Category Archives: Society: Christianity

Christian News, these Press Release Syndication’s will keep you up to date on what is happening in the Church today.

Althea S. Palmer’s newly released “Touching Fireflies” shares a deeply-uplifting collection of words that breathes hope, love, faith, and clarity

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“Touching Fireflies”: a comforting bind of poems expressing a testament of God’s love and thanking Him for His light in times of heartbreak, loss, and pain. “Touching Fireflies” is the creation of published author Althea S. Palmer, a nurse practitioner and adjunct nursing professor. She is a globe-trekker, seeking the next adventure—including connecting with people, places, and cultures. Her love for writing began when she was still young, and now, her poetry has already been published in several publications.

Palmer shares, “Touching Fireflies is a poetry collection, an expression of the writer’s testimony of God’s relentless love, a vibrant and transcended journey of praise, thanksgiving, empowerment, and inspiration. The book explores love and intimacy contrasted with the harrowing corners of loss, heartache, and hurting. The writer then honors her memory of the rhythm, culture, color, and seducing beauty of her homeland—the island of Jamaica.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Althea S. Palmer’s new book is an inspirational read of messages that speaks about the Almighty God’s grace over His people as it takes the readers along an exploration of love and faith even in times of distress.

View a synopsis of “Touching Fireflies” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Touching Fireflies” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Touching Fireflies,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Author Vivian Lenoard-Frost’s newly released “Remove All Doubts” is an erudite and perceptive book about having faith in God’s plan

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“Remove All Doubts”: a wise and straight-taking invitation to accept God’s plan and live it fully. “Remove All Doubts” is the creation of published author, Vivian Lenoard-Frost, a student of theology and member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

Vivian states: “Find a prayer closet, go to a secret place, and spend time with the savior in prayer. There, the Holy Spirit will teach and guide you. So when the still small voice speaks, just listen and yield to the promptings…Know that God is there. Wherever you are, God is there.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Vivian Lenoard-Frost’s new book beckons its readers to enter into God’s rest as a means of relieving doubt and attaining salvation.

Written with heart and earnest compassion, this book invites readers to reassess how they relate to God and to accept the guidance He gives both through and throughout each of life’s trials.

View a synopsis of “Remove All Doubts” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Remove All Doubts” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Remove All Doubts,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Collection of Books on Prayer to Help Shape Prayer Culture Available

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A Prayer Collective: Four Great Classics on Prayer is a collection of four books on prayer revealing the biblical foundation on which we’ve developed our prayer culture as a global prayer ministry.

Sino & Kellie Agueze’s book, A Prayer Collective: Four Great Classics on Prayer ($13.49, paperback, 9781545679630; $6.99, e-book, 9781545679647), is available for purchase.

A Prayer Collective: Four Great Classics on Prayer is a collection of four books on prayer revealing the biblical foundation on which we’ve developed our prayer culture as a global prayer ministry. The Acts model has helped us recapture forgotten ancient landmarks that precipitated the mighty moves of God. The authors’ goal is to reintroduce these disciplines necessary for world evangelism in these last days.

Pastor JarsinoChe (Sino) Agueze is the founding Pastor of the 633 movement – a ministry calling the nations to seek God first. Sino and his wife Kellie have wholeheartedly committed themselves through many different platforms to a move of God rooted in prayer and resulting in their one billion soul mandate. Pastor Kellie Agueze is the founder of Warrior Nation; a global prayer ministry called to bring prayer back to nations and the nations back to its knees. She also serves as co-pastor of M633 churches. Together, they reach over 2.5 million households a month with the Gospel message of our Lord Jesus.

Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 12,000 titles published to date.

A Prayer Collective: Four Great Classics on Prayer is available online through,, and

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Focused Education and Strong Partnerships Between Teachers, Parents and Students

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Transforming K-12 Christian Education: Inviting the Exceptional Student to your Educational Feast offers suggestions for establishing educational opportunities to all students of every capability

Dr. LeShunda D. Page’s book Transforming K-12 Christian School Education: Inviting the Exceptional Student to Your Educational Feast (12.49, paperback, 9781498497190; $5.99, e-book, 9781498497206), is available for purchase.

In this inspiring and thought-provoking book, veteran educator Dr. LeShunda Page offers guidance toward helping exceptional students who have special needs to excel more in academics within Christian schools through more focused education and stronger partnerships between teachers, parents and students. Transforming K-12 Christian Education: Inviting the Exceptional Student to your Educational Feast offers suggestions for establishing educational opportunities to all students of every capability. This is a necessary and resourceful concept to explore in today’s society when parents want another option outside of public schooling. The author mentions that Christian schools lack this educational opportunity for special needs students, and advocates the biblical notion that we are to teach all. This will help Christian schools help their students.

Dr. LeShunda D. Page’s experience working with exceptional students allows her advice and insight to be characterized as accurate to today’s education system. She makes it apparent through research and personal experience that to direct these students to success, it is a collaboration between the teacher/school, student and parent.

Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 12,000 titles published to date.

Transforming K-12 Christian School Education: Inviting the Exceptional Student to Your Educational Feast is available online through,, and

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Mary Grace, a Sixteen-Year-Old, Finds Home at Boarding School

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I have lived through Mary Grace’s experiences when my whole family had to adjust to living in another country and I had to find my place in a new school.

Debra Burr Downing’s book Mary Grace and the Clarview Girls ($14.49, paperback, 9781545665305; $6.99, e-book, 9781545665312), is available for purchase.

This novel follows sixteen-year-old Mary Grace as her family moves to Canada for her father’s new work assignment. She goes to Claremont Boarding School, an all-girls school where she meets new friends and has some fun adventures. Though there are trials throughout her time there, with her faith, the love of her family, and good friends, she makes it through.

“I have lived through Mary Grace’s experiences when my whole family had to adjust to living in another country and I had to find my place in a new school. Today, I am a high school teacher myself and I see many of these same experiences and struggles in my own students as they struggle to fit into a new school and for many of them a new country” said Downing.

Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 12,000 titles published to date.

Mary Grace and the Clarview Girls is available online through,, and

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Give a Gift with Lasting Impact this Holiday Season with Episcopal Relief & Development’s Gifts For Life Catalog

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“Gifts for Life is a tangible way to bring the work of Episcopal Relief & Development to life,” said Betsy Deisroth, Vice President of Advancement for Episcopal Relief & Development.

During the holiday season, Episcopal Relief & Development encourages friends and supporters to give a gift that will transform a life with Gifts For Life, an alternative giving catalog that offers tangible and meaningful ways to create lasting change in communities around the world.

“Gifts for Life is a tangible way to bring the work of Episcopal Relief & Development to life,” said Betsy Deisroth, Vice President of Advancement for Episcopal Relief & Development. “We know that many churches and individuals look forward to participating each year and we hope you will join them, and us, this holiday season.”

The Gifts for Life program enables individuals and groups to empower transformation in communities worldwide through the purchase of gifts to support those communities. The catalog features a wide range of gift options from $15 to help parents nurture and nourish a child to $1,284 to provide a complete care package to empower a community.

The catalog also includes a new offering to help give children with special needs the opportunity to participate meaningfully in the life of the community. Hearing aids, glasses and other assistive devices are life-changing to children with physical challenges. Additionally, disaster relief kits, drought-resistant seeds, vocational training and bicycles are just a few of the other gift options.

This year, the Gifts For Life catalog is organized to align with the organization’s three key program priorities: helping communities promote the rights of Women; supporting and protecting Children so they reach appropriate health and developmental milestones; and working with families and communities to adapt to the effects of a rapidly changing Climate.

“Organizing the gifts by priority program areas allows supporters to see just how each gift contributes to Episcopal Relief & Development’s work to benefit Women, Children and Climate,” said Esther Cohen, Chief Operating Officer for Episcopal Relief & Development. ”With each order you can be a part of making lasting change for an individual or family, both now and for years to come.”

Gifts for Life purchases are fully tax-deductible, and an excellent way to support the organization’s life-giving work and share that impact with family and friends. These items can be ordered online at, and donors can choose to send a customizable e-card or a beautiful printed card to tell the recipient about the life-changing gift made in their honor. Orders can also be made over the phone by calling 1.855.312.4325 or via mail through the instructions on the catalog or brochure.

Additionally, supporters can download digital resources such as prayers, bulletin inserts, and an Advent calendar poster from the online Advent Toolkit to help dioceses, congregations or groups plan, construct and host an Advent campaign to support Gifts for Life.

About Episcopal Relief & Development:

For over 75 years, Episcopal Relief & Development has been working together with supporters and partners for lasting change around the world. Each year the organization facilitates healthier, more fulfilling lives for more than 3 million people struggling with hunger, poverty, disaster and disease. Inspired by Jesus’ words in Matthew 25, Episcopal Relief & Development leverages the expertise and resources of Anglican and other partners to deliver measurable and sustainable change in three signature program areas: Women, Children and Climate.

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Diane B. Townsend’s newly released book, “Power of Prayer”, is truly an effective tool that will draw one towards a more personal prayer relationship with God.

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“Power of Prayer: ‘When God’s Perfect Will Breaks Your Heart,’” is an inspiring manuscript of testimonies of prayers answered that will undoubtedly motivate its readers to develop a premeditated prayer life. This powerful devotional reveals the key to enduring and surviving the many life-altering storms that overwhelm us. This thought provoking book is the creation of published author Diane B. Townsend, a principal of Tallavana Christian School in Havana, Florida. She holds a master’s degree in Theological Studies and has spent almost four decades working in the area of higher education.

Townsend shares with her readers that “If you feel empty or in one of life’s storms that seem to get more turbulent with each passing day, then a rededication to prayer may be what is missing in your life. Prayer is the most powerful tool we have to connect with God. It is one of the first methods of communication we are taught, as a child, to talk with God. Most of us were taught to ask God to “take our soul” if we were to die before we woke. While many of us devote time to prayer, sadly, most of us never experience more than the surface of its power. Many never break through the heavenly realm where God reigns and the impossible happens.

This devotional encourages you to develop an intentional prayer life—-the kind that will cause God to perform mountain-moving miracles, increase your faith in prayer, fill your emptiness, and even help you see where God is taking you while in that storm.It is my prayer that you will be inspired to step out on a newfound faith in prayer, and join the many believers who are experiencing the ultimate joy of the power of prayer even when God’s perfect will breaks our heart.

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Diane B. Townsend’s new book is a motivating work that will encourage anyone to see through the darkness of struggles with the light of faith in prayer.

View a synopsis of the “Power of Prayer: ‘When God’s Perfect Will, Breaks Your heart’” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Power of Prayer: ‘When God’s Perfect Will, Breaks Your Heart’” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about the “Power of Prayer: ‘When God’s Perfect Will, Breaks Your Heart’,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Dr. Ava S. Harvey Sr.’s newly released “Seven Things Every Believer Needs to Know” is an important manuscript that gives one the necessary spiritual direction

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“Seven Things Every Believer Needs to Know”: an insightful dive into the knowledge about the importance of a good faith foundation, spiritual growth, good judgment, and genuine pray life; while also educates about the misrepresentation of faith and its relation to struggles and feelings of worry. “Seven Things Every Believer Needs to Know” is the creation of published author Dr. Ava S. Harvey Sr., a pastor of the Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church in Mississippi since 1997. He is also a certified mentor through the Mississippi National Guard Youth Challenge Academy, the visionary of the FACE-IT Fellowship Ministry, and has volunteered as a Big Brother Big Sister mentor as well. He was awarded the Pastor of the Year by the Mississippi Music Awards and the prestigious HEADWAE Academic Excellence Award by the Mississippi State Legislature.

Dr. Harvey Sr. shares, “Thoughtfully written and drawing on decades of pastoral experience, Seven Things Every Believer Needs to Know is an essential resource for developing mature Christian spirituality. The Great Commission given by Christ entails the making of disciples through the ministry of teaching. Within the contents of this book are transformative lessons and practical principles that are essential for living the life of faith. Each chapter provides the tenets of support that are fundamental in forming a balanced Christian lifestyle. Too often, believers become disillusioned with God and lose faith when their prayers are seemingly unanswered. There are innumerable misconceptions and incomplete theologies associated with subjects regarding suffering, hardship, and pain. Questions like, “Where is God when I am hurting? Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?” are properly addressed in this guidebook.

“Throughout each page, Dr. Harvey seeks to gently merge theoretical expectations to pragmatic reality at every stage in Christian development. He conveys instructional strategies and biblical information on a range of topics such as stressors and pressure, waiting on the Lord, and force ripening. Nourished by the Holy Spirit and guided with traditional orthodoxy, the pedagogy of this manuscript is suitable for both individual and collective use. It offers a creative framework for small group settings, discipleship-formation classes, and church Bible studies, respectively. Using sound Christian concepts as the methodology, this resource offers a wide array of comprehensive and ecumenical insights for systematic growth. It serves to foster a spiritual synthesis between the classic components of faith, understanding, and knowledge. Seven Things Every Believer Needs to Know is an appealing compilation that provides the reader heartfelt advice, wholesome encouragement with spiritual direction.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Dr. Ava S. Harvey Sr.’s new book is an illuminating source of precious truths written in the hopes that it will assist anyone as they navigate through their faith journey.

View a synopsis of “Seven Things Every Believer Needs to Know” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Seven Things Every Believer Needs to Know” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Seven Things Every Believer Needs to Know,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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Author Cathy Peters-Sidebottom’s new book “Where It All Began” is a gentle narrative describing Santa’s beginning as a shepherd who visited the baby Jesus in the manger

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Cathy Peters-Sidebottom, a retired teacher and mother of three who enjoys spending time on the lake and writing at her home in Tennessee, has completed her new book “Where It All Began”: a faith-based nativity story for young children.

In this book, Santa tells the children of the night Jesus was born.

Published by New York City-based Page Publishing, Cathy Peters-Sidebottom’s beautifully illustrated book is a delightful addition to any Christian library for children.

Readers who wish to experience this engaging work can purchase “Where It All Began” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or media inquiries, contact Page Publishing at 866-315-2708.

About Page Publishing:

Page Publishing is a traditional New York-based, full-service publishing house that handles all the intricacies involved in publishing its authors’ books, including distribution in the world’s largest retail outlets and royalty generation. Page Publishing knows that authors need to be free to create – not overwhelmed with logistics like eBook conversion, establishing wholesale accounts, insurance, shipping, taxes, and the like. Its roster of accomplished authors and publishing professionals allows writers to leave behind these complex and time-consuming issues to focus on their passion: writing and creating. Learn more at

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