He is also the author of Everlasting Love and But the Greatest of These is Love.

Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 15,000 titles published to date. Living to Give Your All is available online through,, and

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Moses Macias’ newly released “Always With Me” is a poignant reflection of finding faith in a life filled with the struggles and complications of illness and disabilities.

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“Always With Me”: a heartfelt account in the life of Moses Macias who, for 21 years, lived in and out of the hospital fighting for his life, while also growing up with the traumas of bullying and abuse and mental illness. “Always With Me” is the creation of published author Moses Macias, a writer born with spina bifida and cleft lip as a child. Growing up, he had to deal with the hardship that comes with being born disabled. He would struggle with depression, drug addictions, suicide, sexual abuse, medical abuse, and the physical pain that comes with surgeries.

Despite all these, he would find comfort in God and surrender his life to Jesus Christ, his Lord and Savior.

Macias shares, “Always With Me is a true story about the life of Moses Macias as he grew up in and out of the hospital for twenty-one years. He was born with spina bifida and cleft lip. As a result, he would have to endure dozens of surgeries as he would fight for his life growing up. Always With Me also details other struggles of growing up disabled such as bullying, depression, suicide, medical abuse, sexual abuse, and pain of receiving medical treatment throughout his life. Despite all the trauma he endures in life, he finds his faith in God.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Moses Macias’ new book is a heart-wrenching journey of one brave soul who wrote this manuscript to share his life in faith despite the endless adversities in it. This book also hopes to inspire people to accept God as the Lord and Savior who will see His people through it all.

View a synopsis of “Always With Me” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase“Always With Me” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Always With Me,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Myrna R. Herndon’s newly released “Truth for Trendsetters” is an illuminating exploration into the transformative Christian truths of God’s Word.

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“Truth for Trendsetters: Affirmations of Faith for Those Responding to a Higher Call”: a moving devotional that sheds light onto the 52 Christian truths and takes everyone on a spiritual journey to illuminate them in life and inspire them to live with these words.

“Truth for Trendsetters: Affirmations of Faith for Those Responding to a Higher Call” is the creation of published author Myrna R. Herndon, a licensed Missionary/Evangelist with the Church of God in Christ Inc. and a graduate of the DeVos Urban Leadership Initiative. She is also a Bible teacher, conference speaker and women’s ministry leader. Holding a Bachelor of Science degree in radio, TV and film, she has over thirty years of experience as a producer/writer in corporate and broadcast production. She is a lifelong learner who enjoys Bible study, history and current affairs.

Herndon shares, “David became a giant slayer, Daniel a diplomat, Rahab a protector, Timothy a pastor because they dared to apply as truth what they knew about God. The truth of God’s word when applied by faith strengthens, develops, and matures you. Often our health, job status, children, finances, and even the weather can turn us one way or the other governing the way we think and feel. The Bible on the other hand has a collection of truths designed to lift you spiritually, emotionally, and personally. Being bold enough to allow truth to govern your outlook changes you. You become—regardless of age or profession—a trendsetter.

“Truth for Trendsetters” takes you on a spiritual journey to explore the truth of God’s Word. When confronted by the challenges of life or moved by a mountaintop experience, you’ll find yourself not only quoting these fifty-two life-changing affirmations but living them. Inspiring and illuminating, this devotional helps you to become your better self.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Myrna R. Herndon’s new book is an inspiring read that will move everyone into attaining spiritual growth as they take these fifty-two truths to heart, embrace them, and live their Christian lives by the power of Christ.

View a synopsis of “Truth for Trendsetters: Affirmations of Faith for Those Responding to a Higher Call” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Truth for Trendsetters: Affirmations of Faith for Those Responding to a Higher Call” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Truth for Trendsetters: Affirmations of Faith for Those Responding to a Higher Call,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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A. Haywood’s newly released “Beyond a Reasonable Doubt” is a complex character-driven story of a woman and her passion of becoming a Christian.

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“Beyond a Reasonable Doubt: The Journey of Sister LuellaSue Mayberry”: a fascinating and heartfelt journey of a woman as she grabs ahold of Jesus in a world that has brought her a number of seemingly endless tribulations. “Beyond a Reasonable Doubt: The Journey of Sister LuellaSue Mayberry” is the creation of published author A. Haywood, a Sunday School teacher, a Discussion Leader, and a Women’s Ministry Leader. Now retired, she volunteers in her community. She has found her greatest passions are teaching, encouraging, and mentoring women in the body of Christ.

Haywood shares, “What does your Christianity look like to you? Or to those outside your world? Is yours confined to within church walls, or is it lived outside of them? And if it is lived out, what does it look like? Beyond a Reasonable Doubt is a fictional multifaceted character-driven story that explores one woman’s journey who was thrown into the raging currents of life, and her only dream was to become a Christian. Each of our lives has profound effects on those within our sphere of influence. As the world’s view broadens its definition of Christianity, is she living her dream?”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, A. Haywood’s new book is a wondrous read along one person’s life as she struggles for freedom from her own past and seeks the light of Christ’s grace. This is a truly wonderful account that will inspire the readers to navigate their own Christian journeys with unending faith in God.

View a synopsis of “Beyond a Reasonable Doubt: The Journey of Sister LuellaSue Mayberry” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Beyond a Reasonable Doubt: The Journey of Sister LuellaSue Mayberry” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Beyond a Reasonable Doubt: The Journey of Sister LuellaSue Mayberry,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Grand Homes Builds New Home in McKinney for Hope International

Grand Homes invites members of the community to attend a groundbreaking celebration of their eighth Home for HOPE. The groundbreaking ceremony will take place on Thursday, October 24 from 12:00 until 1:30 at 5908 Augustine Rd, McKinney, TX in their Wilmeth Ridge neighborhood.

The charity home will be built as part of Grand Homes’ master-planned neighborhood on Wilmeth Road just west of Lake Forest Dr. Grand Homes’ trade partners – subcontractors, suppliers, and consultants – will donate or discount their labor, materials and services to help secure a large donation upon the sale of the home. The donation from the sale of the 4 bedroom, 2,500 square foot home, priced at $444,900, will benefit HOPE International, a microfinance network dedicated to alleviating world poverty by providing financial services for impoverished families. The house can be purchased at any phase of construction – even pre-sold to allow the customer to make the house uniquely their own. Wilmeth Ridge is a master planned neighborhood with a swimming pool, trails along the neighborhood pond and walking distance to Baker Elementary in Prosper ISD.

HOPE’s primary service is to provide loans to poor families in 16 of the world’s most desperate countries. Starting at only $50, these loans enable entrepreneurs to start or expand their small businesses, creating a steady income that will lift their families out of poverty. By providing loans, HOPE gives a “hand up” not a “hand out” to families that will create sustainable business income for future entrepreneurs. Across the country, Homes for HOPE has reached out to over 100 builders and Grand Homes has answered the call a sixth time to participate in the initiative that allows builders to have a worldwide impact simply by doing what they do best: build homes.

Grand Homes will be contributing all proceeds from the sale including donations from their trade partners in the final sum given to Homes for HOPE. Stephen Brooks, CEO and owner of Grand Homes, believes in the idea of giving back. “Grand Homes has always supported, and will continue to support, many local charities to benefit the communities in which we build; Homes for HOPE allows us to have an impact beyond our own community to help eliminate poverty in areas of need throughout the world,” says Mr. Brooks.

For more information on the groundbreaking or Homes for HOPE, please contact Mary Jo Fogle with Grand Homes at (972) 387-6091 or

About HOPE International: HOPE International empowers those living in need around the world to escape poverty by providing microloans, savings services, training, and mentoring to help people become self-sufficient. Working in 12 of the poorest, least-served countries in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, and the Caribbean, HOPE is a Christian faith-based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization focused on alleviating the many dimensions of poverty – physical, social, and spiritual – through microenterprise development.

About Homes for HOPE (H4H): H4H is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to generate funding within the building industry to support the work of HOPE International and like-minded organizations who are helping to eradicate poverty in some of the poorest countries in the world. Visit Homes for Hope online at

The impact of HOPE International and Homes for HOPE can be seen online at

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A Legacy of Gross Negligence Toward the World’s Children Described in New empty tomb Book

One child dying is hard to ignore. Yet, apparently, one million children dying around the world each year are hard to see.

History recounts great deeds by people in the past, with examples given in the new edition of empty tomb, inc.’s The State of Church Giving series.

In contrast, people in the U.S. are building a legacy of gross negligence toward the one million children of the world who are dying from preventable causes each year.

Who Is Ignoring the Dying Children?

One child dying is hard to ignore. Yet, apparently, one million children dying around the world each year are hard to see.

Contacts made with both secular and religious institutional and media leaders have not produced interest in mobilizing to help the dying children.

Too often, global tragedies are only recognized in the rearview mirror: “Never again.” Yet, these child deaths that are happening now are well documented, with calls to stop them going back decades. Still, these children die in what James Grant, then UNICEF executive director, described in 1985 as a “silent emergency.” The silence continues on a broad scale.

Who Are the Children Dying?

The one million children dying each year from preventable causes are not dying as the result of some villain’s willful actions. The children are dying from collective gross negligence among the rest of the world.

The one million children are caught in what is called the “Promise Gap.” In 1990 and again in 2000, world leaders met and “promised” to lower the world’s Under-5 Mortality Rate (U5MR) by setting target reduction goals.

Those goals were not met. The difference between the U5MR target reduction goals, and the actual U5MR numbers, is the Promise Gap. Had the goals been met, if the gap did not exist, one million more children would be alive each year. These are the children the rest of the world is ignoring.

It should be noted that progress was, in fact, made toward the U5MR reduction goals between 1990 and 2015. This progress is due, in large part, to the work of the Gates Foundation, as well as academics and governments, churches, religious organizations, and nonprofits.

However, the gap between the target reduction goals and the actual U5MRs has stayed fairly constant from 2000 through 2017, at about 25% between the goals and the actual U5MR. And that 25% difference results in one million children dying a year. Over the 27 years of goal-setting, at least 27 million children died in that Promise Gap.

Who Is in a Position to Lead?

The new book points to the church (across Christian denominations) to lead toward a solution.

The church is in a unique position to provide the leadership for an extra effort at this point in history to close the Promise Gap: 70% of the U.S. population still self-identifies as Christian; the church still maintains a global delivery network, including for medical needs; the church has a broad communication system; and the church has a common basis for holding its constituents morally accountable for the children’s survival.

The church should be a leader in vision-casting for the society, demonstrating through service in Jesus’ name the power to do good at a scale that matches both the church’s potential and the world’s need.

Instead, the church has allowed itself to become cultural wallpaper. The new book documents declines in giving as a percent of income, and membership as a percent of population, between 1968 and 2017.

At the same time, the book finds that both youth and adults in the U.S. are struggling. Citing various sources, the book notes young people are evidencing more anger and depression. “Deaths from despair (drugs, suicide, alcohol)” are on the rise, and experts refer to “an epidemic of loneliness.”

The mobilization of the church from cultural wallpaper to at-scale vision-casting resulting in broad-based giving by Christians, will not happen without the leadership of one or more key individuals.

Who Is the Church’s George Marshall?

The new book cites historical events accomplished in short timeframes, for example: the Victoria Falls Bridge (1903-1905); elimination of malaria in the U.S. (1947-1949); and the Marshall Plan for the post-World War II redevelopment of Europe (1948-1951).

The book quotes an entry about General George Marshall from President Henry Truman’s diary: “Marshall is the greatest man of World War II. He managed to get along with Roosevelt, the Congress, Churchill, the Navy and the Joint Chiefs of Staff …” It was General Marshall, as Secretary of State, who guided the plan for the European recovery. Countries in Europe, then facing potential famine and devastated industry, were able to raise their Gross National Products by 15% to 25%.

Today, a movement building on church people’s resources and the church’s networks is needed to quickly bring 40 countries on track to meet their U5MR target reduction goals by 2025. This extra effort is needed in addition to the ongoing activities that have contributed to the progress made so far.

What Can Be Done?

Based on the information in empty tomb’s new book, The State of Church Giving through 2017 (29th edition, October 2019), a proposal was drafted to build capacity for the church in the U.S. to work with the 40 countries to achieve their U5MR target reduction goals by 2025. The proposal suggests one possible strategy: expand empty tomb’s Mission Match[R] effort. Mission Match is described in the new book. An excerpt from the proposal follows:

“Background: Because the church in the U.S. does not understand affluence and the need for leadership: 1) Since the 1960s, trends are downward in church giving as a percent of income, and membership as a percent of U.S. population; 2) The church in the U.S. is weakening as an institution, increasingly seen as ‘boring’ and ‘irrelevant’; 3) U.S. society is floundering, for example as reported by Scientific American, ‘deaths from despair (from suicide, drugs and alcohol abuse)’ are rising (3/20/2019); 4) The percent of income given for the larger mission outside the church shrank faster than that for operations inside the church; 5) A Promise Gap exists between target goals set by world leaders for 2000 and 2015 to reduce the global U5MR, and the actual U5MR, though churches still maintain large global frontline networks where many of these deaths occur; 6) The church has not offered a positive agenda for the more than 60-year old affluence in the U.S. to engage church people’s imaginations on a scale both with their financial potential, and the global need of closing, in Jesus’ name, the Promise Gap.

“The Solution: Provide a positive agenda for affluence and close the Promise Gap by expanding Mission Match[R] exponentially, focusing on the 40 countries that were behind the curve in reducing their U5MRs to target levels, helping them be on track by 2025.

“Mission Match has been shown to interrupt the standoff between the Finance Committee/Trustees and the Mission Committee about congregational spending. From 2002-2016, over 80 congregations applied for and matched over $200,000 to do 113 different mission projects. In 15 congregations that received more than one Matching Contribution, spending on international projects as a percent of total congregational spending increased a weighted average of 34% between the first and last Matching Contributions. Relaunched with the focus on the 40 countries, congregational applications have not yet been received.

“empty tomb uses available UNICEF/IGME data to track progress on achieving target reduction goals for both global, and country-specific, U5MRs. With leadership from the Gates Foundation, UNICEF and other government agencies, and academics, e.g., Johns Hopkins University, progress has been made on global U5MR reduction. However, the Promise Gap continues. According to empty tomb’s analysis, the actual U5MR minus the global target reduction goal as a percent of the goal base was 14.6% in 1995, 24.2% in 2000, 26.4% in 2005, 25.8% in 2010, and 24.4% in 2015. However, data indicates it increased to 25.3% in 2017: reduction target, 31 under-5 deaths per 1,000 live births; actual, 39. During the 27 years world leaders ‘promised’ to reduce the U5MR, an average of at least 1 million children under 5 have died each year in this Promise Gap. This selective genocide, based on place of birth and parents’ lack of access to simple solutions experts say could address the 22 causes of death, continues.

“The church, with its delivery networks, theological framework, and potential audience of 70% of the U.S. population that still self-identifies as ‘Christian,’ can provide interventions to help put the 40 countries on track to achieve their U5MR target goals.

“The Budget: The goal budget is $9.6 billion a year, with 85%, or $8.2 billion, matched by congregations. The resulting $16 billion annually reflects need estimates to help achieve the global U5MR reduction goal.

“Stepwise, over five years, a popular movement, with up to about half of the U.S. population donating $50 a year to Mission Match, would build toward the $9.6 billion.

“To reach that point, initial investment from an estimated one-third of those on the Forbes 400 list who may self-identify as Christian, could provide the $9.6 billion with less than 1% of their wealth the first year (2021), with $8.2 billion of that doubled when matched by congregations. The second year, the super rich donations could decrease by 20%, with increasing popular support of $50 donations from the ‘regular rich’ (by world standards). Each year, the super rich could decrease their support by 20% of the original amount, with more broadly-based donations from the regular rich.

“An estimated 98% of $15.5 trillion (2018) U.S. Disposable Personal Income is in the hands of the regular rich, those not on the Forbes 400 list. Why, then, focus on Christians on the Forbes 400 list? Because the super rich bring something the regular rich don’t have: the confidence that actions they take can make a difference. Too many regular rich just don’t believe that their $50 a year can make an impact. The super rich can lead.

“The goal is to close the Promise Gap by 2025, with a global reduction target U5MR of 22.5. The method: assist the 40 countries to reach their 2025 target reduction goals of 30.3 to 36.3.

“For 2019, a suggested amount from a few super rich might be $250 million, with a 2020 amount of $2.5 billion, to build capacity.”

The question remains: Will the church contribute to a legacy of gross negligence toward the one million children dying in the Promise Gap, or will the church provide the vision-casting to mobilize Christians to give what’s needed to address this critical need?

empty tomb is committed to continue to look for the leader(s) who can mobilize church giving on behalf of the children dying in the Promise Gap, whether through networking to reach self-identified Christians on the Forbes 400 list, or working with a gifted capacity-builder who can take this idea from zero to 100 in a short timeframe.

The new book, The State of Church Giving through 2017: What a Can-Do Attitude in the Church+$16 Billion Can Do in Jesus’ Name for the Children Dying in the Promise Gap, the 29th edition (October 2019) is available from Wipf and Stock Customer Service by phone at 541-344-1528 or orders[at] For more information, contact empty tomb at (217) 356-9519.

B. Renee Collins, Ph.D.’s newly released “Happy Thursday” is a potent devotional that invigorates the soul with the fortuitous love of the Lord.

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“Happy Thursday”: a well-written compendium of insights on faithfulness in God to partake of his promised comfort, strength, and satisfaction amid the struggles in life. “Happy Thursday” is the creation of published author B. Renee Collins, Ph.D., a professor of education at Hardin-Simmons University and an associate dean at the Irvin School of Education in the College of Human Sciences and Educational Studies at HSU in Abilene, Texas.

Collins shares, “Are you needing a reminder about the goodness of God? Have you been overwhelmed with the daily stresses of an unbelievable schedule, relationship issues, fear of the unknown, constant depression, or a lack of confidence? ‘Happy Thursday’ contains brief summaries about a joyful, confident, expectation of good, which is hope in Christ Jesus. The devotionals contain the humorous and serious events of an educator’s life connected to biblical truths. Learn more about the finished work of the Cross, the unconditional love of the Father, and how to be victorious rather than a victim.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, B. Renee Collins, Ph.D.’s new book is a perfect reminder of the Lord’s overwhelming benevolence that ushers healing and unsurpassed joy to the soul.

This book lets readers embark on an illuminating journey of studying God’s Word through selected passages that reveal the Lord’s boon that brings success and salvation.

View the synopsis of “Happy Thursday” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase“Happy Thursday” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Happy Thursday,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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David L. Kemp’s newly released “Separation From God” is a brilliant manuscript that circles around God’s laws and instructions and how man veers against them

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“Separation From God”: an important tackling that magnifies the actions of man that keeps them further apart from the Lord as it deals with circumstances and events accompanied with specific Bible excerpts to support the different points. “Separation From God” is the creation of published author David L. Kemp, a writer who has served in the military and has graduated college in Columbia Missouri. He retired from the US Federal Service in 1997.

Kemp shares, “Separation from God is a book dealing with God and Man. It evolves around the constant violating by man of gods.

“Commandments, laws, and instructions. Man, through their actions and sin keep moving further and further away from God. The book starts out over six thousand years ago with the release of the Hebrews from the dictatorial rule of pharaoh and the Egyptians going all the way up to today: 2018. It covers events on a short, broad, and general basis and not by an in depth means. In addition, specific scriptural passages are used in supporting different points.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, David L. Kemp’s new book is a thought-provoking read that will share to the readers knowledge and insights with biblical foundation about how man constantly disrupts the order of God’s laws.

View a synopsis of “Separation From God” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Separation From God” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Separation From God,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Paul Petrus’s newly released “Round Trip to Emmaus” is a masterful story that introduces the women of the past centuries who believed they were freed by Christ

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“Round Trip to Emmaus”: a riveting exposition of the miracles of Jesus, enabling the readers to witness His power and might. “Round Trip to Emmaus” is the creation of published author Paul Petrus, a retired communications practitioner, columnist, and media correspondent.

Petrus writes, “The story introduces courageous women who believed that, because the first contacts of the Messiah were with women, Jesus liberated women from brutal submissiveness in the first century.

“Yet, this viewpoint could still apply to religious women in our twenty-first century. This theory could be also acceptable to women involved in Christian communities and churches who believe they deserve to be elevated to be men’s equals.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Petrus’s new book shares an unforgettable reading experience that enables readers to know the story is relevant today to Christians who believe Christ did not differentiate between men and women.

This book reminds the readers of the story in the Bible where Jesus approached the three men who were about to leave Jerusalem, but then returned after realizing that the man who was with them in their road to Emmaus was the risen Christ.

View a synopsis of “Round Trip to Emmaus” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Round Trip to Emmaus” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Round Trip to Emmaus,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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