Category Archives: Society: Christianity

Christian News, these Press Release Syndication’s will keep you up to date on what is happening in the Church today.

Dale R. Minor’s newly released “Homesick for Eden” is a stirring book that takes the man to an exploration from the beginning to end.

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“Homesick for Eden”: a compelling exploration that draws the readers to discover the edifice of the garden where man started its leap on the earth. “Homesick for Eden” is the creation of published author Dale R. Minor, a person who experienced a move of the Holy Spirit upon which eventually led to stepping aside from a responsible secular position to help start a new church and then to seminary after which he was ordained its priest and pastor.

Minor writes, “Homesick For Eden proclaims and explores the idea that mankind has within him a primordial memory of his beginning, and a strong desire to return there. The search for utopia, for paradise, for the idyllic is ever-present with us, and if we are to embark on this search, we ought to start with what we know about our beginning. This can only be found in the biblical story of creation and from the word of the Creator himself. We begin in Genesis, but we can’t stay there. Our search takes us from the beginning to the end, from Genesis to Revelation as we discover the Eden, God created for Adam. In the process, we may discover a bit more about ourselves and a lot more about God as the story of creation, Genesis 1 and 2, is not a ‘how-to-book’ for building a universe. It is a love story written by the one who is love and who created us to love Him.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Minor’s new book takes the readers back to the era where God created the Garden of Eden as stated in the book of Genesis until to the book of revelation and allows them to see what it looks like and why God created it for mankind.

This book rediscovers the book of Genesis of the Holy Bible to see what the readers can learn about the structure of the garden of Eden and why God considered it all necessary.

View a synopsis of “Homesick for Eden” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Homesick for Eden” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Homesick for Eden,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Robert Hannum’s newly released “Juice and Smoothie Recipes That Heal” is a comprehensive book on amazing edible juices for the body’s health and wellness.

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“Juice and Smoothie Recipes That Heal”: a cyclopedic read that explains the benefits of juices from wholesome fruits and vegetables in keeping the human body fit for life. “Juice and Smoothie Recipes That Heal” is the creation of published author Robert Hannum, a former “juicing expert” for the online resource

Hannum shares, “Discover the healing power of fresh juices and smoothies with recipes proven to help prevent and even treat diseases based on the latest research. The former ‘juicing expert’ for presents over two hundred delicious recipes with no added sugar, plus off-beat topics to delight the beginner and expert alike, such as shocking truths about sugar, recipes for better sex, juicing with cannabis, recipes for your blood type, using succulents and cacti, finding greens in your own back yard, and growing wheatgrass at home!”

“Boost your energy, and improve your memory. Treat diabetes, depression, insomnia, arthritis, cancer, and cholesterol. Lose weight, delay aging, and improve your eyesight—all with recipes based on scientific research that the author cites after each chapter.”

“Learn how to avoid dangers, the importance of juicing for your kids, the most effective cleansing recipes, how to juice on a budget, and the best juice and smoothie machines.”

“Recommended by medical doctors, you’ll learn twenty tips and tricks, ten disease-fighting herbs and spices, twelve unhealthy fruits and vegetables, nutrients you can’t find in supplements, why a fresh juice or smoothie is more nutritious than raw food, and the dangers in store-bought juice.”

“Easy, tasty, and tested recipes that target all your health concerns. The easiest way to get all your daily requirements of fruits and vegetables for optimal health and never pay for another nutritional supplement with these delicious research-based recipes.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Robert Hannum’s new book unveils additional information on alternative sources of juices which present numerous opportunities to reinforce one’s well-being.

This book imparts extensive expertise in the field of nutrition and diet that greatly helps in identifying the pros and cons of food intake.

View the synopsis of “Juice and Smoothie Recipes That Heal” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Juice and Smoothie Recipes That Heal” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Juice and Smoothie Recipes That Heal,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Michael Hodgin II’s newly released “Ehud’s Secret Mission” is a colorful children’s tale about a man of God with a secret mission to save his fellowmen.

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“Ehud’s Secret Mission”: a wonderful opus about Ehud, an appointed man of God, and his clever mission to redeem the Israelites from the clutches of an evil ruler. “Ehud’s Secret Mission” is the creation of published author Michael Hodgin II, a loving family man from Dennis, Mississippi.

Hodgin shares, “Here we have one of the judges from Old Testament times who was sent undercover to accomplish God’s plan. God gives Ehud a secret mission to get His people back in line.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Michael Hodgin II’s new book is dedicated to sharing the magnificent power of God in using ordinary people to do notable deeds in His name.

This book allows children to understand the nature of God as a loving, caring, and responsible deity who sees to it that His beloved people are saved from further harm.

View the synopsis of “Ehud’s Secret Mission” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Ehud’s Secret Mission” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Ehud’s Secret Mission,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Roberta Jackson’s newly released “Scenario Queen” is a gentle reminder of God’s existence and His endless grace even in such a corporeal world.

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“Scenario Queen: God is omnipresent and omnipotent; He never slumbers or fails.”: a fascinating journey of June as she comes across a series of situations where there are choices she must make and challenges she must face. “Scenario Queen: God is omnipresent and omnipotent; He never slumbers or fails.” is the creation of published author Roberta Jackson, an employee at one of the oldest African American congregational churches in the US.

Since young, she has been using writing as comfort and encouragement. For more than three decades, she has continued to encourage and minister to herself and to others using both poetry and song.

Jackson shares, “Scenario Queen is a book filled with circumstances, encounters, and choices that June had to make. These stories may be similar to encounters on your life’s journey as well. As you read this book, whether you’re a believer in Jesus Christ or not, the author’s hope is that you find encouragement that light shines on a past memory or a current circumstance in ways you’ve not thought of before. Just know you are not alone!

“Through this book, hopefully, you see that nothing is a coincidence and that things are going on behind the scenes you can’t imagine. That you might see there are some things that happen which you can’t control, but an all knowing God is watching over you. That He knows the beginning and the end of all things. That God has a way of working things out for the good and sometimes lessens the consequences or blows in some situations. That He’s your provider, protector, redeemer, and deliverer.

“The author hopes you can see how a loving God was there all the time even when you didn’t know it or see it. She prays that you develop a deeper relationship or start a relationship with God as a result. She hopes for clarity and new direction in your life. That your eyes are open, and you see how God is the potter and we are merely His clay on the potter’s wheel. (Jer. 18:3-4)

“As each of you journey through this life, she hopes you discover, with God’s guidance, your destiny or purpose.

“God is the key, and He’s offering it to you. He’s knocking at your heart’s door with open arms.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Roberta Jackson’s new book is a soul-soothing read for those who have faith in God’s existence and in His plans. Likewise, this book also hopes to inspire those who are still in doubt of God and convince them of His power so that they, too, will place their lives in His righteous hands.

View a synopsis of “Scenario Queen: God is omnipresent and omnipotent; He never slumbers or fails.” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Scenario Queen: God is omnipresent and omnipotent; He never slumbers or fails.” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Scenario Queen: God is omnipresent and omnipotent; He never slumbers or fails.,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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R. J. Knight’s newly released “Grimoire” is an electrifying tale of a team of extraordinary students in a battle against darkness

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“Grimoire”: a thrilling opus on the quest of six determined students who face their greatest threat to save those they care about. “Grimoire” is the creation of published author R. J. Knight, a passionate first-time writer from Idaho.

Darkness and evil has many faces, but so does Good. When good and evil clash at an isolated college campus, six of the students—Jim (incredibly strong and humble), Jock (charismatic and compassionate), Scout (timid but with unique and powerful abilities), Micah (strong-willed and faithful), Karma (mischievous and with animalistic capabilities and traits), and Sho (intelligent and logical)—must put aside their di¬fferences and work together to defeat a power that is much greater than any of them. But as more and more of their fellow students disappear and the stakes continue to be raised, will they have what it takes to bring down a deadly evil, or will they even survive?

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, R. J. Knight’s new book is an enthralling tome of chivalry which inspires one to realize the hero within.

Follow the dramatic moments of six unalike students who must put aside their personal impressions and unite to defeat a baneful enemy.

View the synopsis of “Grimoire” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Grimoire” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Grimoire,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Episcopal Relief & Development Works With Partners on a Long-term Response to Cyclones in Mozambique

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“This program will set the foundation on which to build future resilience efforts while addressing the immediate needs of vulnerable communities,” said Nagulan Nesiah, Episcopal Relief & Development’s Senior Program Officer for Disaster Response and Risk Reduction.

Episcopal Relief & Development is partnering with the Anglican Alliance and HOPE Africa on a long-term response to Cyclones Idai and Kenneth, which struck Mozambique earlier this year. A joint program of the Anglican dioceses of Lebombo, Niassa and Nampula, the response will provide direct support to families who were impacted by the devastating storms.

Tropical Cyclone Idai made landfall on March 14, 2019, hitting the provinces of Sofala, Manica, Zambezia, Tete and Inhambane, as well as the neighboring countries of Malawi and Zimbabwe, causing catastrophic damage and displacing thousands of people. According to the United Nations, Cyclone Idai was one of the worst weather-related disasters in the southern hemisphere. Weeks after this disaster, on April 26, Cyclone Kenneth struck the Cabo Delgado area, uprooting thousands more.

In the weeks following the storms, clergy and lay workers from the dioceses of Lebombo, Nampula and Niassa identified communities where no international aid had been received. With the support of Episcopal Relief & Development and other partners, the dioceses provided food, clothes, water purification tablets, hygiene products and other emergency supplies to vulnerable communities.

Episcopal Relief & Development is continuing to partner with the dioceses of Lebombo and Niassa on a joint program to help 4,000 families recover from the impact of the cyclones. The dioceses will distribute farming tools and seeds while conducting agricultural training to help families begin to grow their own food and to become resilient against future storms. Staff and volunteers will help with the rebuilding of infrastructure such as houses and schools, and will provide assistance to individuals to have their identity documents and other critical documents reissued. The program will run through 2020.

“Recovery from Cyclones Idai and Kenneth will be a long-term process,” said Nagulan Nesiah, Episcopal Relief & Development’s Senior Program Officer for Disaster Response and Risk Reduction. “This program will set the foundation on which to build future resilience efforts while addressing the immediate needs of vulnerable communities.”

Please continue to pray for the communities affected by this crisis as well as the clergy, staff and volunteers in the dioceses of Libombo, Niassa and Nampula as they continue to respond.

About Episcopal Relief & Development:

For over 75 years, Episcopal Relief & Development has been working together with supporters and partners for lasting change around the world. Each year the organization facilitates healthier, more fulfilling lives for more than 3 million people struggling with hunger, poverty, disaster and disease. Inspired by Jesus’ words in Matthew 25, Episcopal Relief & Development leverages the expertise and resources of Anglican and other partners to deliver measurable and sustainable change in three signature program areas: Women, Children and Climate.

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Does and Doesn’t” is an enlightening read on diabetes and its effects on the health of patients and their loved ones

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“Diabetes: Does and Doesn’t”: an astute book that delves into diabetes and imparts guidelines on how to deal with it to live a healthier, fulfilling life. “Diabetes: Does and Doesn’t” is the creation of published author Katrina DuPree, a member of St. John’s Lutheran Church.

DuPree shares, “Have you ever wondered what diabetes does or doesn’t do? This book is designed to take you on a journey to introduce the basics of diabetes, share with you the author’s real-life diabetic experiences, and proclaim that the best way to live with a medical condition is to trust God with your medical health or the health of loved ones.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Katrina DuPree’s new book is an efficacious tool for health enthusiasts and patients who are on a mission to learn the repercussions of diabetes in their daily lives and the lives of those who care for them.

This book also highlights the significance of responsible diet and health maintenance in keeping one’s self from further harm.

View the synopsis of “Diabetes: Does and Doesn’t” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Diabetes: Does and Doesn’t” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Diabetes: Does and Doesn’t,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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A Story of Appalachia” is a tremendous love story unfolding along the struggles of 1950s poverty and dangers.

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“The River Blaine: A Story of Appalachia”: a truly captivating tale of love and life following a coal miner and his family as they struggle with poverty in the late 1950s and the risks of their jobs in the coal mines. “The River Blaine: A Story of Appalachia” is the creation of published author Don Adkins, a poet and songwriter. He is retired and living in the hills of northern Missouri.

Adkins shares, “The times and trials of a West Virginia coal miner and his family living in the Alleghany mountains along The River Blaine. The poverty in that area during the late 1950s and the daily dangers of working in the coal mines, along with the simplicity of the people, make this a compelling read. An unexpected beautiful love story develops of tremendous proportions—one you shall never forget.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Don Adkins’s new book is an engaging novel that uses his true to life experiences within these narratives in order to create an excellent story that will leave an impact to the readers.

View a synopsis of “The River Blaine: A Story of Appalachia” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “The River Blaine: A Story of Appalachia” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The River Blaine: A Story of Appalachia,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Bernadette Kolbeck’s newly released “Our Town Series Featuring Simon and Sophia” is an enjoyable narrative that brings some curious kids to a fun learning adventure.

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“Our Town Series Featuring Simon and Sophia: Our Founding Fathers and Town Services”: an illustrated children’s tale that follows Simon and Sophia and their two other friends as they seek answers about their town and roam the place—only to come across to an exciting series of unexpected adventure. “Our Town Series Featuring Simon and Sophia: Our Founding Fathers and Town Services” is the creation of published author Bernadette Kolbeck, a people person who enjoyed serving others and has sampled a variety of jobs and careers. She completed RN and MSN degrees and became the director of nursing at a large assisted-living/retirement facility. After retiring, she has written two large narrative photobiographies of her family.

Kolbeck shares, “What is a town, and how does a town get started? These are some of the questions asked by Simon and Sophia. They were joined by twin friends Ryan and Alyssa, who wanted to know more about Slinger.

“We visited the two most important services a town can offer which is police protection and fire safety. The children learned that the police officer carried most of their tools on their uniform, much as the military. They wear their pistols or handgun in a holster and the big guns close by.

“The tour of the fire department was so interesting. They were shown some of the tools firefighters use on the job, and then they were given a ride in a bright green fire truck.

“Suddenly, across the path of the children ran a dog with a bloody hip, running very fast. The four children ran after it to give the dog help. However, the dog ran into a broken-down building, and was nowhere to be found. Then the four children disappeared. What happened to the children? What happened to the dog? Can you solve this suspenseful mystery?”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Bernadette Kolbeck’s new book is an amusing and educational read for children that will take them into a thrilling adventure as four young friends explore their own town.

View a synopsis of “Our Town Series Featuring Simon and Sophia: Our Founding Fathers and Town Services” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Our Town Series Featuring Simon and Sophia: Our Founding Fathers and Town Services” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Our Town Series Featuring Simon and Sophia: Our Founding Fathers and Town Services,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Joel Nelson’s newly released “Discovering the 3EEE Lifestyle” is a soul-refreshing book that explains discipleship.

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“Discovering the 3EEE Lifestyle”: a compelling discovery of the steps on how to be a good follower and disciple of Christ. “Discovering the 3EEE Lifestyle” is the creation of published author Joel Nelson, a founder, and president of Making Disciples Ministry. He began his ministry in 1980, helping to plant churches in Prince Georges Country, Maryland.

Nelson writes, “Discovering the 3EEE Lifestyle looks at how to achieve Jesus Christ’s command to his church to make disciples. To accomplish this task, you must focus on three primary areas: exalt the Savior, equip the saints, and evangelize the sinner. These are practical steps to help us effectively make disciples. Being a disciple is God’s plan for every Christian.

“Discovering the 3EEE lifestyle begins with ‘exalting the Savior through worship.’ Worship says it’s not about me. It’s not about my wants or desires. It’s not about my ambitions or plans. It’s about me giving everything up for God. Worship is submission. Submission to Christ is the foundation of our relationship with him and the core of true worship.

“Discovering the 3EEE lifestyle continues with ‘equipping the saints through the Word.’ The task of equipping is essentially that of getting people ready to live the Christian life and to do ministry in the world. The operative phrase is found in Ephesians 4:12, to ‘Equip the saints for the work of ministry.’ The result of being “equipped” is Christlikeness.

“The final step in discovering the 3EEE lifestyle is ‘evangelizing the sinner through witnessing.’ It has been noted that most Christians never share their faith with nonbelievers or have never led anyone to faith in Jesus Christ. A disciple is taught that it is his or her duty to witness for Jesus Christ. Every disciple is commanded to make disciples by witnessing, mark them by baptism, and mature them by teaching them all the things that Jesus Christ commanded us.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Nelson’s new book is an encouraging treatise that urges everyone to offer their heart to God for them to become a good disciple and follower of Jesus Christ.

This book calls everyone to establish a daily connection and relationship with Jesus through Bible study, prayer and practicing spiritual disciplines.

View a synopsis of “Discovering the 3EEE Lifestyle” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Discovering the 3EEE Lifestyle” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Discovering the 3EEE Lifestyle,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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