Category Archives: Society: Christianity

Christian News, these Press Release Syndication’s will keep you up to date on what is happening in the Church today.

George H. McClaurin’s newly released “The Prominence of Man’s Existence” is a masterful guide that explains a man’s fate depends on his own decision

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“The Prominence of Man’s Existence”: a masterful handbook written to impart wisdom in recognizing one’s duty and responsibility regarding the spirit of error or good and evil. “The Prominence of Man’s Existence” is the creation of published author George H. McClaurin, a writer who has a vast love and strong faith to God.

McClaurin writes, “This volume 1 of the subject title is a primer of other volumes to come, first in importance, time, or rank; it is the base coat or foundation of other volumes to come. It can be used as an excellent study guide for the righteous saints of God who intend, design, or resolve to God’s will and maintain their salvation, which is a free gift of God through faith in Jesus Christ our Lord.

These are people who are positively influenced and responsive to 2 Timothy 2:15, people who are diligent or studious to present themselves—approved to God, workers not ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth—and folks who testify that, according to 1 Corinthians 1:18 and Romans 1:16–17, the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved, it is the power of God.

Also, we are not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ because it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. In it, the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith, that is, faith leading to faith because it is written that the just shall live by faith.

In the near future, look for the extraordinary life-giving introduction of The Prominence of Man’s Existence: His Origin, Structure, Function, and Destiny from a Biblical Perspective Volume II with the same fact-based compelling and comprehensible reading agility as Volume I.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, McClaurin’s new book is a vivid explanation about man being distinctly manifested, created in the image of God, projected beyond the mere surface of the earth in God’s sight, held in high esteem by God, and being made to exist, to have being, to be, to continue to be, and to live forever.

This book prompts the readers to remain conscious or mindful of their deeds or characteristics or activities that they are of moral character.

View a synopsis of “The Prominence of Man’s Existence” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “The Prominence of Man’s Existence” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Prominence of Man’s Existence”, contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Wanda Peterkin’s new book “God in Eve” details how women must transform their thinking and give their life to God to receive the full rewards of his kingdom.

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Wanda Peterkin has completed her new book “God in Eve”: a spiritual awakening directed to women to become closer to God.

According to Peterkin, “Visiting, working, or leisure time at any public or private conference can lead to the observation of women from all walks of faith. Each dealing with everyday issues of life. The first trait you will notice is their smile. Next is their characteristics. They are a dynasty of peculiar women connected to one—God.”

Published by New York City-based Page Publishing, Wanda Peterkin’s inspiring work describes how the ornament was first existing in Eve. Eve left the legacy to all women.

Their attributes are all the same. Those attributes are the fruit of the spirit. Their outside beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Their inner beauty is adorned with the ornament of God’s light. They are blessed. They are more valuable than rubies. They are anointed with the power of God to handle all trials and tribulations that their life journey retained them in. Women are born with this ornament; however, for it to be enhanced, she must transform her thinking and give her life to God to receive the full rewards of his kingdom. Read how these attributes are obtained.

Readers who wish to experience this inspirational work can purchase “God in Eve” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or media inquiries, contact Page Publishing at 866-315-2708.

About Page Publishing:

Page Publishing is a traditional New York based full-service publishing house that handles all of the intricacies involved in publishing its authors’ books, including distribution in the world’s largest retail outlets and royalty generation. Page Publishing knows that authors need to be free to create – not bogged down with complicated business issues like eBook conversion, establishing wholesale accounts, insurance, shipping, taxes and the like. Its roster of authors can leave behind these tedious, complex and time-consuming issues, and focus on their passion: writing and creating. Learn more at

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Amanda J Gowin’s newly released “For The Love of Charlotte” is a resounding novel of a woman and her family’s love for each other during times of struggle

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“For The Love of Charlotte”: an emotionally driven story that tells of a family who goes through troubled times that test their resolve and compassion. “For The Love of Charlotte” is the creation of published author Amanda J Gowin, a firm believer of Jesus Christ from Indiana.

Gowin shares, “Charlotte Wingate loves her simple life with her husband and daughter. Her heart is weighed down with concerns about her strained relationships with her daughter, sister, and mother. She wonders about her father who left when she was only a toddler and never came back. Through her pain, she has always depended on her deep faith and her husband, Elliott, to carry her through.

“Just as Charlotte is making connections and sees hope in all her relationships, tragedy strikes. They all come together and face their past, present, and future, realizing what really matters is God and family. But is it too late for them?”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Amanda J Gowin’s new book is a reverberating tome that reveals the power of love in bridging hearts and ushering healing of the soul.

This book witnesses to a puissant and inspiring journey in life that grace the readers’ hearts with renewed hope and a better understanding of life

View the synopsis of “For The Love of Charlotte” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “For The Love of Charlotte” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “For The Love of Charlotte,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Help My Unbelief” is a wholesome book that allows the readers to understand the universe as a place where everyone lives

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“I Believe: Help My Unbelief”: a compelling account that inspires the readers to be confident to describe their personal struggles and reaffirming faith. “I Believe: Help My Unbelief” is the creation of published author Larry O. Sullivan, a senior minister desiring to serve people through preaching, teaching, and counseling. He realized many Christians have a distorted view of what it means to live as God intended.

Sullivan writes, “In Mark 9, a father whose son was tormented by a demon came to Jesus for healing. The words of the father sound familiarly inconsistent, “I believe; help my unbelief.” We must admire his transparency, which resonates with us. He wanted more than anything for his son to be healed. Only this itinerant teacher could heal him from the threat of injury and possibly death. When he went to the disciples first and they couldn’t heal his boy, then his faith was shaken. The inconsistency in his words describes a common reality we share as human beings. Believing and having unbelief at the same time sounds like a contradiction.

“The objective is to know all people have beliefs and doubts. It is obvious at home, in school, at work—everywhere. Sometimes Christians need to hear one can believe and be given permission to have doubts in matters of faith. Long-established interpretations and organizational structures may be necessary but are not to displace the reality of God’s love, grace, and truth, shown in the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ.

“I Believe; Help My Unbelief is an attempt to give the reader permission to find positive joy and love for God and demonstrated in our love for each other. It is not necessary to be examples to the world as keepers of truth but rather embracing the love for all people just as God has loved us. This is one thing all Christians can agree upon—to love all people as God has loved us.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Sullivan’s new book is a riveting memoir enabling the readers to grow not as people who think everyone is required to have all the answers for life but rather in one’s vulnerability.

With this purpose, the author urges the readers to have a positive outlook on life and love for God.

View a synopsis of “I Believe: Help My Unbelief” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “I Believe: Help My Unbelief” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “I Believe: Help My Unbelief,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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A Journey From Despair to Hope” is a moving tale of hope and faith in the face of life’s greatest trials

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“You Are Worthy: A Journey From Despair to Hope”: a poignant and powerful tale of faith, hope, and one woman’s remarkable God-given resilience in the face of chaos and tragedy. “You Are Worthy: A Journey From Despair to Hope” is the creation of published author, Linda Thompson, a leader in her local Celebrate Recovery Group.

Thompson states: “The pages of this book could not contain the blessings God has given in the course of writing it. So often, I am just not aware.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Linda Thompson’s new book is the account of how one woman found healing from the chaos of her past and how God turned a potentially devastating slew of life’s most trying experiences into a message of hope, love, and worthiness. Any storm, Thompson’s story reveals, might be weathered by simply trusting in God’s plan and embracing His will.

View a synopsis of “You Are Worthy: A Journey From Despair to Hope” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “You Are Worthy: A Journey From Despair to Hope” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “You Are Worthy: A Journey From Despair to Hope”, contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Christ, the Anointed One” is a wholesome tome that provides the readers with knowledge about the risen Christ.

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“The Third Dimensional Man: Christ, the Anointed One”: a soul-refreshing memoir that presents a contemporary message to the readers about the begotten Son of God who saved the world from darkness. “The Third Dimensional Man: Christ, the Anointed One” is the creation of published author Paul A. Barham, a pastor of a home church and operates a phone-line ministry. He was commissioned by God to write books and to teach and open the eyes of believers about the untold truths and mysteries in the Word of God.

Barham writes, “Paul Barham is married to Michelle Barham and they have four beautiful daughters. They currently reside in Naples, Florida. One morning on his way to work in August 2012, the Lord spoke to him in a vision and said: Paul, listen. I need you to understand the third-dimensional man. Meditate on it, and I will tell you what it means. You are going to minister on the topic. Paul immediately saw the drawing of the image of a man as it morphed into three different stages. He understood the vision clearly and the meaning behind it as it appeared before him in his spirit, but he was unable to explain and communicate clearly to others what he had seen and experienced. Later, it was revealed to him that the third-dimensional man is the Man Christ Jesus in His resurrected and ascended state, a state that we as Christians and believers will also be in when the rapture occurs. What this book reveals is spiritual awareness and empowerment that the children of God possess, and the ability to do great and mighty works in the name of Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Barham’s new book shares a wonderful reading experience as this narrative allows the readers to feel the spirit of the risen Christ, the anointed one.

This book urges the readers to read it as much as they could as it provides them a detailed look at the fall of the Devil and how the darkness was established.

View a synopsis of “The Third Dimensional Man: Christ, the Anointed One” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “The Third Dimensional Man: Christ, the Anointed One” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Third Dimensional Man: Christ, the Anointed One,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Santos Ramirez’s newly released “My Born Again Experience” shares the author journey of discovering the Lord’s enlightening impact in his life

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“My Born Again Experience”: a compelling account that tells of the author’s moment of discerning God in his life that ushered blessedness in his soul. “My Born Again Experience” is the creation of published author Santos Ramirez, an ordained minister and an accomplished licensed chemical dependency counselor.

Ramirez shares, “‘Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again”’ (John 3:3, NIV). ‘My Born Again Experience’ was written as a witness that God is truly who he says he is and can do exactly what he says he can do. The best decision I ever made was to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and to acknowledge and repent my sins. When I made that decision, he placed his Spirit in me, and my spiritual eyes were opened immediately. I am convinced that without God’s intervention in my life, my life would have expired many years ago. I once was lost, but now I’m found; I was blind but now I see. I truly believe God wants us all to know that he loves us and is seeking to have an intimate relationship with us. He wants us to discover and experience what his kingdom is like. One cannot experience nor understand his kingdom with their carnal way of thinking because the person without the spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness and cannot understand them because they are spiritually discerned only through the Spirit. My life was never the same after my encounter with God. It has been an amazing journey full of supernatural events and unforgettable memories. Over the years, I had the opportunity to share with others some of my experiences with God, and they would tell me to write a book about it because they were blessed by it. I hope and pray the words in this book will penetrate the readers’ hearts, and they will be blessed as well. May the Lord receive all the glory and praise for the things he has done and the things he is going to do regarding this book.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Santos Ramirez’s new book exudes with eagerness to testify to God’s benevolence that enriches those who unceasingly believe in him throughout their lives.

This book treasures an exemplary life that is consecrated by the Lord to become an efficacious testament to his love and mercy for all to ponder.

View the synopsis of “My Born Again Experience” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “My Born Again Experience” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “My Born Again Experience,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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John Kehn’s newly released “The Little Eagle” is a delightful narrative for kids that carries the values of bravery, freedom, and independence.

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“The Little Eagle”: a fascinating adventure that shares an amusing story of a curious and brave winged creature born different than the others. “The Little Eagle” is the creation of published author John Kehn, a children’s book writer who created this work which is based from a childhood dream of his. He wishes to share his dream to everyone through this book.

Kehn shares, “Can you see with eyes to see

The most beautiful thing ever seen?

Can you hear with ears to hear

A story about the goodness of Life

That you feel with your heart?

O’ come, little eagle.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, John Kehn’s new book is an entertaining children’s tale for the kids and even adults as it brings a story of joy based on a love for the Scriptures that is written for all people and faiths.

View a synopsis of “The Little Eagle” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “The Little Eagle” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Little Eagle,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Marsha Kelly’s newly released “The Blessing Tree” is a riveting book that is filled with miracles of God and reminds the readers of His encompassing love.

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“The Blessing Tree”: a delightful story that will give the readers hope and encourages them to never stop dreaming and praying, and to always remind them that everyone is created special and perfect. “The Blessing Tree” is the creation of published author Marsha Kelly, a writer who has a vast love and a strong faith in God.

Kelly writes, “The Blessing Tree is a delightful story filled with hope, dreams, answered prayers, and learning that you were created to be someone so very special and perfect.

That we are all miracles. His love never fails, and we are all special in God’s eyes.

“So, enjoy seeing how God moves to fulfill the miracle that he promised our main character ‘Glory’ to live the miracle because he can even use a tree.

“Remember… no matter who you are, how young or old you are God loves you!”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Kelly’s new book shares a beautiful reading experience to the readers as the author shows to them how God loves everyone.

With this purpose, the author aims to tell the readers that God loves everyone equally no matter how young or old a person is.

View a synopsis of “The Blessing Tree” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “The Blessing Tree” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Blessing Tree,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Grow Closer to God by Reading Robert McArthur’s One-Year Daily Devotional, Prayers After God’s Own Heart

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“I made the decision to publish this devotional as an encouragement to others to join me on their own personal journey into intimate relationship with God…There are great benefits to praying prayers that are drawn from the Word of God, because His Word is His will for your life.”

Prayers After God’s Own Heart is a compilation of daily devotionals written by Robert McArthur after committing himself to writing prayers based on God’s Word. The author asks readers to read every biblical passage and personal reflection out loud, this process said to be more effective in helping people focus on each message and allot a few moments of silence to listen to Him. When people develop these good habits, they can build and maintain a more intimate relationship with the Almighty.

In his reflections, the author seeks protection from the evil influences of the enemy so that nothing can get in between him and God’s truth. He acknowledges that the flesh is weak even if the spirit is strong and willing, and he prays for strength against overwhelming odds that may otherwise leave room for doubting His love. This way, everyone has the opportunity to rise above their sins and change for the better, which is what the Lord intends for all His children.

“I made the decision to publish this devotional as an encouragement to others to join me on their own personal journey into intimate relationship with God.” Robert McArthur also explains that, even though each person has a unique experience in relating with the Lord, it does not at all diminish his or her potential to love Him more deeply. “I trust that you will discover that there are great benefits to praying prayers that are drawn from the Word of God, because His Word is His will for your life, just as much as it is for mine.”

Robert McArthur’s daily devotional does not require a person to be well-versed in the Scripture to be able to understand its words. Instead, it welcomes even the undevout members of society and encourages them to take it one step at a time to learn more about God’s Word. He urges people to open their hearts and minds so they can hear the Lord speaking to them. The author also says to look beyond the humdrum of everyday problems, appreciate the beauty of the world He created, and do everything to protect and preserve it as God has tasked mankind to do.

According to the devotional, when a person’s heart is full of love for God and absolutely surrender to His Will, there will be no room for envy, hate, or any form of evil to take root. This way, everyone can follow the example of Christ and be more like Him, which proves the ultimate triumph of good over evil on the day of Christ’s return.

“Remind me that good will always win over evil in the end, and help me to rest in the wonderful hope that if I remain surrendered to Your will, You will set all things right—every hurt, every offense, every injustice—according to the perfect timing of the working of Your plan, in order that You will receive the most glory.”

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